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Everything posted by mechadragon

  1. Actually, I just logged in to say that I have been unable to log into the main page for about a week or so. Makes it hard to look up things without the entry page. But I can access other stuff (forums, images, etc.) just not the actual dynamic pages. And if it makes you feel any better Gob, Dune2k is the #1 (and about only) source for Dune game info on the net. So without this site, info on my favorite games goes dark. Yes, I am still around, and I still poke in from time to time.
  2. Ahh... I didn't know that you weren't the original owner of the TDL! I always thought they were trying to take credit for your work. In one sense though, should anyone visit thier site and then look at yours, they may think that all of this is thier doing anyway. But at $7500, they would probably go elsewhere anyway.
  3. In the scene where the Baron flies around Feyd in the steam bath in Lynch's version, isn't Nefud using semuta in the background there? I always assumed that the squealing contraption he was holding was generating the semuta music. He did seem rather into it, yet out of it. :-
  4. Why was it mapped to a dune2k.com subdomain in the first place? Also, I have wondered about this page: http://www.webfxmall.com/sdi/dune2k.html
  5. Yes, cable has no rules since users pay for cable service and it's not publically broadcast. The only guidelines on cable are what the sponsors are willing to back. If you need evidence, starting tomorrow and for three nights consecutively, Comedy Central will air South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut at 1am EST without censoring anything. However, if I am not mistaken, isn't Buffy and it's derivatives a UPN show? UPN is broadcast television, so the FCC rules would apply. However, the moral dictates of popular society aren't what they used to be. Groucho Marx was once almost taken off the air after asking a audience participant with a large family how many children he had, then responding with "I like my cigar, but I take it out every now and then." Saturday Night Live got away with calling people pussy on air every week during the late 80s ad early 90s. As such terms become more common place, the taboo against them weakens, and the FCC has less and less ground to dictate them offensive. In some cities here in the US, radio stations broacast thier music completely uncensored. And the same rules that govern television govern radio for this. It won't be long until FCC censorship is no exsistant, it's being replaced by television ratings and V-Chips.
  6. Vodka s kinda bland and weak IMHO. But then again, I am partial to the little green fairy that lives in a bottle.
  7. I appreciated the links, even if I didn't reply inititially.
  8. All the sources I have seen are C, but I haven't looked too deeply. I linked the source so that the thread originator could look at it and learn from it. Me, persoanlly? If I were to write a Commander Keen type of game, I would attempt to do it in x86 assembly. But for someone starting out, if you targeting Windows alone, try Visual Basic. Visual Basic is such a simple language that a lot of people don't consider it programming at all.
  9. All of id's games are written in C. ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/source/
  10. Yes. Commercial drivel has made *all* music in the US nothing more than a bad trip into 'da hood'. I saw The Darkness by chance the other day. Though I am not a 'fan', I was completely taken off guard by the very 70's sound. It's more 'rock' than rock has been since punk and new wave took over in the 80s. It's refreshing to see something 'original', even if it's retro. The use of falseto was daring as well.
  11. In general, the only horror films to be released over the past decaded wer the "I Know What You Did Last Summer" crapola. Now we are faced with a flood of remakes and 'vs' flicks. However, horror films are getting better in general. There seems to be a pattern with horror being socially unacceptable, then 'cool' becasue it *is* social unacceptable, then commercial as Hollywood mass markets the 'cool' horror films, then stupid becasue all of the horror movies are watered down Hollywood hype, and finally socially unacceptable because of all the bad and "mindlessly violent" horror films Hollywood keeps making... c'est la vie! A couple of quick links for horror fans and horror fans in waiting: http://www.bloodtheatre.com http://www.zombiekeeper.com http://www.bloody-disgusting.com http://www.shiversofhorror.com If you are a fan of the Nightmare on Elm Street (Freddy Krueger) series, check out our community at http://y2krueger.cjb.net, http://kruegerfreddy.cjb.net, and the corresponding fan forum at http://noesforum.cjb.net. You might recognize one of the mods. ;) If you like the original Exorcist, make sure you see Legion - Exorcist 3, which is actually based on the book "Legion" which was Blatty's sequal to the Exorcist. The movie is also directed by Blatty, so it's faitful and stylish. And... a promising Exorcist 4: The Beginning is slated for February of next year. Andrew: Why do you classify A Clockwork Orange as horror? You are the first person I have ever seen say that... but kudos for mentioning two Stanley Kubrick films in your list!
  12. Several refernces can be found in the series The Critic.
  13. I'm not thinking a driver problem, but an invalid call to the OpenGL API. It's a stab in the dark really, but I seem to recall something similar happening to me. It seemed to be addressed with one of the patches, which I had failed to apply on this particular install.
  14. Game of the Year edition is just a rerelease. It includes the soundtrack and v1.05 patch on a CD as well as the Prima strategy guide. So what applies to one applies to the other. Make sure that you have the v1.05 patch installed. If you already have that, try to switch between DirectX and OpenGL renderers in the video configuration and see if the problem still persists. You can find the patch here: ftp://ftp.sierra.com/pub/sierra/homeworld/updates/si_homeworld_update_105.exe
  15. I have all 3.12 Gigs of their FTP server archived here as well. Do you have all of it or just the Dune related stuff?
  16. My rule of thumb is 8 years in either direction. After that, I just can't relate at all. My wife is the only one I ever dated that was older than me though.
  17. If memory serves me right, I began haunting in 1998. The site seems to have become even more popular during my sabatical.
  18. I didn't talk about religion in the other thread, that would be *you* yet again. The only thing you have *discovered* is the your religion makes a convienient scapegoat for you. Either way, if you wish to feel that you are a martyr, more power too you, but stop trying to change the subject. It doesn't matter if you start a flame fest or not, you are still in it, and you still know better. If someone makes a personal attck on you, report them to those in athority, don't put yourself in the wrong. Caid: As far as my not posting, it doesn't mean I'm not reading. I'm not argueing any point, I'm simply not going to allow Nav to manipulate events to make himself seem a victim. He flamebaits, not flames outright. He makes inflammatory statements and waits for others to attack him. As a prime example, in the other thread, he resorts to calling me a "sodomite" when he can make no arugement in his defense on the subject of his beahvior. Here again, he's more interested into pulling a question about his actions into a debate over his religion. Whether or not I am a sodomite has nothing to do with Navs post limit, it's just his way of trying to start a fight with those he doesn't like. If it makes him feel better to picture me as a sodomite, more power to him. It's still irrelavent, and I could care less what he thinks of me. Simply put, Nav is not respectful of all members of the board. Until such a time as he can control himself and be respectful of others, he should have a post limit. If you don't agree, that's fine. But you don't have to be a Nav expert to find examples of why he has it. The powers that be have decided to give him the limit, and have reduced it further since my initial urging. The descisions are in thier hands and not the court of poular opinion. Lowzeewee: I belive that you have a limit as well. Is it such a wise idea to contiune to impose yourself into this conversation while under the same scrutiny? I am sure that the community knows how you feel in this issue, and your further statements are not constructive. It becomes the pot calling the kettle black. You fuel Nav by replying to him, giving him the platform he needs to claim martyrdom. If you have nothing further to contribute, please stop. I'm not trying to hurt Navs feelings. Casting this issue in that light is counterproductive to my intent. Stop giving him room to turn this into a personal attack.
  19. I'm talking about GUNWOUNDS obnoxious arrogance here at FED2K. His behavior on WOL is irrelavent to this situation. Finally, stop blaming your "Christian view" for all of this. No one except you has said anythng at all about religion. I could care less what faith you hold too, it's no excuse for the daily flame fests that *you* participate in.
  20. This is a gross oversimplification, and a further example of why you deserve it. Gob would not have done so if he did not agree, and if others hadn't complained about you before I. All I ever had to state was that what you did daily was no better or different than GUNWOUNDS. I never even had to look at PRP to cite this. AFAIK Gob holds no special favor to me. You would like to think this to be some kind of personal vendetta, but it's not. Spam is obviously a matter of interpritation to most of you. It reminds me of an old quote "Good is what you like, evil is what you don't like". Simply put, if you didn't waste so many of your posts bitching about everyone while praising yourself, you wouldn't be in this situation. With a post limit, you have much less freedom to corrupt the board with your egomaniacal whinning. If you want your post count lifted, start showing signs of improvement. Stop compalining about Lowzeewee, becasue Lowzeewee does not control your behavior and has nothing to do with you. Lowzeewee is in the same boat as you and for much the same reason. You made this bed that you lie in. Keep in mind that you don't have 0 per day limit like others. You are still here and therefore still have the chance to have your limit completely removed. Bitching about it is not going to help that cause any. Attacking Gob isn't going to help. Attacking Lowzeewee has gotten you nowhere thus far. And attacking me is just downright futile since I don't care what you think of me. If you would like for me to advocate your post count be lifted, then listen to the honest criticisms of your behavior and learn from them. There are several good criticisms of you here, but you would rather flame them for thier honesty. I have said before that you are a good poster "when you choose to be". Choose to be such more often. Flame less, talk more. I agree with ACElethal, that a post limit is not the best solution. But I highly doubt that any mod would want to sift through your posts and replace all flames with the term "pink fluffy bunnies" in every insatnce.
  21. Yea... let's just delete all of them... they never come back after all... ;)
  22. Point to consider: This is an annual parade. Considering they do the very same thing each year, why does this year standout as offensive?
  23. http://gaim.sourceforge.net/ That could be another option for you... Look for the Windows port.
  24. No, this thread is not worth the effort. Nav is fully aware of the things he says/does. Instead he will just continue to dodge the subject by claiming that I am attacking his beliefs and not his actions. He's hiding behind faith as if it is the reason he acts like an undisciplined child. There are plenty of people that hold the same beiliefs as he, but they don't make it a personal vendetta. The bible makes no refernces to "spamming n00bs". It is his choice to spew non-stop venom towards others. In other attempts to dodge his behavior, he will try to drag this into an arguement about me. I have made it very clear that I don't care what he thinks about me. A tantrimic 24 year old with an inferiority complex who feels he must dominate adolescents to achieve self worth, is not worth my time. What I do or don't do has nothing to do with his actions. What I do or don't do is irrelevent to the subject. He will dance around the issues as long as people continue to engage him on the subject. He will cast blame on anyone that speaks against him. Don't engage him. Let him fester in his own filth. He made his bed, let him lay in it. If he can't handle the consequnces of his actions, that is his personal problem. In the mean time, he can fling his insluts at me. He can waste his limited posts accusing me of being whatever. It still makes me no differnce, I gave the evidence of his behavior so he could no longer play dumb. I owe him nothing else. And at the end of each of his rants, I can laugh in the fact that his pathetic attempts to snipe me just further my points, and thoroughly amuse me in the process. Flame on little man, flame on....
  25. I'm a sodomite that needs to grow up... Still no spamming n00b? At least get more creative, I've read all this from you before. I didn't say anything about people taking a Christian view. Plenty of people take a Christian view and express it eloquently without being hateful. I inferred you personally were bigoted and hateful, don't confuse the issue. This has nothing to do with faith. This has to do with you. Don't try and dodge the subject. And what about all of the other crud that spews from your finger tips that I cited? You have made no excuses for those yet. They should be good this time, your sanctimonious jargon isn't working. And you are far from righteous. Come on, when are you going to call me a spamming n00b? I've been everything else so far.
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