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Everything posted by playerap

  1. ..... ebfd will nvr die.. it lives in our hearts!
  2. where did you find this collogne at?
  3. He is still running these forums.. insane its been so long.
  4. looks like a decent game...nothing spectacular tho.
  5. i say playerap for player of his time!
  6. playerap

    Sup guys

    lol that guys a bit angry!
  7. lol dang buddy...didnt know u hated me.
  8. playerap

    Sup guys

    Been a long time!!! miss u all... All those Oldschoo peeps should remeber me !
  9. wow i would NVR GET BORED
  10. http://home.comcast.net/~playerapx/CIMG0416.JPG ::)
  11. playerap

    HALO 2

    give me an holla playerapX
  12. Lol i havent played in the longest time but i can still remeber The Emp days !! LONG LOVE DUNEE!!!!!!
  13. playerap


    Lineage 2
  14. http://www.gamenewscenter.com/forums/ check it
  15. fuk that i pissed my pants
  16. i live in michigan .. and im goin commando all the time!@
  17. :-( Sad..
  18. playerap

    Naked Lunch

    look man its all about the lunch!
  19. id shoot my self..
  20. i cant login damnit
  21. lol Buncha hatas
  22. i Wanna see some of his Models
  23. lol aKarazy nice SS and stuff
  24. WCG ur clan and wat do u win?
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