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I 'm at it again.

I 'm leaving. Seriously. Not coming back with another nickname this time. Nor am I mad at anyone.

I apologise to the people that we worked together on mods. Sorry.

BTW, the reason I posted here is so that the thread reaches 600posts ;D ;D ;D

(having already announced twice that I 'm going to leave, then remaining and then leaving abruptly may sound kinda stupid. Well it is, but there are serious reasons I do it).

*Cough cough* ::) ::)

Nice to see that you're back though.


Ok I am back but wont be updating much for the next day or so..

Ghostly square can take the place of Djcid as he dropped out for various reasons.

I have recieved 3 placements of players armies, (although one person placed 26 armies, me IM him now to fix that)

More info to come...I guess you can IM me about placement of armies as only one person e-mailed me.

Still waiting for other peoples placement.

Bashar has made a program to decide battles, although I could use a random generator instead of picking #'s out of a hat.

For now I would say we not use alliances, it would be much funner for all compete and not 2 people destroy everyone else, even though they would have to destroy one another once enemies are destoyed, maybe in later rounds.

The rules for the game can be found at my website found in my signiture.

While waiting for the other coordinates I should dwork on the map as to placing the armies, but I wont be posting it until everyone has submitted their army placement, so dont wait until everyone has submitted their army placement as they wont be revealed until everyone has submitted.

And I will create a new thread once I have recieved all info and am ready to start game.(for gamplay)

more info later.

1. NaMpIgAi - Corrino, Red - Recieved coordinates

A3 C7 D1 D6 D7 F2 F4 F5

2. Dunenewt - Ix, Purple - Recieved coordinates

B1 B2 B5 C1 C10 E4 E8 E9

3. ExAtreides® - Atreides, black

A4 A8 B4 C9 E7 E10 E12 F3

4. Earthnuker - Fremen, yellow - Recieved coordinates

A1 A5 A6 C2 C3 C6 D3 D4

5. ken124578 - Harkonnen, Blue - Recieved coordinates

B6 C8 D2 D5 E2 E6 E11 F1

6. Ghosty_Square - Ordos, Green - Recieved coordinates

A2 A7 B7 C4 E1 E3 E5 F6

Neutral - B3 C5 D8

now awaiting 1 players coordinates


ExAtreides® your inbox is full may I remind you and others to empty some IM's so I can IM you about the game. ExAtreides® and ghostly square if you could please IM me your placement of armies. only 17 armies.

I am currently adding info.bmp to all territories.

Does anyone know how to contact ExAtreides®? he has been online a lot, but not posting his army positions and his IM inbox is full and I don't beleive his email adress.

So if anyone sees him around please tell him to check this thread and clear his IM inbox.

Also if ghostly square doesnt reply sometime this week or so then we should look for a replacement. I would nominate DukeLeto for that position if it came to that.


Someone did submit a random # generator in this thread(not here now but I have it on my computer), but I felt it wasnt very random at picking the numbers.

Dont forget to submit your coordinates to me Ghosty_Square and ExAtreides®(IM). you can only place 17 armies on any of your territories.(and place capital)


Andrew, could you IM me the coordinates of my units back? I want to check something...

I just reciceved them, and they seem to add up to 17(which is good) I will send them back but we shouldnt all want to change where our armies are before the game starts as it will take longer to start.(but I will this once)

I have found an error in my statistics, and stuff. I forgot to cound "D8" It will be a neutral territory now. Not too big of a problem. It is on the maps, I just forgot it somehow.

There should be 51 territories now.(if anyone wants to check please do)

My ws_ftp pro is not working at the moment(somewhat freezes computer), so my web page wont be updated until it is working.

Will try rebooting computer and uninstalling garbage later.

I have finished updating labeling the territories, but still need to fill in each persons color and # of armies.

Just a thought, if players have msn messenger can you send me your email so I can add you to my list so we can communicate faster? I also have ICQ, but I don't plan on getting any other instant message program. It seems that players are online, but I am unable to get a hold of them quick enough before they go offline.

Now only awaiting exatreides army placement. will be back online in 2 hours or so.



btw. i'm still waiting to re-receive the coordinates of my armies, i'm not going to change it since i already know that it's the best placement possible, i only need to re-think my (cencored) hehe, can't give any details ;)


thats ok, as long as if people are not going to play they state so, so that we are not waiting for them.

Duke leto is now playing....and I have recieved everyones coordinates. me do map over the next day or so. I really shouldnbt be working on this much for the next week or so because I have 3 essays due and me falling a bit behind, but me do my best.(I think I have an addiction to the internet)

Have made more progress, done placing territory lables with player color identity, have IM some players a couple of questions concerning army placement and capitals.

1. NaMpIgAi - Corrino, Red - Recieved coordinates

A3 C7 D1 D6 D7 F2 F4 F5

2. Dunenewt - Ix, Purple - Recieved coordinates

B1 B2 B5 C1 C10 E4 E8 E9

3. Duke Leto - Atreides, black - Recieved coordinates

A4 A8 B4 C9 E7 E10 E12 F3

4. Earthnuker - Fremen, yellow - Recieved coordinates

A1 A5 A6 C2 C3 C6 D3 D4

5. ken124578 - Harkonnen, Blue - Recieved coordinates

B6 C8 D2 D5 E2 E6 E11 F1

6. Ghosty_Square - Ordos, Green - Recieved coordinates

A2 A7 B7 C4 E1 E3 E5 F6

Neutral - B3 C5 D8

It is seeming that I may not be able to update my site at all for some reason...I will consult my service provider for help.

wsftp would freeze, but i installed a differnet version and now it says it is unable to retrive list (the files on webpage)


Here is a program that selects randomly between 1-3.

Unfortunately I won't be online until Tuesday next week...

Sounds good, as I will hopefully just update maps and stuff. I have major essays due next week I should work on, But hopefully by that time everyone will be ready.

Phoned my internet provider and they said there is a problem and it should be fixed in a day or so. Then me maybe update my site.


Ok, I have added all the armies/color/ nuetral/ everything essential to the map to it. So I would say it is finished to start the game.

I must say it looks beautiful. I am unsure whether to post it on this site, but I can not upload it yet to my website.

I will also be posting a txt of where armies/capitals are.(maybe just the players websites that are on my site) Capitals are known to all in the game. I will also come up with better objectives to secretly give to each person.(random) maybe show board after I have given out the objectives. Also if a info box is in the way of a border and you are unsure if you can attack/be attacked from a territory then you can consult the statistics page and hopefully I will have a pic of the map with just borders also to consult.

I may update the miniboard.

Here are the objectives I have come up with that will be randomly assigned to each person.

1. Conquor all territories (you are not required to capture the neutral territories)

2. Capture (occupy) all of Continent A, C and E.

3. Capture (occupy) all of Continent B, D and F.

4. Capture (occupy) all of Continent A, D and F.

5. Destroy Ordos and Atreides. You must Conquor their last territory. If someone else has conquered it then you must conquor that persons last territory. If you are Ordos Or Atreides player, you must replace the one you are with "Harkonnen". I.E. if you are ordos, you must destroy Atreides and Harkonnen.

6. Must control any 30 territories.

I it is impossible to complete an objective then you must do # 1 (although ask first)

I'm a bit fuzzy with # 5.

Sugggestions / questions / bugs are welcome. Me just posted them to see if there are anything wrong with them before i assign them.

And even if Ghosty_Square is not here, his turn could be just a later one.(maybe, although random is fairest)

And the random # generator Ghosty_Square provided should work for assigning cards.

JPG version of map doesnt look that great(400kb at best quality), but me testing.

BMP version looks great but is 1.65 mb(I can spare that room I think)

Will make new thread once I am able to post stuff on my website(or not) and also once everyone has been given there objectives and playing order.

I'm so excited! :O

And I talk to much ::)


I don't understand... will objective 1 be given to player or will it be only an alternative? I hope it is just an alternative, otherwise it would be unfair for the player who receives it as objective.

As for objective 5 it doesn't seem very right. In Risk when you have this kind of objective, if another player kills the player you have to destroy, you simply have to wait for your turn to declare victory. It can be very unfair, having captured all the territories but one, to have to face a new enemy. BTW, I don't think you should have mentioned the names of Ordos, Atreides and Harkonnen. Now these players will know they will be another player's target. Moreover, the other players will know that by killing the one of them they will prevent another player from completing his objective.

Finally, in Risk players place their armies at the same time so they know what they are doing. The way we placed the armies now was mostly based IMHO on luck.

Anyway these are my suggestions. I must say that Dune Risk was a great idea and it seems that a great job has been done so far.


I love other peoples input. It makes the game better, and you did bring up some good points.

You can only win on your turn.(?)

objective # 1 is going to be given to someone. And also an alternative if someone is not able to complete an objective for some odd reason.

objective # 5 I guess if we use it(although it is more complicated to control) I could randomly assign the players which they would destroy. If you have a suggestion for objective please state so and what it is. You were right about it not being fair for a person to be known to be attacked by a person, but in risk there is an objective to eliminate a player.

In Risk when you have this kind of objective, if another player kills the player you have to destroy, you simply have to wait for your turn to declare victory.

It would not work that way, if someone else destroyed the 2 people you were to destroy you would win, as people would be afraid to destroy another person because someone else may win.

I also think the rule is that you have to kill the person that killed the person you were to kill.

Do you mean player one places one army, then player two places an army and so on...This is what I thought should be done but would take too long to do as people would not be on all the time, although there are alternatives I have thought about.(but none seemed feasible) And yes it somewhat is based on luck in placing armies for some people as I have seen. But this round is to test the game and to make it better and things may change as we play.

My website will be updated somewhat shortly with the map with territories, but not with armies until some things are sorted out. I.E. objectives.

Posted a new map on my site, doesnt look so pretty as a jpg though., will use a .bmp when everything is done.


As for defining the map and how to "read" it, this is how for now.

Each territory has an info box. There are 3 main parts to the info box.

1. The right rectangle of the box represents the player's color, in other words who owns the territory.

If the color is white then it is a neutral territory

2. The top rectangle represents what territory it is.

If the backround of this rectangle is white, then it is the players capital.

3. The bottom rectangle represents the number of armies in the territory.

The JPG version doesn't look too pretty, but the bmp version does. A direct link to the map is HERE

As for the rule

"You will get 1 army per turn for every territory that is connected to 2 other territories of your own."

I think it would be easier to just divide the total number of territories by 3, as I was looking and their are only 2 people with 1 each, which would only produce 1 army + the other army for capital.

So for now I am going to say that it is the # of territories divided by 3 rounded to the lowest whole # produces the number of armies for territories for each turn.

As for objectives, I will just come up with an easier one for # 5.

Occupy 25 territories with at least 2 armies in each territory.

OK me sometime today hopefully send out hte objectives to each person, and post the maps, and update the players websites, and pick the turns in which the players go.

Here is playing order:

(will change numbers in front of players)I.E.- Earthnuker is player 1, Ken is player 2, Dunenewt is player 3.....etc.

4. Earthnuker - Fremen, yellow

A1 A5 A6 C2 C3 C6 D3 D4

5. ken124578 - Harkonnen, Blue

B6 C8 D2 D5 E2 E6 E11 F1

2. Dunenewt - Ix, Purple

B1 B2 B5 C1 C10 E4 E8 E9

6. Ghosty_Square - Ordos, Green

A2 A7 B7 C4 E1 E3 E5 F6

1. NaMpIgAi - Corrino, Red

A3 C7 D1 D6 D7 F2 F4 F5

3. Duke Leto - Atreides, black

A4 A8 B4 C9 E7 E10 E12 F3


Must claim victory on your turn.

1. Conquor (occupy) all territories (you are not required to capture the neutral territories)

2. Capture (occupy) all of Continent A, C and E.

3. Capture (occupy) all of Continent B, D and F.

4. Capture (occupy) all of Continent A, D and F.

5. Occupy 25 territories with at least 2 armies in each territory.

6. Must control (occupy) any 30 territories.

I have randomly selected objectives for each person adn will be IM them to players soon.


OK I have IM every one their objectives, so now I will work on my web page for the players.

I will create another thread to post "turns" in, once done with website.(not happened yet)

I have updated the players sites, and put up the .bmp map, if you have dialup or a very slow connection I can also post a .jpg file, but please let me know.


The one with #5 is really screwed :D

I got rid of objective # 5, as it was really screwed. ;D

And also soon(maybe), me make new thread.

Tell me any comments about anything. I.E.- army placement on maps etc. And if you spot mistakes or inconspicuous things, please do tell.

And if you are wondering, the cards for each user should only be known to me and the player which holds them, although the number of cards they hold is known.

For the turns I have come up with a "form" you would fill out. after the = sign there is an explanation of what that part is for, (except it is the = after R=3 for that part)

Turn - 1 = what turn it is for the person, once everyone has gone in the turn it would go to 2 then 3 etc.

Trade in cards for armies - =what cards you are trading in.

Army placement - A2 - 2 = that you wish to place 2 armies on territory A2

Attacking orders - A2(5) ^ A1(4) R=3 = you own territory A2 with 5 armies on it, and you wish to attack an enemies territory A1 which has 4 armies; you want to retreat at 3 armies. You would place each attack on a separate line.

Ending turn - =move armies to adjacent territories

Using movement cards to transport - move armies to territories you own using cards.

So it would look like this when filling out(but not with info yet and shorter words):

Turn 1

Trade -

Army placement -

Attack -

End Turn -

Transport -

Tell me what you think, and if there is anything to add.


Andrew: if you don't want people replying in your new thread too soon, temporarily lock it.

Yes you can lock/re-open your own topics (you can only open topics that were closed by you)


Andrew: if you don't want people replying in your new thread too soon, temporarily lock it.

Yes you can lock/re-open your own topics (you can only open topics that were closed by you)

Thank You, I have done so. Hopefully I will IM the first player his card and get him to do his turn, then we can find out what is wrong with it if anything and also if we are forgeting anything.

For refernce(mostly for me)

1. Dune Soldier

2. Dune Buggy

3. Dune Ornithopter

so if the random generator picks the number one you get a soldier and so on..I will tell you what you got and not teh number, and it will be secret.

Also added the miniboard to my site, which is basically for quick references graphically. Also added a .jpg version of the map, hope you can make it out (if not the other maps might help)

Should cards be given at the first of a turn to a player?or at the end. I gave earthnuker his card before the end of his turn, so maybe me give it to players at start of turn. I forget what the risk rules state and have not found it.


If people could use the "form" it might help me speed things up when updating.(if you are not doing one or more of the things, then leave blank.) examples are in a post of mine a couple of posts up. Ask any questions here.

If you didnt know you can zoom in on the map by pressing the button at the bottom right of the map pic if you are using winXP.

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