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Where'd you get your nick?

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How could I possibly forget that for one moment, Mr. Flibble?  One of my favorite chapters from GEOD includes the following passages:


He knew why Hwi Noree had been sent to him now.  How well he knew!

They (Ixians) had discovered his secret.  Hwi was the evidence of it.

He thought desperate thoughts.  Could this terrible metamorphosis be reversed?  Could he return to a human state?

Why not?  What am I?  The ultimate loner forced to look at what might have been.  Every day I look at it


I got my nickname after playing Dune II, where the ranks were Sand Flea, Desert Mongoose, etc, so I picked my favourite animal, and made it into a nickname for the internet.


How could I possibly forget that for one moment, Mr. Flibble? 

Lady, you're outright dangerous ;) :D


I got my nickname after playing Dune II, where the ranks were Sand Flea, Desert Mongoose, etc, so I picked my favourite animal, and made it into a nickname for the internet.

I thought you mentioned some Dune fanfic you wrote where dunenewts were some type of Dune creatures - or is it just another part of the same story?

BTW I find these ranks somewhat clumsy - a more careful study of the Dune Encyclopedia would provide the developers with more interesting stuff to implement, like the Sardaukar ranks or Fremen status/position names.


I thought you mentioned some Dune fanfic you wrote where dunenewts were some type of Dune creatures - or is it just another part of the same story?

BTW I find these ranks somewhat clumsy - a more careful study of the Dune Encyclopedia would provide the developers with more interesting stuff to implement, like the Sardaukar ranks or Fremen status/position names.

My name was around before the 'Phibians' of Dune 7, and my nickname was the reason behind the creatures in any fan fic I've done.


more interesting stuff to implement, like ... status/position names.

Could we have a Rutting Sandworm? :D

(I know, they don't reproduce <b>that</b> way. They also don't produce spice, but that hasn't stopped you-know-who. :P )


"Freemasonry"?! Really? How?

The famous lodge Propaganda Due tried between 70's and 80's to achieve two party system and total control of the media.

Now number 1861 of Propaganda Due is in charge,the control of information is achieved (this is the reason they fear Sky) and we are near to the two party system...even the two party have no sense:they are socialist,communist and conservative merged without reason,the only difference is that one party have a solid leader and the other no.


It exploded, and I was sucked into a warp hole when it did, so I had to make a new account in the realm of warp holes.

Why don't you ask Gob if he can merge the two of them?  Nice to see you back by the way.


Yes, well, we like to keep things family friendly on the forums.

The famous lodge Propaganda Due tried between 70's and 80's to achieve two party system and total control of the media.

Now number 1861 of Propaganda Due is in charge,the control of information is achieved (this is the reason they fear Sky) and we are near to the two party system...even the two party have no sense:they are socialist,communist and conservative merged without reason,the only difference is that one party have a solid leader and the other no.

I've just skimmed over the "Propaganda Due" article at Wikipedia. Very interesting. It apparently had some very prominent members, so I suppose it could well have achieved what you say it did.


Why don't you ask Gob if he can merge the two of them?  Nice to see you back by the way.

I asked my brother to ask Edric O, but then Edric was like "Me_by_betchmarthplz.pngsaysplz.gifNo way, I'm like, way too busy", so I was like "Ohohooh.gifsaysplz.gifLol okay"


Sweet zombie Jesus, the pictures make me want to gouge my eyes out.

Why didn't you ask Gob?  Or ask Edric yourself?

Did you ask permission to link another person's DeviantArt picture?  Did Edric even say that?

So many questions.


Sweet zombie Jesus, the pictures make me want to gouge my eyes out.

Why didn't you ask Gob?  Or ask Edric yourself?

Did you ask permission to link another person's DeviantArt picture?  Did Edric even say that?

So many questions.

Oh no! Someone feels like bothering me! It's a joke, no doubt you'll be like "The joke isn't funneh betch!".

I didn't ask Gob and/or Edric O because I didn't have an account at the time and I was far too lazy to actually make another account, and it seemed a lot more convenient to just ask my brother.

And I didn't get permission to use that picture because the account was a "plz" account, ie. no one uses it (well, at least not much), and even if I wanted to waste my time and ask for permission from someone who wouldn't care if I used their picture with permission or not, the person who made the "plz" account never showed the link to their own account or mentioned it in anyway. (not to mention no one cares)

I do hope you're satisfied inspector troll.


Sweet zombie Jesus, the pictures make me want to gouge my eyes out.c]

Oh god, YES, the sadistic pleasure, I need more of it!!! XO (I came)


The joke wasn't funny, hence the comment regarding the gouging of my eyes.  From their sockets.  Do pay attention.

I'm glad you're admitting to being lazy, though.  Not asking Gob / Edric, not asking permission because you simply assume you're allowed to.  Fantastic stuff.

While I'm glad that my voice is capable of making people reach orgasm, your doing so in a public forum is inappropriate.  I'm sorry, but I just don't like you that way.  I hope I haven't hurt your feelings. :)


eating  too much spice melange  ,, i must have harvested zillions of that stuff

if i got a penny on every full nose down harvester i would be rich

spicy 2 hot 4 u


The joke wasn't funny, hence the comment regarding the gouging of my eyes.  From their sockets.  Do pay attention.

I'm glad you're admitting to being lazy, though.  Not asking Gob / Edric, not asking permission because you simply assume you're allowed to.  Fantastic stuff.

While I'm glad that my voice is capable of making people reach orgasm, your doing so in a public forum is inappropriate.  I'm sorry, but I just don't like you that way.  I hope I haven't hurt your feelings. :)

Do you have ODD or something? Seriously, because you seem to have an endless urge to argue/nitpick until Edric O or some other mod comes in and says "Shut up your face", and then that mod closes the thread... >_>


So I don't think I'm going to reply to your supposed comment after this... <_<


''While I'm glad that my voice is capable of making people reach wo orgasm, your doing so in a public forum is inappropriate.  I'm sorry, but I just don't like you that way.  I hope I haven't hurt your feelings. ''

Really? From the way you're on his BACK all the time I think I can be forgiven for thinking you two were intimate. A sadist and a masochist apparently, seems like a good pairing to me.

I think he knows that you didn't/wouldn't find the joke funny hence: ''no doubt you'll be like "The joke isn't funneh betch!".''

And you know what, I think YOU know that too. So why prod and poke?

What else is it safe to assume we both know? Maybe that a normal poster wouldn't receive a Dragoon inspection every time posts?

So let's see... if you frequent Deviantart enough you should know that that particular picture is an icon used with fair frequency all over the site (therefore you would know that permission is surely not required and are pretty much just looking for an excuse).

As for the second picture, SURELY I don't need to say anything about that (Well, involving a little bit of assumption here but...). Maybe you're not feeling too generous with the dispensing of respect in my direction right now, but that doesn't mean that I'll do you the same dis-service.

If you don't use Deviantart then why are you inspecting every picture for it's source?

The only other ''reason'' for this hostility is that he had me PM Edric O about restoring his account instead of doing it himself.

Once again, we BOTH know that is no big deal. Why PM himself if it doesn't matter?

''I'm glad you're admitting to being lazy, though.''

So why don't you make me glad with a little honesty of your own and stop looking for excuses to maintain an old grudge?

It doesn't matter much to me as KGA has already given it a rest (though the rude tone in his last post is hardly admirable.However, none of the conversationion between the two of you has been freindly so what should I expect?)  and is very unlikely to service this fight for much longer. Therefore, this fight will probably not require the locking of this thread nor will it detract from theforum by diverting poster's time and attention that could be spent elsewhere.

However, it is getting a tad old.

Of course, having said all that, you certainly shouldn't be expecting another peep out of me on the matter. If you and KGA continue to p!$$ on each after this then that is about all the effort I am willing to expend on the matter... if it's going to be like that then go ahead and get yourselves stinking wet with human juice, I just don't think that that's a very pleasent thing for any party involved and am trying to save you guys the displeasure by advising against such a course but if you insist you insist.


Oh, hello Sneakgab.  Didn't expect to see you so soon. :)

Really? From the way you're on his BACK all the time I think I can be forgiven for thinking you two were intimate. A sadist and a masochist apparently, seems like a good pairing to me.

I'm not sure what he's been telling you, but I'm afraid I don't reciprocate his affection.  I just don't feel that way about him.

On his back?  I only asked a few questions.  Legitimate ones, at that.  Then he went and called me names in his response - he seems to take any response from me negatively.

What else is it safe to assume we both know? Maybe that a normal poster wouldn't receive a Dragoon inspection every time posts?

I like the repeated insinuations that I'm some sort of inspector. :P  The only thing I can deduce is that I asked some questions of a poster that has shown immaturity in the past - I wanted to see if he'd grown any.  His first few posts on his new account seemed to indicate that he may have changed, but it all fell apart with those pictures.

So I asked some questions designed to make him think about what he'd said - the tone of it, the veracity, how appropriate it was for the thread.  Obviously, this was all lost on him.

So let's see... if you frequent Deviantart enough you should know that that particular picture is an icon used with fair frequency all over the site (therefore you would know that permission is surely not required and are pretty much just looking for an excuse)

I'm not looking for an excuse for anything.  Like I said, it was more a case of pointing out the various aspects of the post that made me want to forcefully remove my eyes from their housing.  If you'd paid more attention, rather than just responding to KGA's pressing of the "Panic" button because he's out of his depth, you might have seen that my intention was to try and get him to think before he posts.

The only other ''reason'' for this hostility is that he had me PM Edric O about restoring his account instead of doing it himself.

Once again, we BOTH know that is no big deal. Why PM himself if it doesn't matter?

You've spotted another reason I called him on the post.  I would be more impressed had I not listed it myself.  You've incorrectly interpreted it as hostility or "bearing a grudge", however.  It shows a lack of respect for the forums and the forum rules to simply make a new account, with little or no effort on their own part to restore the old one.  Did you PM Edric and did he say that?  I ask only because it sounds unlike Edric to simply dismiss something because he's "too busy" - at the very least, it's paraphrasing, and he would have no doubt suggested contacting Gob.

So you see, it does matter.  My questions were geared towards getting him to put some thought into what he does.

Of course, having said all that, you certainly shouldn't be expecting another peep out of me on the matter. If you and KGA continue to p!$$ on each after this then that is about all the effort I am willing to expend on the matter...

Oh come now, you're teasing me.  You're saying that you won't come a-running when Kirby cries foul any more?  You know just what to say to a guy, don't you? :P

Honestly, though, the only hint of venom I directed towards KGA was in the response to the healthy amount he dished out to me, and that was to highlight his own admission that he was lazy.  Nowhere else have I insulted him, except to say that he has not changed.  If he chooses to see this as an insult, it only validates what I've been saying all along.

But yes, I agree, it's getting old.  I only wish that with age would come maturity.  Let's leave it at that, shall we? :)

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