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Thanks guys, I'll check that server out! Scar, yeah that's what I got. It's much easier with a DVD now so I don't have to switch CDs every time a map for a different game is on the list.


xfire spammed my email  ,, i made a new email so i dont have stupied emails

and it was ok but after i gave it to xfire i am having 4 spam emails daily


I didnt have that problem...

Kingpoker, I just today realised that I probably wont play e:bfd ever again...That sounds so unbelievable but it is probably correct too.. :'(


Ah, Dawson? Dawsonfattits? Cool guy.

Well old boy, Ill be on tonight for a short while and will have xfire on if you are around you can find me on the xcu server.


Flippin ek these matches are bloody fantastic!!!

How did you guys(erjin and scar) feel about that clan freindly last night/morning?(in scars case perhaps) ;D :D :-X


Been a little busy since that match, but damn it was awesome. Talk about intense, I was nervous as shit, cause I knew they were keeping an eye on what I did right or wrong. But I loved the Mashtuur rounds alot. Honestly never played serious on a 16 pyr. map ever..so that was a first for me. Ton's o Fun!!

Edit...Just found this screeny of a round of one of those games.


I have no clue why I took it, but you can see by the score what's about to happen. :'( But you can also see by the killing discripts... (top left) how intense and steady the killing rate was going at. I really liked that squad we had going there alot...Japeye did a great job as squad leader.Also,using that kit without unlocks, that gun pwns. I had a few sniper distance kills with it at the Mosque. popping and using it on semi-auto from across the bridge. For matches with no unlocks that kit rules.  8)


Talk about intensity, lol. I was about to pop at erjin for getting a highest voice over me, lol!

Scar your squad done better than ours in mashtur city as you guys captured the flags more than we did. ::)

It felt really annoying that I could'nt run off and do the things I do but I spotted as much as I could and I'd always get mowed down by 2 of them at a time. I was never medic in those matches. :) 8)

Now us 3 know what it's like to be in a clan match it's now a matter of getting more of them. :)

I was about to pop at erjin for getting a highest voice over me, lol!

Huh ?

Yeah, they are mega fun, much more then normal play as there is a purpose and each round actually counts, not like, "ah, so we lost, ok, next round". Now its like "SHIT, WE LOST !! ARGGGHR".

Mad made me mad a few times by not coming on to the flag and just running around or watching for enemies, at one point I neutralised the flag in mashtuur by myself before I Was killed, and had mad been there we could have had it (maybe, nothing is certain) and respawned to defend it.

Either way, must do it again.


I didnt have that problem...

since i gave my secret email to xfire i am getting wierd messages such as this one :

  UKNL FOUNDATION HEADQUATERS:101 Wigmore StreetLondon W1U 1QURef: UK/9420X2/68 Dear Selected winner,This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash Price of


Hehe, nice one spizo.

Hey, I will find you again on xfire some time soon, and maybe scar can come as well then we can make a proper squad and kick some antik butt..


yes,, it will be a change from the 30 player server u playe on with inf and city maps..

we at antik are used to massive attacks with air and ground units like u saw at golf of Oman

Massacre that happend last time.. and that what makes this game so great its the waves and waves

of soldiers trying to land their a$$es on the sand and the other team is just killing

them with no mercy just like what happend in Normandy ..

Oslo u got unlucky both times with maps like Fuji pass and so i mean its OK but the game

is better at karakand or charki with so many good players around..

now i am having some problems with the game as its showing me (there is a problem with ure con ) screen and its cuts me from the servers .. the dsl seemed to be ok i was going crazy i formated

and reinstalled then my dsl started to act weird so i think its was causing the problem

the dsl was back few hours ago i tired a game and it didn't cut.. maybe its fixed anyway ill let u know..


I like this part:


hahaha,,, he even send  me another email today saying he want 2000 UK pounds to send me the check

and that he cant take the money from the prise because its sealed

i went like,, ohhh mister john i cant trust the mail with such big check why don't u come to

Cairo and bring it to me and i will split the money with u and take u to see the pyramids


Hehe, good stuff ! Get him there then mummify him.

As for Antik, yeah, I got on one map where we got constantly battered. We were never allowed to get a foot hold and I had like a score of K=5 D=29 or something, it was silly.


Yea, my last try at that server, it was something like 90% splash damage killing(hele/gunner flag guarding), and 10% chance of actually spawning for more than a few seconds and living long enough to move. Now does the one patch apply to that server were the hele gun was nerfed at on time or not? If not then it makes perfect sense. That's really the only difference to me between inf. only play and vehicles allowed. It really is nothing more than killing and playing with only your skill and foot and sprint traveling (inf.only), and having the ability to use vehicles for travel and alot of splash damage kill's. I don't mind playing either or, just my opinion.  ;)


Yea, my last try at that server, it was something like 90% splash damage killing(hele/gunner flag guarding), and 10% chance of actually spawning for more than a few seconds and living long enough to move.

well i had this problem at firts but now they cant kill me that easy.. thats is why its better to

playe the real full game with all on it.. playing inf only make u a lamer.. the real war is

when u learn to avoind jets and know haw to kill helis.. its big part of the fun for me and

i will never cut the game to parts and playe with inf like u guys do..or i would go and

playe fear for free... i didnt have big losses at the game that erjin was talking about

i mean its a great thing to learn haw to move with 64 playrs online and with skilled pilots

around.. its just a bigger thing than the small in maps.. and because antik is like xcu

in somway because we allwayes playe eath others so u get to be used to the battle more and


about the heli gun i dont know what u mean by nerfed  but we dont have any mods on the servers

exept patch 1.4


playing inf only make u a lamer..

Explain why that is please.  ::)

My complaint had nothing to do with skill, or how to shoot a hele down, I didn't get the game yeterday, i'm aware of what vehicles, armour and hele's do. That wasen't the problem I had with that server,it was the baseraping and spawn-killing that pissed me off, plain and simple.

The good thing about playing with the official rankings and such is, when such a thing starts happening I can move to a different server and don't have to deal with it. Instead of being stuck only in one server.  ;) We do play in other games and servers with all units all the time. That's just how the Clan battles and other matches are geared. And anyone who has played in or with XCU cannot say it didn't sharpen their skill's, even if it was a few games. Hell, to even play against all of the other clanmates you have no choice but to get sharper skills...or you are usually dead pretty quick.


Yeah I tend to play on clan servers where one team has all the same name prefix so as to see how I can improve against coordinated attacks.


Spicy, in that game, in part, I deliverately spawned on the one flag we had on the land (we started off as USMC on the carrier) as I dont give a monkeys left b*all as to what my stats are on those servers. I noticed you hung back on the carrier rather then spawn on that one flag and used air vehicles to play. Had I given a damn about my stats I would be a lot more picky about how I played.

Spicy, dont be under the impression that we only play inf only or that we are no good at vehicles, its just more fun with inf only. I guess you cant know that as you havent tried inf only. We have tried both and as you have seen, still play both to this day, its just more fun on inf only.


playing inf only makes you weak when you playe the real bf2 game against trained pilots

and armored juggernaut ,,, u will panic every time u hear the jet passing by..

i think skill comes with practice and if you don't learn haw to shoot helies with the hammer canon

and aa rockets its normal that you will get smacked ..

because all you know is haw to deal with inf by shooting them all the time and the inf never

do as much damage  as trained pilots and good armor unites..

now if you playe on inf servers all the time you wont have the sense

of danger that keeps you from getting hit all the time, the player who playes

on normal servers is in more danger than you. and is more skilled in the game than

you.and have more aggression than you. yes you get  better skilles in inf war but on the account of losing other skilles

such as hiding and surface to air attacks,

  that's means inf players=lamers . because they will get pounded at the real servers and will

never be good pilots or armor units

as for spawn killing its Oslo your fault because you are used to playe on lam servers..

if you are capturing a flag then its normal to kill the spawners because if you don't they will

kill you because they are meters awy from the flag and on 64/64 servers you wont believe

have fast the  waves of attackers are , on maps like sharki or road to jalal. man they are not spawn killers they are just moving lines after lines so its normal that u get killed

and here you have 2 choices : 1_ spawn at base and find a transport (that what i do)

2_ get into a squad and then you spawn at the flag.

_about base rape we have scripts against base rapers and the ban list is full of them but

new players are allways coming in at antik and they don't usually read the rules

and they get kicked all the time because when you do that the server will give you

warnings in green text calling you by name then it will kick and ban you,

antik is not the best server when it comes to rules but its normal to have issues like this

in a 64/64 players server that is full all the time..

about you having the choice of diffrent servers i never said that getting the copy of the game

is better than the cool ea ranking but it was all the choices i had.. but at the end i got used to the

players at antik they are much similar to the dune2k community were you get known by others

and have a chance to make nice Friends. so its not a total loss..


  that's means inf players=lamers . because they will get pounded at the real servers and will

never be good pilots or armor units

as for spawn killing its Oslo your fault because you are used to playe on lam servers..

Well, then I'm a lamer Spicy.  ::)


Spicy, dont be under the impression that we only play inf only or that we are no good at vehicles, its just more fun with inf only. I guess you cant know that as you havent tried inf only. We have tried both and as you have seen, still play both to this day, its just more fun on inf only.

i dunno i allwayes see you guyes at the inf server , maybe am rong.

if you look at the server monitor i gave you you will find lots of inf servers i tried them

but i didnt like it


Well, then I'm a lamer Spicy.  ::)

i dont realy mean it that way.. i just think you are playing half of this great game

and missing the real action which i am addicted to it.. and i think that is lam

or in other word a loss

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