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This was minorly discussed in religion but it is not a purely religious issue, with so many mindsets and countries represented here I thought we could benefit from showing our views on abortion.  

Fetus means little human (or something tot hat effect) in Latin.

Conception begins according to both science and the bible, in the womb.  When that sperm and egg become a zygote, then a blastocyst, and finally an embryo, and a fetus eventually it is considered medically to be a new human life.

I feel very disturbed by abortion personally.  I want to add that I do have some other views on it as well.  If the baby is going to die anyhow in the womb, abort it.  If the mother will die during childbirth, abort it.  If the baby will be born with a handicap that will kill it later in life anyhow, stop the suffering before it begins and abort it.  If its goign to be a healthy baby, let it live, do not abort it, if you don't want it then put it up for adoption or something.

Just think about this, if your mom had an abortion while carrying you, you wouldn't be reading this right now.

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. Me and yoshi have this disscusion many times. It usaly ends up in not talking to each other for a few days. ow what the frell he is my say. I think its ok to abort if the kid is going to die, kill the mother during childbirth and or raised in such a harsh way that it would be better for it not to be born at all, or if the child was a product of rape as well. But i dont think someone should abort a kid just becouse they dont want it. I mean put it up for adoption then.  (raises arms to defend from incoming assault.)

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Ordos45, if you agree I'll take your point to explain mine. The other posts can find their statements in this as well.

How would you describe that "handycap" ? And when a persone is able to live for let's say 10 years with a handycap, can you say he doesn't get those ten years of his live ? Can you simply deny that human those years ?

You've wrote, "let it live". So we deside if one lives or die ? You know that's not possible. We can't decide for another if he lives or dies. We do not have the right to give another human the right to live or not to live. ( Not without that persone has commited a serious crime against the rest of humanity. )

The mother or her unborn child will survive. So you have to choose witch to live. And then the same as above, You can give the mother the right to live and the child the right to die or vice versa. If you could than the unborn human has basically the right to die.

Basically what I whould like to say. Abortion is a sort of religion. Or an aspect of religion, and you can't build laws on a religion that have to be implied to evry one in the whole world. Eatch persome has different ideas on abortion. And those ideas verry from situation to situation. If you would create a set of rules for abortion they have to be "universal" and just "guide lines" that have to be followed. Aborting should stay the desission of the persones involved ( the mother and father ). It's a thing of their personal and cultural way of living, the morall rules of their religion and background.

It sound cruel, but some people don't think the same about these things as others and you can't say they have to answer the same rules as the rest.

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I myself think abortion should only be used for medical purposes when the mother's life is in danger and or the unborn child's, so I agree with that much that is being said. Abortion should not be used for the use of a child being born into a "low social status", I think this is wrong. People must take responibility (use of birth control) for there actions. What I mean is that if you know you can not afford to have children take the needed precautions to prevent unwanted births. We know that no method of birth control is foolproof but it only takes the time to try and prevent an unwanted birth. With the pleasure derivied from sexual intercourse, the ulitimate form of birth control would be to not have sexual intercourse and I do not see that happening anytime soon.

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I was not pointing you out Ex if your refering to what I posted. I was just replying to the thread.

Abortion is sometimes used as a crutch by some within society because of there reckless actions involving their sexual behavior. In the matter of rape of a woman and the ending result where she becomes pregant it is harder to say because of the emotional trauma invovled on the woman's part. Do you abort the child or ask her to keep the child and have to relive that moment of rape over and over again? This is a hard decision because it involves alot of mental strenght that some people just do not have within themselves to not abort the unborn child. Does that make sense without offending anyone?

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ExAtreides when does a family abuse ? Is it when the parent let it happen that their child is being harmed ( sexual abuse for instance ) ? Then they should not abord the child but the child should be taken away from them by the government.

If you mean that it's born in a place where the changes to survive are minumal, then again how can we judge. I think it's China that forbits family's to have more than one child but those restriction can only be put on a population by it's government. Not by a government from another country / culture.

And Ordos45. I agree with you that the mother should make a lot of important decisions for ( or about ) her unborn child. But I also think this possition is not a verry good one. Why does the mother have more rights then the father. ( nowedays the child can be given food by the father as well ) If the mother decides that she doesn't want the child but the father does ?

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I know, just wanted to mention the counter responds to what I was saying. That was that if the mother doesn't whant the child she could still have it because the fathe could nurse it almost without the biological mother. So it would just apply if the mother doen't want it for "personal" resons but the child and the mother are healthy. :)

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