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What is your definition or rich and poor?


Someone gettin 2x income you are

Someone getting vast times your income


Someone gettin less then you

Or dont these apply to your opinion of rich/poor? Tell us here...


Rich: People that earn enough money to afford the necessities of life, and the luxuries.

Poor: People that only earn less than or enough money to afford the necessities of life without the luxuries or accessories.


well you have it like this acidemically

Capitalist class

Upper middle class

Middle class

Working poor


Capitalist class are extremely wealthy and can afford practically anything they want

Same with the upper middle class. they just dont get to have all the really really extravigant things. poor rich people.lol

middle class are people who are easy off and can afford some of the nice things in life, vacations, nice cars, fun stuff

Working poor are people who can stick it out in living and can afford a few fun things. but have to budget

underclass are people who work and make ends meat. I am apart of this class and we make at whole about 15 000 a year as a family. rarely if at all this class can afford the perks in life. it can get as bad as having to live in family shelters.


Hey Atreides can you change your font color? Thanks..

Rich: People who can afford giving their child a fricking 2003 convertible.

Poor: People who can only afford a little less than the bare necessities.


those are apart of the underclass. and yeah most of those people didnt mean to be put into the situation they are in. Now days you have selfish republican types who judge all poor people as somehow immoral and wrong for being in the situation they are in. I remember giving all I had to a guy and a friend of mine said "dont you know that he'll just buy booze with it?" that is discrimination just like any other. and its tolerated in america.


im a working poor/mid. not really nice cars. two nice computers. 3 TVs. free house (boo-ya). pretty big house, nice room. we live without alot, but have it pretty good.


Thats cool Ethan, nice to know youre doing alright and not in some shelter using a comp or anythin ;D, anyways this was to get everyone to think, keep on goin

Btw Ethan, please, can you change your pic? lol I haye that Baron pic :)


Ridiculously rich: People who could stop working and still have enough money to live on for life, and their children as well. Can afford anything they want.

Rich:Can afford quite a few things, but not everything.

Relatively rich: The upper middle class. Can live comfortably but can't afford everything.

Middle class:People who can afford the necessities of life and a few luxuries.

Minimum wage employees: The botom of the middle class. Can barely afford the necessities of life and hardly any luxuries at all. Also includes unemployed with social security.

Poor: People who do not work and don't get social security. This "class" is barely existant in the Netherlands.



Rich: People who have more money than they actually need and buy things with it that are not needed

Poor: The opposite of rich. People who are not able, or hardly able to finance the the things they require


Rich: People who feel happy and are satisfied with their life

Poor: People who are unhappy and do not realy see a reason to live


rich, somebody who has what he wants. [ and wants what he needs, but that's asside the point ]

poor, somebody who doesn't have what he wants. And his or here desires are bigger that there capabileties.

And money doesn't make happy ? I've never heard a rich persone [ includion me ] say that .....


Rich: You can get what you like to have (Even if the only thing you can buy is a handkerchief but that is the only thing you want to buy, you are included in this group)

Rich-Poor: You can get a part of the things you want, but the other part not

Poor: You can get only a few things from the amount of things you want


But I think that some rich people, like U2, are doing some great things. Everyone in the group has enough money to re-live their lives about 2 times, but they still create music because they like their job, they like their fans, not because it gives them more money or because they get famous. They have donated, the main singer has debated with higher level people (see Times), and many other things. If I'm going to be rich someday somehow, I will still continue my work because it pleases the society, my fans (if I'll get any), and donate money to groups who really needs them, say medicine, children's aid etc. Okay, maybe it's hard to argue at this age, because I have never been rich, I have never had any real power, but well, you can always speculate! :P.

Anyways, I see rich as people that can afford everything at any given time, okay maybe not a country or a trip to Mars or something like that, but much like the main stuff, say cars, expensive watches, a house or two and other "luxuries". No, not the everyday American dream thing, but more than that. Little hard to explain but I think you get the point.

I would say poor people is people that can't get what the need, like water and food. If you can have water, food, a bed, somewhere to live (small apartment), and you can stay there for the next 5 years, I wouldn't call it poor. In 5 years you can get a job, it cannot be that hard. But this "calculation" is something like: eat the 2 times a day, same food (or same price) for 5 years, a whole empty room, no tv, no computer, and the same clothes. Of course there will be a toilet and a shower. If you somehow live like this, then I wouldn't call you poor. The people on the street is little difficult to cathegorize. If you are lazy, don't do anything, don't learn anything or something like that, then well, you have missed (for the time being) a life that could be. But if a person somehow just loose everything, say one day he has a house, a job, a car, a lot of friends, and the next day everything just goes away, he just looses everuthing and wakes up on the street, then there must be some explanation for that...


There are many meanings of rich. I can't afford everything, yet I feel rich. Why ? Good health *coughs*, Lovely wife, great kid, nice home to live in, good job, money enough to enjoy life and some real friends. I don't need anything else ;)

The real rich people always want more and everyone wants to be their so called friend (obviously for the wrong reason). So are they actually rich ? I doubt it. What those people forget is that it's good to have dreams. If you don't have any dreams, you've almost got nothing to live for..


Let's look at it from the material point of view (I think that's what the original question was about):

rich = a person whose total wealth places him/her within the first 30% of the world's population

poor = a person whose total wealth places him/her within the last 30% of the world's population

By those definitions, all of us here are filthy rich.


Bullcrap Edric. By those definitions, how do we determine total wealth, and I wouldn't say 30%, but 40% of the modernized world, because this is very widespread.


Total wealth? The cumulated value (in one currency or another) of everything owned by that person (objects, company shares, cash, money in bank accounts... everything)

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