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House Feud


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Message To All Houses With Fiefs Of Arrakis:

[hide]It has been said that we are accepting bribes, this is true, but this is to aquire our help and knowledge of Arrakis, and if you don't accept we will not attack you unless pre-voked. But you must all understand it would be quite helpful if you had our assitence, your spice profits would be larger, and your loses would be far less, also some other items may be distributed to you. But as stated before, you do not have to pay us.[/hide]

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Message to Naib Shatek:


Any Ixian Technology you require that will improve your quality of life is available for next to nothing. We maybe very different in our cultures but we definetly share one thing: Hatred for the Harkonnen.

D'Newt, Earl Of Ix

Hey Atr_Leg read[/hide]

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Sandworms are becoming more frequent in their attacks on harvesters. These harvesters are often saved by Fremen intervention, but strangely, Harkonnen, Moritani, and Ixian harvesters are almost immune...

Message from Grumman;

[hide] Any Requests, Fremen? [/hide]

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Sandworms are becoming more frequent in their attacks on harvesters. These harvesters are often saved by Fremen intervention, but strangely, Harkonnen, Moritani, and Ixian harvesters are almost immune...

Maybe...there might be a clue there... But still,

Viscount Moritani exits his shuttle and strides into the Imperial starport at Kaitan. He is immediately escorted to his rooms.

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The Dunes thundered as the monsterous worm came closer to the Harkonnen harvester. The silver harvester sat there collecting the valuable spice melange. Suddenly a scream yells out on a Harkonnen radio "WORM, WE HAVE A WORM COMING, REPEAT WORM, WORM!" The men ran around in panic trying to get out of the harvester but the worm was just to close. A soldier looked out the window and saw Sha Hilud coming as he prayed. 300 meters, 200, 150......Thump, thump.....Thump, Thump....The worm stopped in its tracks and raced in the other direction attracted to the thumper. Suddenly, fremen busted into the harvester yelling "Get a dam carryall here already!" The Harkonnen men obeyed at once and a carryall came and saved the harvester along with the valuable melange.

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Arrakis Governor Arden to Fremen:

We thank you for the assistance in saving our harvester. I promise you, your help will not go unrewarded. I will message my lord Baron right away, telling him about your show of courage. The harvester crew is greatly in debt to you.

Arrakis Governor for the Harkonnens,


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The Fremen crept silently through the silver halls of the smuggler camp, all that could be heard was the breeze beyond the rock formation. They slid across the floors, still undetected. The niose of machinery grew louder with each step. They finally reached their destination. A large room with smugglers running around attending to stolen vechicles they maintained, and were planning to sell. Silently they took out their mula pistols and opened fire upon the unsucspecting workers. They all ran but got nailed down by heavy fire. They gazed upon the vechicles, 3 Ixian tank like vechicles, 2 Harkonnen harvesters, a Moritani harvester and humvee type vechicle and many, many weapon cases with insignias of the Houses with fiefs. Adburptly the Niab ordered for the bombs to be placed, as they were getting ready to depart the biulding a questioning warrior came up to Shatek "Uh sir, why do we need to destroy our allies weaponary like this?" The Niab sighed and spoke firmly "We cannot drive all this weaponary and machinery out, and we cannot call for a Houses support because when they came the Smugglers would have departed. What we have to do is destroy these vechicles and weapons so the Smugglers learn not to mess with these Houses, plus I would rather see these Houses weaponary destroyed in here then made pocket change for some greedy Smuggler." The warrior nodded and the group departed, they got far out of the rock cavern and took out a control panel and activated the bombs, destroying the Smuggler base before heavy, heavy Smuggler reinforcements could arrive. As the smoke was going up Shatek muttered under his breath "I do hope the Houses see this was the only option...." And they departed into the night.

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Message to Naib Shatek:


I have learned of your destruction of our two harvesters, but I also know that the Smugglers stole them. I thank you for not letting them get away with a profit. I have sent several of Harkonnen harvesters as a gift for your continuous assistance to our operations on Dune. May they serve you well. I have also decided to punish the smugglers in the region that I control. I have dispatched a small ground force to destroy any smugglers that try to even cross our borders.

Once again, I thank you,

Baron Harkonnen


A force of buzzsaws and tanks landed on Arrakis. Their purpose was to hunt down the smugglers in Harkonnen controlled areas. Those filthy thieves will not get away.

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Message To Harkonnens:

[hide]Our men hunt down any Smugglers that are left in the region, I would recommend using the forces you have dispacthed as further defense for your terrotorys, as stated my men hunt down the smugglers for their hainise crime. Also, not to be rude, but spice is going well for us, is there anyway we can trade the harvesters for about 7-15 orthinopters?[/hide]

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is anyone the guild? if not I wish to be the guild or at least a major representative(if i can join)

(sorry if someone else is the guild) but what i have read no one is.

also it would be interesting to see someone be the bene gesserit and Tleilaxu. ::)

also is there fremen?

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Abulurd Harkonnen is my governor of planet Ecaz, Feyd - of Maros and Rabban of Draconis. All these plaents were captured by the Harkonnens in the war against the rebelling Houses.

Arrakis is divided between Harkonnen, Ix, Atreides and Moritani.

Message to Fremen:


Of course. Our forces on Arrakis are quite numerous. We are sending 15 ornithopters to you right now.

Governor Arden


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The Atreides harvester squatted on the sand like a gigantic metal beetle, busy about it's worm. Suddenly a voice from the patrol ornithopters came in, "Worm sign approaching, carryall coming, request the Fremen for assistance." The Harvester staff at once turned to their Fremen guide, Shatek, who signalled for the thumper. He leapt out from the Harvester and a few hundred metres into the dunes, and set up the thumper. The worm kept coming. Puzzled, the warrior examined the thumper and set it up again. The worm increased it's speed. Voices screamed at the hapless Fremen as the worm passed him by completely and swallowed the Harvester whole.

A few hours passed. Shatek sat in the ornithopter, deep in thought. The worm had eaten the Harvester, that happened, men had died, so did that. The worm had disappeared without a trace, normal. But why hadn't it smelt of melange?

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The Guild wishes to audit the Harkonnens spice production on Arrakis. An auditor will arrive on the next transport there.

The Guild is dissapointed in the loss of spice from the Atreides incident with the worm; demands it makes up for it in the upcoming week, however necessary.

Also requests a new Heighliner design that will hold 15% more cargo from house IX. You can accept or decline. However if you accept it will be in you best interests.(as more money to spend).

The Guild has heard about the worm that had no melange smell to it. It wishes to interview with the fremen who noticed it.

Also I am not sure as how to send private messages(invisible with the lines surrounding it like in this thread)

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OOC - use hide - [ hide ] without spaces. to end - [ /hide ]


Message to Guild from Governor Arden:




The Harkonnen dispatched on Arrakis to hunt the smugglers have just found a secret smuggler base. It was surrounded from all sides by a ring of rock and had only a small entrance on top, very hard to notice. Several carryals landed on top, dropping off a couple of devastator mechs. The devastators turned towards the entrance and started unloaded their plasma ammo to widen the hole. The entire rock structure collapsed, falling on top of the base. The devastators fell through and the sirviving smugglers soon found themselves dealing with a couple of invincible mechs. None of them sirveived.

In their base were found loads of stolen goods - harvesters, carryalls, military units, but that was not the main treasure. In the heart of the base lay an enourmous supply of spice that will now be added to the already rich silos of the Harkonnens.

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message to Harkonnens

[hide] We have found you to be stockpiling your spice. Since your spice production has increased over the past month we will ignore this if you do not increase it any more. [/hide]

If Atreides can not come up with spice by friday, we will increase transport fees for them by 0.5 percent for the next 2 weeks.

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