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Why Are U Against Pot??


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Earth, my point was that in certain amounts it can be dangerous. You inhale a certain amount everyday you become sick.

And empr you're right, a lot of people believe they are not under any influence whilst making decisions and taking drugs, while all along they are affected by them.

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I dont think that anybody should take drugs in the first place. But if u do start on something, all u ever want to do is try the next thing, then the stronger drug, and so on. it then developes into a downward spiral where anyone can resort to crime just to fuel the drug addiction.

I dont take drugs, but i do smoke cigarettes, and while i know they arent good for me, i do it anyway. Like Nyar, i put non smokers before me, and i would ask them if it is ok to smoke around them, and if they say no, then i respect that, and wait until im somewhere else that i can smoke in.

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of course your attitude changed because you are addicted. and now that you are polluting your body with chemicals that do not belong there, you are slowly poisoning yourself. As you suck up smoke in your lungs, you will be physically weaker. Even taking a simple 3 mile hike in the mountains would leave you wheezing and exhausted worse than a fat man, while coughing up balls of yellow phlegm. All your brain thinks about is getting that next toke and you have very little self control to resist the urge to poison yourself.

That is why your attitude changed, because you changed.

15-16 year old kids start puffing on ciggz cuz its so Ko0l and L33t and all da Ko0l L33t kids do it.

its pure stupidity cuz those same kids have no physical endurance. Get them out on a basketball court and see how fast these smoke-puffing "L33t" kidz cough, whine, wheez and spew slimy loogie curds. Ever wonder why athletes do not smoke?

HHAHAHAHAHA damn emp u r so naive, man i bet i could outrun you everyday.

Who ever said that i was addicted? if i dont smoke for a week theres no prob at all.

I do sports alot (diving, fitness, soccer) so my fisical condition is probably better then urs wormie.

U have this one image in your head about all drugusers/smokers thats wrong, ofcourse there are some peepz that fit ur description but those are just junkies and there just not right in the head.

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Wow i forgot about this topic :O

Anyways Nav ENDO is a band cocksucker not a drug

And to all of the rest of u ....

playing video games on the computer for hours a day is also not good. You can get carpal whateveritscalled disease,sitting 1 foot away from the monitor isn't too great for you. Sitting around instead of doing something active just makes you lazy and your endurance wont be as good.

Being out in the wild isnt good because you can fall and get crippled, you could get attacked and die, you can get bitten by a snake and die of poisoning.. etc etc...

My point is nothing is real good for you, you always run risks of doing something negative to your body.

For the fat person behind your computer reading this saying pot is bad, put down your fucking box of dingdongs.Now tell me whats bad for you health.

Or howabout The manual laboror(lets say a roofer) telling me how bad pot is when you can bearly lift your arms because youre so tired of pounding nails and carrying heavy stuff for the last 10 years of your life.Tell me about the choices ppl should make. Im sure you wont tell them about making the poor choice of getting a shitty education and going into physical labor.

This topic isnt about potheads, its about pot itself.

From now on when youre thinking about pot, think about someone who smokes pot 1 every two weeks instead of the stoner you are really thinking about.

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that makes you and all of endo/PIG (how pathetic you and your BB xvayne must be to name your clan after a drug ) complete losers

{TO THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW: elite47's clan is named after a drug}

Wow i forgot about this topic :O

Anyways Nav ENDO is a band cocksucker not a drug

Yep, Nag was trying to imply Indo which is slang for smoke, tree, wood, green, ect...

not to be confused with Endo. Try again Nav. ;D O0

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  • 2 weeks later...

All drugs should be legal as history has proved that prohibition simply does not work. By outlawing a drug you make it "cool" to have. If pot was legalised then you would see a short increase then a steady decline.

The only reason pot is illegal is because of the alcohol companies. If you have smoked pot before you would know that once you have some you lose the desire to keep drinking alcohol almost instantly(most ppl anyway).

Anyone believes that pot is illegal because of the negative health effects is naive.

Pot is no where near as bad as alcohol and yet everyone puts it in the "evil" catagory.

Drug use can only be slowed through education. Teach your kids one simple thing and you have no problems. Moderation. A couple of glasses of wine occasionally is ok but everyday is a problem. Same go's for pot, couple of billies every now and then is ok but every day affects you in multiple ways.

It all comes down to how good a parent you are in regards to your children;s drug habits.

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As i said there is nothing getting really pissed or really stoned ocassionly. It is when you don't have control that it becomes a problem. I get pissed and stoned 1 - 3 times every three months. When i do get pissed or stoned, i fell that i might as well give it my best shot when i do :).

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when people get stoned, they like it, so they get stoned more. then they have to take more dope to get stoned, then more, then more. Then they find that dope isnt strong enough anymore, so they move onto something stronger, like coke. then it goes on from there, a downward spiral.

Getting pissed is ok, alcolhol is fine, i like it in small quantities.

The only reason cigarettes and alcohol is legal is because of the money the government makes from them. and because the government doesnt sell dope, it cant make money from it, so, it stays illegal

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Goodness me, some of you have some very strong opinions on this don't you?

I personally think there's nowt wrong with smoking pot if that's what appeals to you. My ex was hooked & couldn't get thru the day without it - that is bad. However, in modertaion there's nowt wrong with it. The government says there is only room in our economy for 2 legalised drugs - what a crock of sh*t!

Alcohol kills untold people, as does nicotine. When you have a joinmt, you use little tobacco, if any, which is much better for you. You're not destroyingh your liver, you don't get a hangover - it's no worse than the 2 legal drugs so what is the problem?

Note: I don't smoke it 'coz it's 'cool', I smoke it 'coz I wanna get high & I like being stoned. End of.

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A joint is not fysicly addictive- the only way you can get addicted to it is if you get emotionally dependant on it.

I think that alcohol does a lot more damage then canabis could ever do- alcohol is legal because:

-most governments tax alcohol pretty heavily

-banning it isn't going to work, people will get it illegally.

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The point is Pot should be legalised because what i do to my body is up to me. I don't smoke cigs as this is a concept which is just stoopid. Before you say that passive smoking affects everyone, i agree. I feel that you should only be allowed to smoke pot as your own house.

Alcohol is 5 times as bad. Someone who is pissed can sometimes be angry, agressive and downright dangourous.

Cannibis makes people quite and unobtrusive. They don't cause any trouble and generally laugh at anything.

These wankers who say that it leads to other drugs need to understand that the lack of education from the parents causes this. With the right education from parents, children will understand the simple concept to prevent this.


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when people get stoned, they like it, so they get stoned more. then they have to take more dope to get stoned, then more, then more. Then they find that dope isnt strong enough anymore, so they move onto something stronger, like coke. then it goes on from there, a downward spiral.

What ur describing is the fault of the person not the drug.

If a person has a weak mental state he can get addicted to anything.

I smoke for quite a while now, and i defenitely cant take more dope then in the beginning nor do i feel the urge to take stronger drugz.

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I used to be a smoker and i am on the for argument but i can't agree with you on needing more. The more you smoke the more you need to get stoned. That is the way the body works. Same as alcohol and all drugs. It is just not as quick as some people tend to think. Some drugs are worse than others at this particualr trait

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The point is Pot should be legalised because what i do to my body is up to me

This is always what you think, but it is never the case. Where do you buy your pot? Who do you buy it from? What do they use that money for? For guns to shoot down people? To buy more pot to get little kids hooked on it? It is never just your body.

These wankers who say that it leads to other drugs need to understand that the lack of education from the parents causes this. With the right education from parents, children will understand the simple concept to prevent this.

Saying this makes me assume you had parent education that was "right", and so it also leads me to say "you smoke pot don't you"? So exactly how good was that parental advice? And if you didn't have that advice who are you to say it helps?

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Lovely idea Nav, just the problem of those messy investigations where they do background searches on all of us, and you have something or another to hide, correct?

That and I can just see Nema being torn from his workstation on the job by US Special Forces for planning to take over the world.

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