They'll keep reading them as long as people (obviously in the millions) keep buying them. I doubt millions of people out there keep buying books just because they "hope" for them to be good. If you don't like the first one or two books in a series or by an author, you quit reading unless you're brain damaged. The majority of people like these books. You can keep your six Frank Herbert Dune books on the shelf and ignore everything else.
I wonder if he recorded his answers into a voice recorder and had his assistant type it up for him? ;) I'm excited about Paul of Dune. Especially since I can order it from the library and not have to pay a dime.
I don't see how a new version is profitable only seven or eight years after the miniseries. Dune can't be told within the timeframe of a movie properly, and I think the miniseries did the book enough justice.
All the machinery and advanced powers in the books serve a purpose, though. By the time of the original Dune novel, society is no longer relying heavily on machinery because of the past.
Okay, here's the deal. It doesn't sound very much like Frank Herbert, I'll give it that. But, we have no say in what is published. Either buy it or don't. But don't buy it with the intention of coming on here and saying how awful it is. That's a waste of your money.
That sounds way too complicated. I don't even know where to start. I'm sure I would enjoy it though. I, for one, don't even think about Frank Herbert when I'm reading Herbert & Anderson books. No matter what happens, Dune, the original novel in all its glory, will never change.
Part 1 begins in the year 69 B.G. (Before Guild) Part 2 says: 88 B.G., 19 years later Wouldn't that be 69 B.G., making part 1 88 B.G.??? Sooo confusing.
I don't think he would be angry. I mean, he would probably be proud of his son for continuing his work. Would he agree with everything? Probably not. But that really doesn't matter now.
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