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Dream Places: What are far away places you want to vist most?


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Please leave politics, religion, and world affairs at the door. I want to see the world, I love this great planet we live on. If you could go anywhere on earth to see a far-away place, where would you guys would go see?

My dreams in life are to visit (in order of my desire to see them)

1. Antarctica (esp. the Dry Valleys, the driest place on earth)

2. Namibia "skeleton coast"

3. The Qinghai Plateau

4. Tanzania (climb Mt. Killimanjaro)

5. The Northern Lights north of the Arctic Circle (in northern canada)

6. Machu Picchu in Peru

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1. The etna. I've never seen any active volcano with my own eyes.

2. The dead sea. You know, the one with so much salt in it you can almost walk on it.

3. Canada, I'd like to see the northern lights some time too.

4. Iceland (or whatever you call it in English language). Geysers.

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I thought we were talking landscapes here.

1. Egypt pyramids

2. The etna. I've never seen any active volcano with my own eyes.

3. The dead sea. You know, the one with so much salt in it you can almost walk on it.

4. Canada, I'd like to see the northern lights some time too.

5. Iceland (or whatever you call it in English language). Geysers.

Would have posted about the Roman and Greek ruins to, but there isn't much left of that...

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well i was talking about far away places as in landscapes or ancient structures. The people who just say "japan" or "vietnam" are not very good answers. WHAT do you want to see in Japan? I was hoping for specific places that are remote, desolate, natural, or ancient. *sigh* o well, i guess its back to politics on the other threads then.

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Please leave politics, religion, and world affairs at the door. I want to see the world, I love this great planet we live on. If you could go anywhere on earth to see a far-away place, where would you guys would go see?

My dreams in life are to visit (in order of my desire to see them)

1. Antarctica (esp. the Dry Valleys, the driest place on earth)

2. Namibia "skeleton coast"

3. The Qinghai Plateau

4. Tanzania (climb Mt. Killimanjaro)

5. The Northern Lights north of the Arctic Circle (in northern canada)

6. Machu Picchu in Chile

Machu Picchu is in Peru.

The most beatiful place in Patagonia "Fire Land" where the America Continent ends (in the south) are the Paine Towers. Just an incredible gift for your eyes.

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You can see the Northern lights from Edmonton emprworm, you don't have to go that far north. :)

My father has this interest in seeing the Lights and colours that appear in the night near the north and southern poles, well in our country Chile, we've seen the "austral auroras (south)" which are most blue and red, he told me that he was told that the "boreal auroras (north)" are mostly green. So about two years ago my father and his brother and me, took a flight to Edmonton, Alberta in Canada, to drive until a place i dont remember the name at this moment, this place was close to the Great Bear Lake, we just got until Yellowknife which was close to other lake, it was really far north, we didn't have to go northern because we saw that amazing thing, as beatiful as the the southern one, it was one of my father's dream he told me. After that inmediately back to Chile, >:(

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Korea....To see the prety korean ladies.... and to see the dmz...

Pryameds of egpyt.

Constaninople...So much history in that city..

Holland....To meat all the dutch people from fed2k...and to see the beutifull city of Amsterdam...

The remains of the sigfired line in france...Just so i can see it and make fun of the french for it.....

Scotland...Lots of cows ect..


Hawiie or however its spelt. to see the volcano.

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yes vietnam... become the god of a tribe... the horror. the horror... lol I would love to go to the mediterranian. Though I dont want to ever leave my state of Washington. I am content staying in one place the rest of my life. Books take me where I need to go. Besides washington is the most beautiful state of this union.

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Please leave politics, religion, and world affairs at the door. I want to see the world, I love this great planet we live on. If you could go anywhere on earth to see a far-away place, where would you guys would go see?

My dreams in life are to visit (in order of my desire to see them)

1. Antarctica (esp. the Dry Valleys, the driest place on earth)

Atacama Desert in Chile, it's the driest places of earth. At least that's what the NASA says, they make their tests over there.

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In no particular order:

1) I want to climb in an icefield in Patagonia. I've climbed on the Columbia but it's just no the same.

2) Hawaii in the winter, because it'll actually be warm !

3) Australia...I don't know what yet.

4) Aztec ruins in South America.

5) Maltese Islands in Greece. Specifically the one that scientists are saying is Atlantis :O!

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