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Emperor lockups caused by C&C Renegade


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I don`t have any movie problem.

During installation, it goes slowly and the music repeat when I press the "next" button or any button that appear during the instalation . I remember that the first time I installed the game, this didn`t happened.

The game lockups during a singleplayer mission or skirmish (5 to 15 minutes after started the game) and sometimes in the skirmish menu. I have never tried Multiplayer.

I think the only solution to play emperor is to play on another pc. I hope I can have my own PC (and better than this one, but without internet) at my birthday (august) or Christmas.

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Anyway I use a NoCD patch, because my cds are a little scratched (please, don`t flame me :-).

Then this is a problem of hardware??

The speed of the HD influence this??

Should I reinstall Emperor in the C: drive (which is the fastest HD i have)???

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The speed of the HD influence this??

Should I reinstall Emperor in the C: drive (which is the fastest HD i have)???

- GTA3 work very slowly (I have 667 Mhz) and sometimes it lockups

- Warcraft 3 work good but sometimes it lockups.

- Emperor B4D lockups 99.9% of the times I play it.

- C&C Renegade only lockups sometimes when I play over Internet.

- Empire Earth, Army Men RTS, RtCW, MoH and other demos/games don`t have problems and don`t lockup.

The first 4 games I mentioned had the same problem: they lockup.

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Did you always play Emperor with the NoCD patch ?

Don't know if you have any spare computer parts left, you could try to switch them . . . one by one. See if they keep locking up with other hardware. You know if the coolings on your CPU and grafics card are working properly ?

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If you check this topic on page 2 or 3, somebody suggested me to play with a nocd patch.

I think that since last december I started playing with nocd.

How can I swith them ?

Coolings, what`s that??

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Sorry, didn't look though the whole topic again.. .my mistake :-[

Some games can lock up [ or windows could crash ] if your CPU is getting to warm or the CPU of your grafics card. Is you haave a factory build computer it will probably be ventilated enough.

If you have never installed hardware yourself before it not a good idea to start no. Just thought to mention it incase you wanted to try it. You have to unscrew your PC case and change the hardware yourself.

I couldn't find the memory models you are using reading though the topic. Do you know if you have 1 memory modul or 2 in your computer ?

It could be one if bad or it are 2 moduls of different types, [ Westwood ] games can generate a lot of errors then.

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How can I knowhow many moduls I have?

If you mean RAM memory, I have one memory card of 256 mb and other card of 64 mb.

And also have 2 HD (The biggest is divided in 2).

You say that they get warm??

Must I change the CPU and grafics card or simply install a new ventilator??

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I saw somthing related to this in the beginning of this topic, so if you have allready tried this sorry for the double post.

Could you try to take the 64MB RAM memory module out of your computer and play hte game then ?

You should have powered down your PC when you take it out !

A not well ventilated grafics card could result in the crash of applications that require a lot of processing power from your grafics card chip. Although if you havn't overclocked it and it's the same as you have bought it it should be ok. The simplest thing you could do is running with the case-side removed from the case. So the general air ventilation improves a bit, although again, if you havn't changed / overclocked your grafics card this solution is probably no tgoing to help. I mentioned it just in case. :)

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This might sound strange, but I would say it could be a fault between your RAM modules or just a faulty one. And 64MB less isn't that much on that anount. Although it is your choice ofcourse.

Overclocking is simply put giving more power to the hardware [ usually memory, computer CPU or grafics card ] so it will "run" faster. So a 1,3Gig CPU will run at 1,5Gig so to speak. It will give you faster hardware for the price of the cheaper variant. Although it usually breaks down faster and could result in an unstable system when you have overclocked it. Cooling is one of the things you need a lot of when you overclock a system, as the added amount of power results not only in extra preformance, but also in extra heath.

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I don`t know how to overclock, anyway.

I don`t know if I must take the 64 mb ram card, because I want to upgrade the ram to 512 mb, so if I install a new ram card , this problem will still hapening. Also I want to upgrade the grafics card, sound card and the CPU, but I must also change the motherboard.

I think that is beteer buying a new pc(only for me :), and not for my sister/brother/father) than upgrading everything on this pc.

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My guess was that the 64MB stick is a little bit older then the other one, and running at another speed / latency or whatever mayby even containing an error. That's why I suggested you take it out and have a try the.

Changing all those things comes aufully close to upgrading your whole PC.

If you would like to upgrade to 512 the only way to do that is to stick in a extra 256MB module, or one 512 one, with the 256 and 64 in place, you will need another 192MB stick, last time I ckeck my local hardware reseller didn't have then . . yet. . ;) If you would install new RAM, and the old / other one contained an error or was somehow incompatible with the other module, the problem will be solved that way.

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Can you give me a manual or something like that, to install or take hardware??

I ordered parts to build my own new computer. I am planning to take pictures of the process and post them in the hardware thread. Hopefully it'll be clear enough for people to get a understanding how to build computers them selfs. I'm waiting for the parts to be delivered (2 wern't in stock). Hopefully everything will be here somewhere next week.

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My guess was that the 64MB stick is a little bit older then the other one, and running at another speed / latency or whatever mayby even containing an error. That's why I suggested you take it out and have a try the.

Changing all those things comes aufully close to upgrading your whole PC.

If you would like to upgrade to 512 the only way to do that is to stick in a extra 256MB module, or one 512 one, with the 256 and 64 in place, you will need another 192MB stick, last time I ckeck my local hardware reseller didn't have then . . yet. . ;) If you would install new RAM, and the old / other one contained an error or was somehow incompatible with the other module, the problem will be solved that way.

How can I diferenciate the 64mb from the 256mb RAM stick??

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I`ve taken out the 64 mb ram.

The 64 card didn`t has a sticker. Only the 256 mb has a very little sticker saying "PC 133 256M".

Emperor still locking up after this :(. I don`t know what to do. It always lock ups in the options and skirmish menu, and during the game, but never during a cutscene.

Must I do something to the configuration of the Pc after removing the 64 mb???

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