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Downloading Games

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Ex, it is not freeware, it is copyrighted material. Take this information from this website: http://www.pdinfo.com/copyrt.htm

* you CANNOT reproduce the music or lyrics

* you CANNOT distribute the music or lyrics either for free, for no profit, or for profit

* you CANNOT perform the music or lyrics in public

* you CANNOT play a recording of the music or lyrics in public--even if you own the CD

* you CANNOT make a derivative work or arrangement for public use in any form


All copied games are copied from legal games. And the way you are putting things, means that people who are not rich have the righ to steal (cause that's what it actually is) ?? Don't think so...

They don't have the right to steal, of course. But they will steal. It is impossible to monitor it. Also, it isn't stealing. Stealing means to take something from other one doing to him a lose. But the distribuer losts nothing.


Well I have heard that alot of movie companies and game companies put alot of fake stuff on the web under the name of the product so maybe tehy are starting to use viruses to stop people. Drastic times call for drastic measures.

heh, not a bad idea IMO. Ofcourse, if the virus fucks up the entire comp, and important stuff is on the HD it's not cool, but i agree that it's not cool that people play games where the creators don't benefit from.


Although it is fundamentally morally wrong to download commercial games and music, I cant help but think that they (the companies in question) sometimes almost ask for it. I mean


Although it is fundamentally morally wrong to download commercial games and music, I cant help but think that they (the companies in question) sometimes almost ask for it. I mean


Lowering prices would solve all problems. If there will be some equality between CD-Rs and originals, illegal burning will stagnate. But when you can buy a CD-R for 20 crowns (half of USD)? So, there is also something for musicians. You want their music, not CD from distribuer. Same with games. Programmers must live from something. Graphics there can at least train for advertisments. But also, why music distribuers sell albums, when all music is still on TV or radio? There is no logic.


Only select 'hit' songs are on the radio, and played on certain times. You want to listen to every song whenever you want, that's when you buy the album.


Lowering prices would solve all problems. If there will be some equality between CD-Rs and originals, illegal burning will stagnate. But when you can buy a CD-R for 20 crowns (half of USD)? So, there is also something for musicians. You want their music, not CD from distribuer. Same with games. Programmers must live from something. Graphics there can at least train for advertisments. But also, why music distribuers sell albums, when all music is still on TV or radio? There is no logic.

People don't have to burn CD's. They can just download it illegally - which makes it pretty much free since there's no cost involved.


They don't have the right to steal, of course. But they will steal. It is impossible to monitor it. Also, it isn't stealing. Stealing means to take something from other one doing to him a lose. But the distribuer losts nothing.

It IS stealing from the game developer. You can call it what you want, but it's plain and simple stealing, which is illigal (well here anyway).

I will stop this discussion, as it's one that can bring my blood to a boiling point (especially if people come up with excuses like "we're poor and can't pay for it, so it's okay if we get it illigal".

Like I said earlier, how would you find it when people get your products/services illigaly... Go figure...


I'm not saying they the right to copy. But distribuers must find another way to prevent illegal copying than protection software, or such hyenistic things like fake games with trojan horses. Costs are enormous, if they'll be lowered it would solve much.


People don't have to burn CD's. They can just download it illegally - which makes it pretty much free since there's no cost involved.

When you have fast connection. But I can't imagine downloading for a whole day, connection will cost more then ;)


That's excactly what I'm waiting for. The new Sony copy protection doesn't even let me make a legel copy of my CD or DVD. [ you are alowed to have one copy of every medium of software you own ]

Besides that, more and more of those CD's and DVD's are getting rejected by my homedeck's.

I'm not really looking forward to anothwer extra form of software protection.

I bought the disk and should be allowed to copy it !


Just get a wet-erase black marker and write on the inner circle and it bypasses it. But don't use it to make copies to distribute to your friends, that's just bad mmkay.


Everytime will come one cracker, which will laugh at any protection. But when I borrow a DVD film and I can't start it on PC because of protection, that's not very for laugh. What is then a purpose of DVD mechanics?


Just get a wet-erase black marker and write on the inner circle and it bypasses it. But don't use it to make copies to distribute to your friends, that's just bad mmkay.

thak works ? :O

I'm gonn'a try it tomorrow or so. . see what the resultis. :)


Must have missed the article or it didn't seem important enough to remember. Both cases my mistake.

As coinsidence is a tricky thing .. . there is a news topic on slashot about the same thing .. sort of :-


Games should be illegal to burn but not cd's, its what music companys deserver after all these years of ripping people off with 23 dollar new cd releases, I ain't gonna be losing any sleep over the fact that the jackasses who rip us off are getting a taste of their own buisness.


actually creating a game is quite cheap... myself and a friend have created a professional quality space flight sim game by ourselves. you don't NEED a development compay... I think the time of paid for software is coming to an end... soon it will be pay for play online games that take over... as broadband penetrates more the games will be downloaded for free but playing online will get the companies their money.


i believe that downloading old games isnt illegal, especially if it is not available to buy. sure downloading a brand new game is illegal, and i find that some new games dont come with demos, so how are you supposed to test them?


downloading games is not cool unless the Publisher is EA, which is an evil corporation that sucks up good developers and turns them into uncaring parts of "the Machine". This happened with Westwood and as a result all Westwood games will be abandoned within 6 months of going Retail along with any other game ever released under the EA banner. So don't download normal games, *do* download EA games.

music is perfectly fine to download. do you know that the Recording Industry leeches money off you every time you buy a CD-R or CD-RW disc? that's right, even though your purchase may have NOTHING to do with them at all and they are in no way involved with the manufacture or selling of the discs, they still are allowed to immorally leech away your money because they paid off lawmakers to allow themselves that "right". all sales of CD-R and CD-RWs here in Canada and most parts of the US too (i think) are "levied", meaning everyone pays the Recording Industry for buying CD-Rs just because the Recording Industry has the warped idea that they "should" be paid even though they are in no way involved with those CD-Rs at all. i am shocked that society has not committed a huge revolt against such abhorrent extortion that still is legally going on every day. i buy CD-R and CD-RWs simply to legally backup data and still I am leeched off of by the Recording Industry with each disc I ever buy. so i say, screw them. they are gonna commit crimes against humanity by thieving money that they have no moral right to claim from people, then i am never buying a music CD again. i can download anything i need on the net, so if they wanna screw with me and every poor average Joe who wants to buy a CD-R just to backup data he legally owns, i'm gonna screw them too and even harder. download music as much as you like, don't buy music CDs


Caid Ivik. Do you know that some game companies work an entire year on a game. And they must be paid with only the profit of the game they sell.

Sometimes I download games to try them out for a few days, then I'll buy it when it is great. Mostly because there aren't always (good) demo's

And I download games of many years old

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