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2010 Olympics


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Canada barely won hockey against Switzerland.

IOC says you're not allowed to use athletes names on websites.

Blonde we like wins Downhill (Last name rhymes with "Bonn")

Someone whos uses their gear won gold medal, and company can not use her name on their website to state so because IOC owns the rights.

Olympics is big corporate scam.


I can safely say that Canadians are sick of "I believe" song that CTV plays non stop all day long. During superbowl, instead of playing commercials they played "I believe" music video to let people know they were showing the olympics. Everyone hated that.

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After all, the Olympics itself are a rich mans world. The poor aren't invited*, though their tax contributions to the Olympics are**.

Of course, it has always been the way of things for the rich to feast off the backs of everybody else.

*100$... in a recession? Not too many people invited at all.

**Who would reject the security money to clean the streets of the very same unwashed?. Speak about adding insult to injury sheesh....

Security: Oh deary me no!, were not kicking people off the streets were just.... ''assisting them to shelter''... Yeah... that's it........ Hey Joe, give the boss that one will ya, I want my promotion NOW.

Why waste good tax money on public services when there are Olympics to be held?

Of course, the govt will surely spam ''Spinoffs, foreign money for all!)''. How many guys who will fly across the world and spend hundreds of dollars on watching the Olmypics do you know who go buy hotdogs at the lowly street hawker, or rent out some cheap residence instead of staying at the local hotel?

How much of these rich men's money, goes to anybody other than other rich men?

Obviously workers aren't going to be seeing a dime. The corps won't give them another cent regardless of how much they rake in from the Olympics (and in any case I'm not sure how many lower class workers are employed at the kind of luxury goods/services companies that the rich will be buying from anyway. In any case, that is still only a small sector).

Would small business really be any different? How many small businesses have stuff set up at the Olympics? Not too many I presume.

Are we supposed to believe that somehow the rich getting more money is going to benefit everybody else?

Well, certainly people  try to convince us of this now and then: Don't worry that huge bailout is going to save everbody's @$$e$. Oh don't worry about those high-income tax cuts... I'm... I'm sure it will... trickle down eventually... yes that's it (Joe's ******* freind isn't getting my job today b!tch!)

Funny how so many rich people are apparently convinced that their incredible wealth is surely for the good of all. That things might be better off with policies that didn't favor their bank accounts? Perish the thought!

Yes, the Olympic party of the rich must be held for the good of all, and anybody who says otherwise... SEIZE HIM!!! http://columbiavalleynews.com/2009/10/21/bill-13-suspends-civil-rights-for-the-olympics/

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CTV (over the air) today as far as I can tell for past 6 hours showing only human interest stories. No live events or anything. There no events going on or do they not have rights to air them or not profitable enough to air compared to review/interviews?

Canada will beat Russia tonight in Hockey. Will be a great match. Crosby vs Ovechkin.


3PM and I think they are finally airing live events.


Nope, just another recap.


back to watch some mens cross country mens relay skiing

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Canada won gold in mens hockey on overtime, with of course Crosby getting the goal.

Closing ceremonies started with "I believe" song. I'm guessing lots of people wanting to kill themselves now. Most hated song ever because it was played every couple minutes?

Was it played on any non Canadian broadcasts? I assume it was CTV owned and only played on those channels. Wonder if it will help or kill the singers career.


oops, nope it was just those two playing on CTV booth. Not in closing ceremony. ARGH! I hate CTV for that.

Ahh, they lit the last arm that malfunctioned first night.


First song is real catchy.

woooooooaahh, vancouuuuver

The Vancouver Games: A Gold in Drinking

Still, while walking through downtown Vancouver after a long day's work, you can't help but think to yourself: "These must be the drunkest Olympics ever."

Funny article. They had to close liquor stores at 7PM to prevent too many drunks.

Yet another gold medal for CANADA!!


Forgot to mention that the communists are hosting winter olympics in 2014. No not Obama, but Russia.


LOL Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (people who don't get that think the crowd are booing.)

Sweet Neil Young.

OMFG  Will shatner!?!?!?!??!?

Catherine O'Hara too. Best closing event ever. :P

(needs bob and doug McKenzie)

lol M J Fox.

Sooo cliche event.

Now giant sized mounties and mountie dance? Gotta reinforce those stereotypes.

Ahh table hockey. Important form of entertainment.

I think they went too far with GIANT BEAVERS and moose.

Any non Canadians watching this? What are your thoughts?

Nooooo not nickelback. Most overplayed Canadian band ever. I really dislike them. I enjoyed first album before they got radio play.

And avril lavigne? :( :(

Alanis Morissette I can understand, but Simple Plan? Really? Really them? Seriously? Time to stop watching. and they follow up with an even worse band: Hedly

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