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Good FPS games...


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I want to buy another GOOD First-person shooter. Here are my criteria:

It MUST NOT be rated "M"; I'm only 14. :'( (So, no Unreal or anything.)

Multiplayer: 30%

AI: 20%

Graphics: 20%

Single player: 15%

Interface: 15%

I would like some team-based missions (like Renegade), and perhaps vehicles or something.

I was thinking either BattleField 1492 or MOH: Allied Assault. (The demo was very good.)

I already have: Renegade, Jedi Outcast, Elite Force, Dark Forces, and Jedi Knight.

Any suggestions?

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well, tribes 2 is a fun game, it's a lot like ut 2k3 but not as gory as it, I am pretty sure it's rated T (for teen) and i think it is for 13 and up, so unless your parents dont' like it, you should be able to get it

it has lots of different types of online games

it has capture the flag, which is the most popular game

it has just regular shoot-em up

and it has construction servers, which you have tools and you can build bases and stuff, takes a while to learn but it's kind of fun to do once in a while

note: it's a game mainly for online play, it has single player, but it's not much fun

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Yeah, if you're looking for something like Renegade's C&C MP mode, Tribes is definately the way to go. It has quite a few vehicles, weapons, and items, and it's VERY team-based, unless you just play deathmatch.

I would also recommend getting Mysteries of the Sith, the add-on for JK. It has a really neat class system in MP. For example, you can be a bounty hunter and start out with force persuasion and a carbonite gun; or a soldier and have a repeater, rail detonators, and a lot of health; or you can be like me and be the scout, with a blaster rifle with scope, and force speed, etc.

Finally, if you like co-op, Definately check out System Shock 2. It has an amazing single player mode as well. The storyline is amazing, and it's extremely atmospheric. It's not bloody at all, either (except for little "splats" when you hit them with a bullet, but it doesn't stick to walls or anything, and the bodies don't squish into red heaps). I've never played it, but it has a co-op MP mode which is supposedly really good too.

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My criteria are:

Atmosphere (depends on harmony of story, graphics, sounds, music and such): 30%

Originality (see AvP2 and you'll find out): 30%

Interface (options and menu order, but including weapons using and balancing): 20%

Graphics: 10%

Music: 5%

For them is best Aliens vs.Predator 2, which I recommend.

It MUST NOT be rated "M"; I'm only 14. :'( (So, no Unreal or anything.)

What is "M-rate"? Come to Slovakia here you can buy anything, just you need money and at least be alive ;D

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Shogo is fun and R/F too, man me and my lil bro kicked butt in that game, the funniest thing to do is stick bombs on others, or join up and do suicede bombs he stuck a bomb on me and I ran upto someone and and BAM hehe, no wonder we were kicked all the time.

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U could check out Battlezone 1 and 2, it's futuristic game where USA and Russia are invading space.

Ure a commander, makeing missions on various planets. Its like Renegade only u r building base also while in FPS view. U can enter vechicles, u can build vechicles, u can build various weapons on vechiles.

Like playing Emperor while ure in Lazer Tank :)

I havent played Battlezone 2 yet, but 1 kicked serious a$$.

Anyways, a great game.

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i am dissapointed in you people...

just becouse its rated m dosnt mean they wont let you buy it.... ::)

i baught dead or alive beach vollyball which is rated m and the retailer didnt even say anything.

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Halo isn't for PC, is it?

But anyways, I've narrowed it down to either BattleField: 1492 or Medal of Honor, Allied Assault.

A couple questions:

BF: 1492's "conquest" mode is like C&C mode in Renegade, right?

Does BF: 1492 have those damage indicaters on enemies, like Renegade? I loved those things, but I haven't found them in any other FPS.

So, any suggestions?

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My favorite FPS is the No One Lives Forever series, especially NOLF2. For action, humor, graphics, characters, story, and variety of missions, it can't be beat. The main character, Cate Archer, is super hot for a pixel chick. Music, voices, everything is awesome. You ride snowmobiles, motorcycles, trains, and planes. You skydive without a parachute just like in a 007 movie. You scuba dive and fight ferocious sharks. The variety is great. In FPS games, nothing compares to NOLF2 in overall goodness. It's not just another military shooter (for those, I've heard a lot of great things about Ghost Recon). Try the NOLF series. You won't be disappointed. :)

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But anyways, I've narrowed it down to either BattleField: 1492 or Medal of Honor, Allied Assault.

Back on topic! *Poke poke* :P

So, does anyone have either of those? IF so, what do you think of them?

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