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People who buy things with Bank Cards all the time are Idiots


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Today I am waiting in line for my groceries, and it's taking FOREVER. I am wondering: *WHY* is this taking forever? Then I watch the cashier and I notice that almost ALL the people ahead of me are paying with their bank cards.

Anyone who tolerates getting leeched by paying his bank $1.50 - $3.00 every single time he makes a purchase is a MORON with a capital "M"! How IDIOTIC do you have to be to be too stupid to have the foresight to plan your budget and avoid being leeched off of every time you buy anything? (Talk about the Mark of the Beast--- people are SUCH idiots).

The idiocy of the human race, as magnified by a simple observation of people gleefully throwing away their money needlessly, is greatly depressing. What's worse, it wastes my {CENSORED} time!

There should be a "special line" for people who pay with their Bank Cards! They should NOT be allowed into regular lines.

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Your bank charges you money everytime you use your bank card? That must be a crappy bank. :)

Yeah I hear ya. I USED to have a card where I could make as many purchases as I wanted and never get charged for them. But in the endless quest for further gluttony, every Corporate Whoremonger.... ummmm... I mean bank.... in Ontario now leeches from you every time you do that.

I hate banks. Banks are DEFINITELY in the "top 5 worst things in the universe list!" (another front-runner is MS)

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Some banks allow free unlimited electronic transactions. Some make you pay through the nose. Some allow you an allotted number of automatic transactions for a given time period. I think I get 10 free debits or withdrawls per month, which is more than enough for my needs. If they're charging you to use your bank card, then they're probably charging you to write cheques, in which case, switch banks!

As for lineups, debit cards can be faster than cash, depending on how much you spend. It only slows down when they're being used by people who either can't read the screen without glasses, people who need to try 5 different PIN numbers before they remember the right one, or luddites who are utterly incompetant with any sort of computer.

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In the Netherlands I don't have a problem with banks. It takes only that from my account that I have paid. Ok, when I make a transaction, they delay it with 1 day. To make profit with that amount of cash. But hey, they have to earn something too.

I think it's great that if you want to go shopping you don't have to carry so much money. And if I suddenly see something, and I want really to buy it, I CAN, with my bank pass. Ok, I don't use it for small prices. I have some banknotes. And many small shops charges you with E 0.25 if you pay a price under the E 25/50 with your bank pass. But that's only for the connection they have to make.

Maybe it's with you different, but with me it works great

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Best thing is to use credit cards, where you dont pay extra fees for using it, In my case i only use bank cards when i need get cash from an ATM. There is no reason why a customer should pay them (bank) any fees, since they are making money with all the money I deposited in their bank.

Switch bank.

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People usually buy groceries totaling to 10-50 USD. That I understand should be paid in cash, but as it gets in the higher regions, 50-100, people don't carry that much cash with them for fear of robbery or whatever.

This is just a rant from being pissed off at a miniscule situation. Some people make enough money to where availability and easy-transactions overcomes the small payments required. They aren't idiots, that's just their lifestyle. And also in a lot of places banks with no charging or anything are not available. So live it and stop thinking your time is more valuable than anyone else.

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I use my bank card for almost everything. I pay no annual fees, no transaction fees, or any fees of any kind for the use of said card. I will say that I don't like the people who take 10 min. to figure it out though. I can scan mine and go faster then most people can pay with cash.

Heres a trick that works (in America anyway). When you use your card at the grocery store, they always ask bank card or credit card. Well, in fact, you can consider it either one. The diff is, you might get charged a forgein atm charge it you say bank card, where as the credit card transaction is free. Hope that helps someone.

Also, I agree Nav. Banks are def. on top of the list of EVIL. Also there are lawyers, Insurance companies, POLICE, and organised religion (some more that others, but I won't say any names like catho.....wait, that almost slipped) and whoever decided to lock up food (if you haven't read Daniel Quinns "Ishmal", I suggest you read it RIGHT NOW!)

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You're just realizing that banks are crooked NOW nav? Any bank in this country already riddled by taxes is just out to get more of your dough.

-You make a debit purchase: costs an additional fee

-You pay with a cheque: costs an additional fee

-You make a direct withdrawal from the bank machine: costs an additional fee (this one really >:( me off)

-The bank also charges those damn monthly service charges just for using their damn bank, ontop of the other charges!

Yes, Canada has it's ups and downs...this just happens to be one of the downs. However, it is not impossible to find a bank that doesn't have service fees. Just don't always go with the big nation-wide behemoths like Canada trust, CIBC, TD, Royal, Scotia, etc. They charge you an arm and a leg.

Thankfully I'm not 18 yet, so I don't get charged ANYTHING whatsoever ;D.

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My bank doesn't charge for checks being used. ;D

Like I said, I use checks and cash. So I don't have to worry about ATM fees, Debit Fees, etc.

Credit cards, are really out to get your money. Every month you don't pay your bill is just getting larger. Take the example of a relative of mine, who thought credit cards were the ultimate way to pay. She missed one payment and the company used an obscure clause in the contract to send her interest rates to 100%.

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