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Have you guys read the new interview with Brian Herbert on the Landsraad site? He is asked if he & KA are going to tell tales of the "Scattering," and Brian Herbert starts going on about how they are thinking about doing YOUNG ADULT NOVELS about Dune & a bunch of other shit.

I'm TELLING you guys, the Dune novel series is going to become bastardized JUST like the Star Wars series. We're GOING to see a Junior Fremen Warriors Series for 10 year olds, a Young Fremen Warriors Series for "young adults" - all kinds of utter crap like that.

Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. Where is it going to stop? With Dune 7? Yes (they've said that will be the last novel they'll do), but it won't stop at all until they muster up the balls to DO the damn thing, probably in about 20 years when Brian Herbert will die in which case we'd actually have to wait maybe 30 years after that when Brian Herbert's son will have to do it (but not before bastardizing the Dune novels some more, probably).


- Neo

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Notice how BH even mentions possible intent to do novels not just about "Paul of Dune" (which apparently just won't cover his younger years, but evidently periods of time *within* the original Dune itself... can someone tell me the need for this?) but also a novel between Dune & Dune Messiah... um, where did this come from?

Is there a fan on Earth clamoring to KA/BH, saying, "please, please, I REALLY want to know what happens between Dune & Dune Messiah! Dune fans are DYING to know!!!"

Absolutely ridiculous...

- Neo

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

McDune's marches on.

Now they're making the totally unnecessary "Paul of Dune"... into a whole freaking *trilogy*. You know that FAQ about inconsistencies on www.dunenovels.com? I swear this trilogy is just going to be their way of using a bandaid to explain away that shit.

Here's the latest interview:


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Hmm... the prequel novels are A+ books, I'm sure the Legends of Dune trilogy will be A+ as well... but, um... Paul of Dune... not really interesting. But this book between Dune and Dune Messiah sounds really excellent in my opinion.

Heretic! Blasphemer!

I say that they publish the notes, and if they really must a conclusion to the series. That's it. No more. Nothing else. Dune does not deserve this.

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Heretic! Blasphemer!

I say that they publish the notes, and if they really must a conclusion to the series. That's it. No more. Nothing else. Dune does not deserve this.

They'll still make the books, then they'll try to publish the notes and go "nyah nyah we got it right all along."

Seriously, why would we really want to know the 15 years between House Corrino and Dune? Paul pretty much is trained in EVERYTHING everyday. Simple as that. And between Dune and Messiah? Paul just sends out more Fremen to smite the infidels. There. Done in a few lines.

(I bet Paul of Dune is just a way to try and close their loopholes they made in all their books)

and WHY Young Adult novels? I mean, the content in Dune is more mature, but they want to make books that don't contain it or something, but requires you to read Dune? And I mean that especially between CoD and GEoD. Leto II just kills anyone that pisses him off; the Scattering is full of Honored Matres, pretty much sex machines. That's stupid.

(Who even knows if they even have FH's notes.)

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It's really ridiculous, actually. I mean, let's assume OK, "Paul of Dune," in the guise of filling this horrible gap between House Corrino and Dune (I haven't heard 1 person ever remark that they wanted to see this "gap" filled) is strictly a chance they're giving themselves to correct the mistakes they made in the House Trilogy... that can be ONE FREAKING BOOK. Why make it a trilogy? That's just cranking out Dune novels for the sake of cranking out more Dune novels.

You're right, a potentially much more interesting and FAR more glaring gap would be to create some novels between Children of Dune and God Emperor of Dune. I would have no gripe with novels in that time frame and actually wouldn't mind seeing it filled.

Just hypocritical of BH and KJA to go BACK on their promise of "Dune 7" being the final Dune book they'd collaborate on just for a crap project like "Paul of Dune" (and now the flood gates are OPEN, mind you, for all these Young Adult and Junior Dune books KJA and BH have been salivating publically about making) where I can't imagine we'll be seeing anything more interesting than maybe Paul growing his pubes or something.

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  • 1 month later...

  Granted im one of the newer fans and like the prequals and such, but I always thought a book explaining how Paul could have went from savior to tyrant via his conquering army, which still is a concept I cannot understand, golden path be damned.  I wanted to see how the fallen Corrino empire reacted, with the Sardukar im sure getting a few more battles with the Fremen and such.  Really I find the intersteller war one of the best aspects of the series...(and while some of you sages would brand me juvenile cause of the emphasis on such things in the "offshoots of dune" namely Star Trek and Star Wars"...Dune does everything better...so I wanna see it)  While the other ideas dont exactly thrill me, I didnt like the Butlerian Jihad idea at first either.  SO let me ask you to not judge the work of said authors till its out...and secondly at least the series isnt dead...if you want to rant and rave on the merits of a series that was cool at the time but tis now dead there are plenty of "Tekwar" or "Highlander" boards out there...but new material means more chances things will eventually be done right, despite the few things that are done wrong...(AKA Sci-Fi Miniseries)....Kind Sages of Arrakis...I rest my case.

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SO let me ask you to not judge the work of said authors till its out...

Ordinarily I might be prepared to accept advice, and allow the authors to publish what works they want. I mean after all, it makes them a lot of money. Who can blame them? And it's always nice to give people the benefit of the doubt.

But they have had the benefit of the doubt. Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson have had their chances, they have had their trial runs and forgiven mistakes. This is no longer a case of two authors who have the difficult task of following a legend; this is now a case of two authors who have been persistantly awful for several years now, and show no signs of improving. Quite the opposite in fact, if the Battle of Corrin is anything to go by. Any new works from these authors can only be treated with resigned misery and the image of the two of them frantically bashing two stones together in the hope of getting blood.

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granted the idea was good based on the notes FH left the authers but they way they worked them out was not very FH was it? It lackd dept adn a philosopphical underlining. It is good to read the  books to get an idea of the greater whole but do not pay attention to the details they are not based on FH notes (I think) but are the idea's of KJA and BH.

So the prequels give us a better understanding but are not to be treated as tobe totally true.

thank you.

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