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Everything posted by otheymzefedaykin

  1. I've forgotten, there was a franco-belgian techno band in the early 90's named Pleasure game. One of their hits in france and Belgium was "le Dormeur" ("the sleeper"), the track quoted the famous sentence "the sleeper must awaken !" in french "le dormeur doit se r
  2. it doesn't works :s
  3. I can't believe that... is it real ?
  4. He's not wrong. And he's funny (Israel in Europe...) but he's not wrong on a few points. But he knows that Israel won't be moved, so... ::) Of course, if Israel didn't exist, a lot of problems too. But no one know what it could happen in this case. Israel can be moved like it was created ! without using nukes ? I don't know what you want to say because Israel has nukes ! Iran was many times our ally (like Irak...), it's not the case now. But I don't see why we have to fight them. And you're right, his saying is not new ! But let USA to send their army to die they are here for it. Why must a conflict be done ? Perhaps, but no one knew what nazi did.
  5. It coud be pretty cool... but it loos like Emperor BoD too much...
  6. When I saw your name.. I said "I already know this name... oh Yeeeees : DuneII the maker !" :D !
  7. That's why I prefer the TV version.... And the Jamis death is very emotionnal
  8. not consecutively... the first try was in 1986 for the 1992 OG.. Twice is more liked... 2001 et 2005
  9. I've already seen the TV version by P2P (omg), and i found it good. But on theses DVD, the TV version is sub-titled in French. I'm sure thanks to this, the Anal Smithee version wille be broadcasted in French territory. But, yes, I think that Lynch's movie was really based on the novel, but there was Dino de Laurentiis
  10. Yes you can trust Super-Menteur (Super Lier) ! :D Congrats to London.... :'(
  11. It's already available in France ! But It's a 3DVD box named "ULTIMATE EDITION"
  12. I think it's very funny... sorry !
  13. Have you seen the commercial for the new Citro
  14. A member of our billboard performed a track about Dune called "Lisan-al-ga
  15. Michael is innocent because for him.. a child is so innocent, so sweet, no hairy... so... hem !
  16. 55,6 per cent precisely ! EdricO, you speak French well. Your French is better than my English! :D
  17. Yes I've seen the structures...
  18. Have you remake the vehicules.... they look like 3D units ^^
  19. Yes, Cryo created DuneI.... Cryo Interactive/Network was buyed by its subsidiary company DreamCatcher
  20. Nice and funny skin ;) !
  21. The links are dead now :(....
  22. http://otmfdkn.free.fr/dune/drawing.jpg I drew this in an accountancy course ^^ !
  23. Happy New Year Bonne ann
  24. A nice Christmas present for us ? Thanks :) !
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