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Everything posted by babyface

  1. It was probably closed because u went off-topic
  2. I play hark, but Ordos is really the strongest.... To proof it i will play ordos next month i think ::)
  3. None of the two. Take Nav's account, rather long here, lots of post, but all his answers are cr@p ;) I would just look at the posts and the answers and then make my own conclusions..
  4. Rob a couple of banks, and give the money to the poor... Then i'll shoot some dirty criminals and other skum of the earth
  5. I believe with atreides you don't need skills to play them. Atreides tactics: Try to survive till you get 15 mino's, 5 mongoose en fremen snipers, and u are unbeatable... (for most people ;))
  6. Why BUY when u got mp3's ;D
  7. In America everybody is FAT and STUPID.. They are all capitalistic thiefs and would kill their brother for money That's what I at least heared ::)
  8. I am just comparing the so called strongest units of each house: Ordos: Kobra Atreides: Mino Hark: Missle Missle suck compared to Mino and Kobra...
  9. Post this in the Technical Problems Section.. >:( Doc Nyar probably can help you 8)
  10. "what is Gob doing behind our backs?" All i can say is: DON'T BENT FOREOVER !!! ;D
  11. It all depends of sub houses and the maps and the opponent. I believe Ordos is the strongest of all. Then Atreides (try to kill 15 mino's and try to kill 15 missle tanks, what is more difficult?). Hark is the weakest house of all.
  12. I see newbies all the time... Just be gentle to them and treasure them... Take care they make buddies and they will keep comming back, just as i do
  13. Annually you eat at least 12 kilo of bugs in your food...
  14. This means men wash their hands more often then women?
  15. Ok, i found this in another thread, and thought it's worth a thread itself...
  16. It was italian :P
  17. Darn off-topic >:(
  18. Will there be a XVayne winners list, or is he retired?
  19. Blame the english ;D
  20. Darn, thought it is more fun now... I kill alot of opponents in emperor and don't have to feel guilty, or have to worry to go te hell cause i killed somany opponents ::)
  21. Sorry, the page is blocked at the place i am currently at :(
  22. LOL, page is blocked ;D btw, thought u were in RAPTOR??
  23. Well, just 5 members :-[ What would your clan then be??
  24. It's not totally clear, but next time u can use: http://babelfish.altavista.com/
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