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Emperor and WW

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Ok this drives me insane. WW abandoned us right, so what do we do? No new pacths to fix bugs because they think we're a waste of time and effort because theres not enough people? Lemme tell you whats a waste if anyone besides board editors are reading this from WW: The waste was making a game and not advertising for it, and having bugs in it then dicthing the people who truley like the game in the dust to wonder " What happened here? That my friends is the waste.WW should make atleast one last pacth to fix obviuous problams. But noooo the leave the people who really like the game to rot away in a corner, and not help them make the game better so they'll buy future WW games, I mean theres logic. And Moderators I'm not insulting anyone here I'm making a piont that the people that like Dune have been dicthed and thats the obvouis so theres nothing wrong with this post, post what you think about this. Until next post, Vilgent.

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this is kinda a mute point with some people. but i would like to appeal with the other people that continue to go out and buy WW products. EVERY ww product i have bought in the last 4 years has had bugs and cheats. Not all but one, not most, EVERY SINGLE ONE.

When i bought Renegade i was just about to the point where i wouldn't buy a WW product just on principle, i thought i'd give em one more shot since i had nothing else to do till WCIII came out. Well now i can't even play a laddered game on renegade cause of everyone using the ion and nuke bug. Every time i think my team has a shot i hear "pp destroyed" and still see the nuke cloud when i'm Nod, or the Ion Beam when i'm GDI.

It's pointless, the only way WW will give better support to their games is when it hits their pocket book. The only way thats gonna happen is if people stop buying the game. So i for one am not buying any WW games for a few years. Maybe by the time i'm in my thirties or fourties WW will have finally figured out how to run a company, till then they are not getting money out of me.

The part of this message that i hope appeals to others is that if you keep hoping ww will straighted up and you keep buying their games to see, you will keep getting dissappointed. The day ww looses half it's customers is the day ww will get off their butts and do something about it. That day will never come as long as everyone biatches and still goes out and buys their games

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yeah, but WW never tried to fix their bugs. And we aren't really talkin cheats, It's how WW abandon their games..and their customers...Blizzard for example still patching, fixing bugs, and replying to customers for WarCraft II and that game is like 4 yrs old.

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Exactly! I remember Blizzard made so many patches for Starcraft; some were made quite a while after Starcraft was released, I'm sure (not that I played the game much, but still (some friend gave it too me when he was tired of it)).

Westwood just didn't try hard enough.

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It isn't that WestWood won't make the patches/fixes. It's because, well they can't. It costs money believe it or not, to have people fix the glitches and bugs, and that money isn't going towards a game that didn't make them a lot of money in the first place. Besides, they might be tight on money/time and simply can't afford putting any time and money into it. Face the facts - it won't be fixed, so drop it people.

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I will definitely buy C&C Generals when it comes out. Why? Because I have had a helluva good time with Red Alert 2, and I have had a helluva good time with Emperor, despite the obvious problems and abandonment. If WCIII kicks ass like all the reviews say, I may switch allegiance to Blizzard as my primary electronic crack dealer, but I simply can't abandon a company like Westwood that makes such kick-ass games. Of course I wish they would do better by their fans, and I think their business sense is unbelievably non-existant. They need a CEO with at least the bare essentials of cut-throat business savvy, and they need to advertise a LOT more because any good retailer knows that ADVERTISING PAYS FOR ITSELF. However, despite all its failings, Westwood does have some fantastic game programmers who have created two great games that I still love and play a lot, so they'll still get my 50 bucks every now and then.

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Well, after the experience with EBFD I had my doubts, but after Renegade I'm sure: No more Westwood games for me. They dropped EBFD and they are going to do the same with Renegade. Mark my words, now that they have released their latest patch, no more support for Renegade, while it still needs it (look at the dissapointment posts on their forum about the latest patch).

Westwood needs to change thier attitude towards their games and paying customers, otherwise they'll looose their faithfull community.

And Taqwa11, they don't need to advertise that much, it's the bad comments from customers that's getting them down. If they'd look closer to Blizzard and how they support their games, Westwood would do a hell of a lot better then they are doing now (they would have kept me as a customer).

IMHO, support makes or breaks a game..

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Well, after the experience with EBFD I had my doubts, but after Renegade I'm sure: No more Westwood games for me. They dropped EBFD and they are going to do the same with Renegade. Mark my words, now that they have released their latest patch, no more support for Renegade, while it still needs it (look at the dissapointment posts on their forum about the latest patch). Westwood needs to change thier attitude towards their games and paying customers, otherwise they'll looose their faithfull community.And Taqwa11, they don't need to advertise that much, it's the bad comments from customers that's getting them down. If they'd look closer to Blizzard and how they support their games, Westwood would do a hell of a lot better then they are doing now (they would have kept me as a customer).IMHO, support makes or breaks a game..
*applauds the Doc*For once I actually completely agree with Nyar. Westwood abandons their customers, so the smart customers have in turn, abandoned Westwood. Seems to me like Westwood is really hurting financially right now. Good. They deserve it. I hope Westwood and EA both go out of business. EA is going to remain a scourge upon the planet forever, but at least Westwood might go under.Of course, I blame EA as much as Westwood. I am sure Westwood once was noble, before it became just another conglomerate in the EA "machine".My advice is to boycott Westwood *AND* EA.
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*applauds the Doc*

For once I actually completely agree with Nyar. Westwood abandons their customers, so the smart customers have in turn, abandoned Westwood.

Seems to me like Westwood is really hurting financially right now. Good. They deserve it. I hope Westwood and EA both go out of business. EA is going to remain a scourge upon the planet forever, but at least Westwood might go under.

Of course, I blame EA as much as Westwood. I am sure Westwood once was noble, before it became just another conglomerate in the EA "machine".

My advice is to boycott Westwood *AND* EA.

For once I actually completely agree with Nav ;D I never played any of WW older games like any C&C Yuri, or any of those. But when i can to emp I found out quickly that WW was gone long before I arived... sad part is it (the game Ebfd) was only half a year old. And now With it reaching its one year mark, it is utterly rediculas that it is totaly unsupported. The suckered me in to get Renegade... but thats the last of my money they get (unless they make a sequal to Emp [which is very unlikely] other wise I will save my money for other things) ;D

I wonder if Blizzard would be interested in making a Dune game? ;D

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People would keep playing dune2000 if they have supported it more.

Just show them the money and they ll do whatever you want even a BL** job if you want, And Its EVEN worse since WW became EA's Bitch.

MAN i dont have words to express my anger .................................................................................................


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I actually agree with Nyar and Nav. Okay, that is scary. But really, I sincerely doubt WW pays any attention to these forums. They are too busy firing people and abandoning games. Oh and they are no longer Westwood, according to a PC Gaming magazine they are now EA Pacific.

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Yep, I've never liked EA, and now they own Westwood. :( Anyway, there's no use complaining - WW will lose money, and that's the story.

BTW - How has Renegade been doing? Been selling? (These are real questions; they're not rhetorical.)

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BTW - How has Renegade been doing? Been selling? (These are real questions; they're not rhetorical.)

Renegade has been doing okay I guess, oposed to EBFD. But there were some major issues which caused me to stop playing. Recently they released their last patch (which was a major dissapointment, just look for the comments in the official forum). As far as I know, there are no plans for any other patches, as the dev team has moved to a "new" project..

I think it sold okay, not to bad and not to good (in their eyes probably not to good).

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Westwood's problem is that they try and stretch themselves over a series of poorly meintained games. CnC, Red alert, Red Alert 2, Tiberian Sun, Dune 2000, emperor, that pirates game, and now Renegade and E:BFD. Take Blizzard for example; they only have 3 major series.

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Renegade has been doing okay I guess, oposed to EBFD. But there were some major issues which caused me to stop playing. Recently they released their last patch (which was a major dissapointment, just look for the comments in the official forum). As far as I know, there are no plans for any other patches, as the dev team has moved to a "new" project..

The new project being different games at different companies most likely.

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To continue to what Gob elluded to, i have it on pretty good authority that WW will dissolve within the year. I know it sounds incredible, but if you see whats been going on, coupled with the way EA watches their pocket books, and the fact that everyone you can call by name at WW is running for the hills to other EA games, or leaving altogether, and it's not so ludicrous anymore

I'm sad to see the design team at ww go, since they came up with the grass roots of RTS games and spearheaded the 3d RTS games (at least the more popular ones). Personally though, i think support, design, and the new projects teams will eventually be happier when compared to what they are dealing with now

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Renegade has been doing okay I guess, oposed to EBFD. But there were some major issues which caused me to stop playing. Recently they released their last patch (which was a major dissapointment, just look for the comments in the official forum). As far as I know, there are no plans for any other patches, as the dev team has moved to a "new" project..

The new project being different games at different companies most likely.

Should we begin calling theis The Dune Curse? Or maybe the Curse of Dune?

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maybe the Curse of WW, seeing as Emp isnt the only game they dropped. They dont support any games right now do they? (with the exception of what ever little support they are dealing with Renegade).

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maybe the Curse of WW, seeing as Emp isnt the only game they dropped. They dont support any games right now do they? (with the exception of what ever little support they are dealing with Renegade).

Yeah, but look at Cryo. They have a Dune liscence too, and they are going out of buisness as well.

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