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It doesn't say the date :). You know Spicy, I'm a laid back kind of guy. I'm not real big on deadlines. Last Tourney, I had people complaining after it started, saying that they wanted to play but didn't know about it. So I thought this time I would wait a little while for the word to spread.

If you need help with a serial# message me before you install. The D/L ones are pretty used up.

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Emperor medallions?!?!?! I'm SO in! Hopefully 'anyone and everyone' includes noobs like me  ;D

Just a question or two though. As you may be able to see by my current number of posts, I am a complete noob, and as such have never been in a tourny like this before. So, pretty much

1: I live in Australia, and as you may know the timezone here is very different to say America or Europe, so how exactly do we fit the times right so I can join in? Currently, (I think) the Australian timezone is 8 hours in front of GMT, so I'm not sure if there'll be an easy time to fit in on the weekend or not. If this causes too much trouble, just tell me and I'll leave (but you could always bribe me away with one of those shiny medallions  ;D). Just remember I'm not sure how many Australians actively participate in this sort of thing anyway, so please have some mercy with the 'wtf this *points to clock* time is perfect, duh!!' sort of thing if that is indeed applicable  :D

2: Not so much a question, and also much less important, but, as you may have gathered by now, I am a complete noob, and, at time of typing, have never played a game of Emperor online (though I'v had a fair few LAN games). So, I'm not all that worried about getting completely slogged, but I'm just not sure if my internet can handle it. I'v had no evidence to suggest it can't - it can run most games I'v tried to play online fine (Yuri's Revenge and Stronghold 2, mainly), but it wouldn't be all that snazzy if my first game online is an actual tourny match, and my comp just crashes or something. So I'm wondering if anyone who knows their where-ever-they-live-to-Australia-conversion-times could just have a quick online game with me, give me a slogging if they desire, but mainly just to test if my comp can run it without any problems.

Anyway, if '1' proves all good and I can join in without too many problems, then sign me up  ;) (if '1' is all good, but I can't get a game before the tourny, then I'll just have to take my chances in the first game).

Oh, and could you put 'We'll see, Lastgoyo, we'll see...' next to my name lol?  ;D

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Anyone and Everyone means exactly that, Noobinator. Of course you can join - Provided you can get online, and don't lag horribly.

1- What kind of internet do you have, dial up, or broadband? As far as I know everyone who plays Emperor online is broadband.

2- Follow the instructions in the sticky posts about getting online. PAY ATTENTION to the part about Graphics settings (all sliders to LOWEST settings, all the way to the left).

3- Get online and try a game. You MUST post your online nik in this thread. And you MUST fill out your info in your profile AND the "MSN Messenger or add your Nik here" post. This is how we arrange games, on MSN, and for the Tourney, in a thread I will create on this board.

Where you live is not a big problem, just look at the flags of some player on this board, USA, China, all over Europe, etc. We all manage to play.

Being a Noob does not matter. In fact it is good. Whistler and I want EVERYONE to have a good time and a fair shot. We have some VERY ELITE players in this game. So this is how I will do some Handicapping to give everyone a chance to have some fun. I will NOT be placing 2 Elites on the same team. This way all the Elites will have to work just as hard as the normal players. This should make for Challenging games. Is it a perfect solution? No, but it is the most fair that I could come up with.

What everyone must remember is- This is about having fun!!!

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Yeh, I have broadband, I wasnt saying that my comp definitely would lag or crash, etc, I was just saying I didn't deem it worth it to wait for the tourny itself to test whether or not my comp would run it. Chances are it does it fine, but there's always that possibility.

Okies, I'v done the getting online guide thing, my online nik is 'omeganoob' (hey, 'Ultimate' wouldnt fit, give me a break ;D). Ill try a game as soon as i can, but, problem being, whenever I'm on, no one else tends to be.

Sorry about the compressed response, but i kind of g2g, so ill fill out the fields 2morrow, i take it thats wen i can be signed up?  ;D

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Hey, Ultimate Noobinator

If you need a few pointers and game tips, just say the word!

I'm in AU as well so timezone should not be an issue for us two..

Then again, i've misjudged so called 'n00bs' before ;)   

They eat me before i can even remember how to play this game..

Shows what i know :/

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Yo whats up guys. I'm gonna try and install later and get a game to see whats up. Make sure everythig runs well; then I will let you know if I can join since I haven't played any games on my desktop in a long time.

Otherwise I'm in, nice to still see people still playing. Hope you guys don't rip me up to much.

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::) Sure Leo, you just tell me what. Back in the day, weren't you in one of the clans? Like maybe skum?

Yeah, that's an interesting thought, any of you that were around back in the clan days, post your old clan and I'll put it next to your Nik.

BTW, I am going to wrap up enrollment soon. We have plenty of people for a 2 v 2 tourney. I feel that I have given enough time for people to spread the word.

Please everyone check my first post for the latest updates.

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Voodoo Daddy, I think you deserve a round of applause for the previous tournament, the amazing prizes, and the upcoming competition.  I've meant to say it for a long time now and for some reason I never do.  Good job.

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Hey guys I think its better that this time the results of the 2v2's going to be decided by 2 matches, this way it's going to be more precise cause u know in a 2v2 shit happens like someone is getting rushed quickly or something and also you give another chance for a revange to the losing team. If a team loses 2-0 then the other team is really better, if its 1-1 so there should be one last match to decide who's the winner.

I think it's also more fun to fight twice then once :)

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