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a Fun Mod! - "Fed2k Heroes"


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Well I was thinking that the unit would only dig into Dust Bowls like Dust Scouts, but if it could sink and submerge into sand as well that would be nice (as long as the unit wasn't TOO powerful). ;D Btw, the unit will be an Ix Projector, with those stats.

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Score = 32

Devastator = TRUE

StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up

PrimaryBuilding = HKFactory, ATFactory, ORFactory //only built in HKFactory

SecondaryBuilding = HKPalace, ORPalace, ATPalace

UnitGroup = FromFactory

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp

Cost = 10000

BuildTime = 5000

Size = 2

Speed = 1.0

TurnRate = 0.5  //radians per update

TurretAttach = alpha1gun, ATRocketTurretBase

Armour = Heavy

Health = 10000

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

//SoundID = 44

ExplosionType = DeathHandBomb

ViewRange = 4,8,InfRock

Debris = DebrisLarge

AiSpecial = TRUE

TechLevel = 9

Starportable = TRUE //order from starport (if hk)

ReinforcementValue = 40

Crushes = TRUE

DamageEffect = LargeDamageFX

ChaosEffect = LargeChaosFX

HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX

TastyToWorms = True

WormAttraction = 8

Resource = DeathHandBomb  //bomb when to deploy it

CrateGift = TRUE

//CanBeRepaired = FALSE

Roofheight = 77

AIThreat = 100

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 16  // Score required

ExtraDamage = 10

CanSelfRepair = 1  // Should have 0.5?

ExtraArmour = 10 // Takes 50% less damage

Health = 11000

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 32

ExtraDamage = 20

CanSelfRepair = 2  // Should have 0.5?

ExtraArmour = 20 // Takes 50% less damage

Speed = 2.0

Health = 12000

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 64

ExtraDamage = 30

CanSelfRepair = 3  // Should have 0.5?

ExtraArmour = 30 // Takes 50% less damage

Speed = 3.0

Health = 13000

// LEVEL 4 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 128

ExtraDamage = 40

CanSelfRepair = 4  // Should have 0.5?

ExtraArmour = 40 // Takes 50% less damage

Speed = 4.0

Health = 14000

// LEVEL 5 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 256

ExtraDamage = 50

CanSelfRepair = 5  // Should have 0.5?

ExtraArmour = 50 // Takes 50% less damage

Speed = 5.0

Health = 15000


Bullet = alpha_b

TurretMuzzleFlash = Sonicmuzzle

ReloadCount = 30


Continuous = TRUE

MaxRange = 10

AntiAircraft = true

Speed = 40//10.0

Debris = DebrisMedium

Damage = 1000 //600 //Low value because it does continuos damage

Warhead = sound_W

BlowUp = TRUE //infantry death anim

ReduceDamageWithDistance = False

this is one dangerous unit if u alter anything let it be speed, costs the most and build time same as hkdeath hand missile

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F**K im so lazy!! and i got also big mouth ::) its now 2 progects im working on so theres kinda delay... i didnt even added ethan yet andi must also do new textures for alpha and for ixmace its kinda hard!!! *delay till next messege* meanwhile post your status so i can know what to add and plz be more fair!!! some units i changed already so they be fair!!! alpha plz change your status ok?

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no rush! mine is probably easiest to do, since all you have to do is change the fed to use sard elite health, and make a secondary weapon as a fremen sniper gun.

you cant make a secondary weapon to a fed :- to a unit like the kindjal you can but to unit who have 1 weapon you just cant :(

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I am working on it, (me, that is) but have no program to open TGA files. Could anyone recommend one? Or even do it for me? (That was a joke)

Work done: 0%. Work concepts done: 78%. I just need to put it all together.

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no rush! mine is probably easiest to do, since all you have to do is change the fed to use sard elite health, and make a secondary weapon as a fremen sniper gun.

you cant make a secondary weapon to a fed :- to a unit like the kindjal you can but to unit who have 1 weapon you just cant :(

ok, i want a super-kindjal. with a harkonnen light inf gun and an upgraded kindjal cannon that does more damage to infantry

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Ok, the final stats for my unit are here:

Unit information


Score = 10

House = Ix


Projectable = FALSE

PrimaryBuilding = IXResCentre

UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE

SecondaryBuilding = ATPalace, HKPalace, ORPalace

UnitGroup = FromIXResCentre

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp

Cost = 2600

BuildTime = 1500

Size = 3

Speed = 14.0 //game coord per update

TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per update

Armour = Heavy

Health = 2500

TurretAttach = IXRFGun

CanSelfRepair = 1

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

//SoundID = 43

ExplosionType = Explosion

ViewRange = 12

Debris = DebrisSmall

AiSpecial = TRUE

TechLevel = 5

DamageEffect = MediumDamageFX

ChaosEffect = MediumChaosFX

HawkEffect = MediumHawkFX

TastyToWorms = False

WormAttraction = 0

CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE

CrateGift = FALSE

AIThreat = 95

CantBeLeeched = TRUE

CanBeDeviated = FALSE

UnstealthRange = 10

ExplosionType = ORLightning

Devastator = TRUE

Resource = DeathHandBomb

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 15  // Score required

ExtraDamage = 25 // 25% more damage - applied to all weapons

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 30

ExtraArmour = 25 // Takes 25% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 60

CanSelfRepair = 2

Health = 2800

// LEVEL 4 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 90

Speed = 16

Health = 3000

Score = 15

// LEVEL 5 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 120

ExtraRange = 50  // 50% more range

Score = 20

// LEVEL 6 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 200

ExtraDamage = 75 // 75% more damage - applied to all weapons

ExtraArmour = 75 // Takes 75% less damage

ExtraRange = 75  // 75% more range

Speed = 20

Stealthed = TRUE

Health = 3500

Crushes = TRUE

Score = 30

AIThreat = 100

Bullet information


MaxRange = 12

Homing = TRUE

AntiAircraft = true

Speed = 32

TurnRate = 0.3

Debris = DebrisSmall

Burnt = TRUE

ExplosionType = ShellHit

Damage = 800

Warhead = DevPlasma_W



MissileTrailWiggleFreq = 80


MissileTrailLength = 14

MissileTrailDelta = 0.5

Turret information


TurretMuzzleFlash  = DevMuzzle

Bullet = RF_B

ReloadCount = 1

Add this to the 'Bullets' section of the ArtIni.txt (towards the bottom of the file is where you'll find the section)


Xaf = "Gplasbolt.xaf"

ArtIni information for the unit


Icon = "iconsIX_Radar.tga"  

IconGrey  = "iconsgrey_IX_Radar.tga"  

Xaf  = "IX_Radar"

SideBarType = "Units"

ClipSphere = 60

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