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Sardukar or Fremen???


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That's very true...........or is it!?  Guerilla style warfare is a very good strategy to use, if u know what you are doing, so therefore a good strrategist would use guerilla warfare well.  this therefore means the Emperor:BFD is a game of strategy, but there are many different strategys hidden within it..........

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I vote for the fremen. Even without riding a worm the Fedaykin can thrash up vehicles easily and Fremen Warriors own infantry, including Sardaukar. Just shove them on infantry rock and BOOM! Bye  bye Sardaukar!

Anyway you can churn out Fremen faster than Sardaukar with 3 Fremen camps. Even the normal Sardaukar costs more than a Fedaykin. And not to mention a camp is cheaper than a barracks.

Only problem with Fremen is that they do not come out on guard mode. It's irritating to have to manually put all your Fremen on guard.

Oh well their superior abilities make up for it.

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dont ferget to mention ur able to just quad-droople they're speed since u can make as many fremen camps as u want...they dont use ANY enrgy.

also fremen have longer range and are stealth snipers.

but then again once a sard gets him in sight...one hit one kill......guess it depends on whose using either subhouses.

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Sardaukar benifits from hit points while the Fremen benifits from cloaking divices. Both enables then to live long er than the average soldier.(duh) ::)

I see some people belittle the cloaking device. Do not underestimate it, bacause many Freman can decloak all at once and take you by surprise.

The average Sardaukar is excellent in taking out infantry. Normal hollow-points can't kill them in one shot.

The Sard Commanders are not all that good in taking out infantry, except the knife. They dish out more damage simply cause they've got better HP.

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i think the sards are better becuse i had a big force of sards like 30 miniguners and the guy sent in about 25 frem fedakein and i spatered them all over the battlefeild but i lost half my guys to so i think there even

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Sardaukars are more meant for giant armies or little squads. Or support. But Fremen can't attack with too many. But in groups they are very dangerous against single units. And the Fremen can take alot more missions on their own

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Fremen feydakin are good

The regular one is waste of money after you have upgraded (a few stealth snipers aren't so bad)

But the sardaukar is good in a 25:75 mix 25% elite and 75% regular

the regular one have very good effective at infantry and medium at vehicles...

and the elite is to take down air and slay infantry + support a bit in the vehicle battle. laser sux without speed...

They are both good... but sardaukar are good when u have a 15 units

and feydakin are good in a 5 troop...

And a small fremen group don't have a chance against sardaukar...

But a 10 units on each side 5 of the best and 5 of the not so good. If they had guard order on, and you don't gave any commands the sardaukar will win...

But if you are playing as fremens, they are the winners!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

i love them both i generally use harkonnan and with there lack of snipers fremen are good to help replace them and squads of sauduakars are great especially as raiding units there so fast for infantry and the elites do good damage to vehicles so a good sized group of them can take down lone untis aswell as unguarded harvesters also they are resistent to sniper bullets.

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I go for power. Think about it, a minos gone by 1 hit by 3 feydikin at once. Three Sardukar elites take god only knows how many shots. And The elites cant call a worm. The reguler sardukar is better then reguler Fremen but the feydikin makes up so much for that its not even funny.Until next post, Vilgent.

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I think that the Sardaukar are better because they can take more hits. If fremen under mino fire there toast. But Sardaukar elites can take a full barage from a mino. Sure the regular sardaukar will die but still a group of both types is deadly. Dont get me wrong I have alot of respect for the fremen they have save my @$$ a few times, and they are pretty powerful. But still in my opinion the Sardaukar are the better choice.

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Bah, Thats why they're cloaked. Feyds in 3 can take out minos it one blast. Three Sardukar elites cant do shit against a mino, I mean no offense to any of you who love Sardukar a lot, I mean I like them to, but I'm a person of power and Fremen come in a lot more hnady in real battles. until next post, Vilgent.

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