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FED2K rpg


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The quests could be something like, go the www.westwood.com and return whit the webmasters head, then you write some story about how you slay the webmaster and the I play Gob and give you a reward, some gold or some thing like that, then you can use the gold to buy better weapons or armor

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Earthnuker walks up to the throne, and falls to one knee "you called m'lord" he says, "yes we did " said Gob "we want you to huntdown Navaros, and bring him to me alive, he can be found spamming in the Emperor borad, you shall take my kinght Sir Sardaukar v. 1.3 whit you, he will aid you" I step forward, and shakes hands whit Erathnuker.

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After flying on a largish flying lizzard borrowed from some movie producer, Earthnuker flies with Sardaukar v. 1.3 trough the lands of Fed2k, then proceeds to the Emperor boards. They spot Nav, jump of the lizard, and run to him.

Earthnuker grabs him and holds him in a grip. Sardaukar v. 1.3 mingles in the fight. After a struggle wich lasts over 10 minutes they manage to put Nav in a large sac. Then they proceed back to the flying lizzard and fly back to the castle.

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Umm...I'm not exactly sure this is a legal thread...Which is why I'm going to join in... ;)

Suddenly the doors of FED2K Keep burst open, kicked apart by none other than the great Warchief and Lord of the Arrowhead Province, Robert Johnsonius.

Marching proudly down the row, his new leather uniform glistening brightly with red-and-black streamers, he stops in front of Lord Gob and bows deeply.

"Gob the great, the holy and overly just, I request a quest."

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Gob looks at Lord Johnsonius for a long time before he say, "you must prve your worth to me, I'm wageing a war whit the kingdom of www.westwood.com you must take command of my forces there and deal a desicve blow to them, we cannot allow their blasphemus abuse of Dune anymore."

Lord Johnsonius leaves and Sir Sard and Erathnuker enters.

Gob turnes to the newcomers and say "I see you've captured Navaros, he will be imprisoned in the dungeon, and have semll my smelly socks every day in the rest of his life, and by all means take these 10.000 gold, split them as you like, I will call you when I need you"

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Sir Sard driftes through the marketpalce of the fanfiction boards, he stops at a shop selling antenturere stuff, he buys a claymore, a suite of white armor and a ferice warmodem whit saddel, he mounts his modem and rides back to the Inn where he is staying, and there a borrows the pretty barmaid for a few hours.

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I'll be a wizard/magican.

High apon a mountain located somewhere in the Lands of the Mystics sits Quondam pondering over his craft. He has heard that there is trouble brewing in the Gob's kingdom and prepares himself for the journey.

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The Vizier of www.westwood.com 's ruler has defected. Dust Scout the Minor Sorceror is currently staying in his (relocated) Fortress near the FED2K Keep's moat. His eagerness to serve knows no bounds, and he has sent a small message to the Keep to let them know it.

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Lord J nods his head in a quick bow and says, grinning, "Your wish is my command, Gob."

Swiftly turning, grabbing the handle of his double-bladed shortsword to keep it steady, he starts marching down the hall.

When he reaches the door, he notices a pretty serving wench, who he winks at suggestively before leaving the blushing, flustered beauty for higher planes. After all, he has quest to complete.

Straddling the small, but agile war-browser, he enters in his user-name and password, encoded in little astericks, before launching off for the enemy kingdom.

Shouting, "Ia! Ia! Gobalopper fhtagn!", he attracts the armies of hundreds of Orcish and Klingon forces to follow his lead, and soon they arrive at the borders of the Westwood Online Kingdom.

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The Vizier gets impatient at his messanger, who is instantly fried by a thunderbolt.

"What an unlucky event!" Dust Scout says, smirking, and sets off for the Keep to deliver his request for service personally.

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Quondam summons his young apprentice Juquin.

After arriving Quondam tells Juquin of the journey to the Land of Fed2k. Quondam also sends word to the Great Toraqi, by his trusted owl Vult, that Toraqi's services are needed for flight. Quondam waits for a reply from the Great Toraqi in the meantime Quondam invites Juquin to a game of sorcerer cards.

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