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I doubt anyone is still here from the days when Westwood was still hosting the E:BFD fourms. Like DIGITALPLASMA, Mungers, Delphi, Devinoch, or anyone from the old [=3rd=]Regiment clan.

Jus ignore this if you have no idea what I'm talking about.



yea im one of the real oldies......although i just joined this site i few days ago. Well i was in 3rd way bak when the game was released i use to play with munger, hellsrift, and bretek all the time.....i know u were in the clan with a name like sabukar(i think) but i dont remember if i ever really met u.....im gonna be coming bak to emperor soon if you still play.


I'm from the old emperor boards, i've started playing E:BFD in november 2001 ;) but have long left :P i'm still hanging around these boards though :)


well i consier myself an oldbie. i've been around more than like 3/4 of the people who still play. August of i think 2001 over here. didn't get it on the release day but it was still pretty early. i wonder if anyone here remembers the clan DIE...that was my first real clan. the Draconis Imperial Elite. *sigh* i miss the good ol days. i could host a game and literally like at least 2 people'd join immediately. and there were hella more games up too. *sigh* and there were actually people in the chat room thing. god i miss the good ol days. i used to have one helluva kickass atreides rush on knife fight. me and an OLD!! buddy of mine named xjumper13 used to do a ordos/atreides combo that'd kick the shit outta almost anyone. i almost actually stopped playing back then because i lost interest. i'd literally kill anyone. but then back then i was only playin newbies because only newbies would play with me. i wasn't too well known til i joined FEW. well, enough of my life story. i'm sure noone actually cares. heh


That's cool, I remember Mungers, Bretek and Hellsrift too! I din't really keep in touch with them though. The only reason Im not sure why Dplaz's name stuck out, prob because he was always in trouble with Dev.

You an really consider yourself an oldie if you remember the "Ahh!!! I've discovered a murder plot" thread, It was like the biggest spam thread ever on the boards... ...ah the good ol' days :'(

Actually my name was just [=3rd=]Sardaukar back then.



Yeah, I can confirm DP is posting on the Generals boards.

Btw TFSKILLER, do you use that nick as well in Renegade while playing ?

Yes, I use this nick everywhere, atm WC3, Renegade (WOL+Gamespy) and __TFSKlLLER__ on the Zone (Chess and MW4)


Greetings again,i'm crazyf1 as some of you might remember.

ken,save your "crazy is back bullshit" because i dont wanna repeat that entire thing again.

It's been a while since i'v last seen digital plasma though,he was a cool guy.


It's been a while since i'v last seen digital plasma though,he was a cool guy.

The only great thing about him are his bragging abilities, but in that he was unbeaten.

I never beat him in EB4D, cause he ducked me successfully every time.


I remember Crazy ;)


If ya didnt know you can log in as crazy and edit your viewable name to Stoned Hyena maybe even Gob will move your post over if ya ask him...

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