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C&C 3 is in the works


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I find that hard to believe.....As a loyal supporter of Kane for years now I have never heard of such things....he is a messiah. Perhaps his brother Abel but not Kane......Is there evidence of this in our Archives? (cnc encyclopedia)

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I think that [the idea that Kane is the Cain from the Bible, something I have long suspected, and now need to play Renegade for] explains much of what Kane says and how he acts.

Final GDI mission in TS:

McNeil: You're not God, Kane [Cain].

Kane/Cain: No, I'm not God. But I'm a close second.

That, and how many times has Kane died? At least twice. Blown to bits by an ion cannon at Sarajevo (circa 1990) and then impaled in his temple in Cairo (circa 2030). Now, considering that Kane was, the first time he died, seemingly the same age as the second time he died, despite the passage of 40 years, I have to wonder what's going on.

Also, I'm beginning to doubt that the Scrin are really aliens. Maybe Kane/Cain just created Tiberium and the Scrin in order to fulfill his maniacal drive to play God. God created man, Cain created the Scrin. This attitude explains pretty much everything Kane/Cain does, I think.

EDIT: Also, I would like to point out how I like Edric's reasoning. Human Alliance vs. Scrin in the original release, and Scrin homeworld invasion for the expansion. Edric, you're a marketing genius.

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Production on our top-secret project is going extremely well, and we're eager to tell you about it as soon as we get the green light from our publisher.

That was from the Petroglyph website.  Can some one split this topic into the bit about C&C 3 and the bit about GDI V Nod, then merge the GDI V Nod part with the new thread that has been created and merge the C&C bit with the Petroglyph thread.  Please. :)

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I find that hard to believe.....As a loyal supporter of Kane for years now I have never heard of such things....he is a messiah. Perhaps his brother Abel but not Kane......Is there evidence of this in our Archives? (cnc encyclopedia)

"Then Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden."

- Genesis 4:16

It's pretty obvious where the name of the Brotherhood of Nod comes from. At the very least, Westwood used the Bible for inspiration. But it's more likely that they made all their biblical references for a good reason.

[the idea that Kane is the Cain from the Bible, something I have long suspected, and now need to play Renegade for]

Don't expect any revelations. The Renegade campaign creates more new questions than it answers. It is never explicitly stated that the tomb I've shown you is the tomb of Abel - not unless you can read Hebrew, that is. It has been confirmed by Hebrew speakers that the name on the sarcophagus is indeed "Abel" and that the writing on the wall (behind the sarcophagus) is a short biblical text (we even had a topic on it a while ago), but the average Renegade player would have no way of knowing this. The only thing that is mentioned of the tomb is that Kane considers it "holy ground" and it is "the site where the Brotherhood was founded".

As a side note, if you listen to some of the random computer warnings during the final mission, you will eventually hear the following: "Warning! Computer Assisted Biologically Augumented Lifeform damaged..."






That may count as a revelation. CABAL existed during the 1990's, at the time of the first tiberium war. So how old is CABAL, anyway? As old as Kane, perhaps? In fact, the Nod ending movie in Firestorm suggests that CABAL is Kane. And the same movie shows us a clone of Kane being grown in a sort of giant glass jar. That explains why Kane appears to be immortal and ageless: He is a non-corporeal entity. He uses human bodies as avatars, and when one avatar is destroyed he simply grows another. You see, one of Kane's avatars really WAS vaporized by an ion cannon, and another avatar really WAS impaled by McNeil. But those avatars were merely extensions of Kane's will, not Kane himself.

Now regarding your concerns:

Kane/Cain seems bent on having humanity altered to survive in a tiberiam world...

How do you know that's not just a cover-up to kill as many people as possible by tiberium poisoning? After all, Kane's tiberium experiments have shown suspiciously little success over 50 years. Maybe he doesn't want them to succeed.

If the Scrin are so secretive that they're not going to show their faces until after the final phases of the tiberiforming operation, why crash a Kodiak-sized vessel on the surface of Earth?

The Scrin didn't crash it. Vega did. The Scrin gave the ship to Kane, then Vega stole it from Kane and crashed it. This was obviously a stupid blunder. And the reason why there were no Scrin on the ship is because the ship had been in Kane's keeping (in a secret hangar, where Slavik went to look for it and found out it had been stolen) for a very long time. Maybe it was Kane's own ship (after all, if Kane is working with the Scrin, they must have given him a personal spaceship).

Two, why give them the Tacitus?

The Scrin gave the Tacitus to their agent, Kane/CABAL - not to the humans.

so, I guess we know which one EA will pick!

Neither one, most likely... since there probably won't be a C&C 3. :'( :'( :'(

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Quiet Edric...all this crazy stuff is making it weird.....

And there better be a C&C 3....and it better be GDI/NOD.....

If I am not given this there will be hell to pay...

But I am sure they wont discontinue the C&C series.....it is too profitible and popular.

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Maybe Kane is a time traveler?  :P

Remember all those quotes like "I`m the future" in RA and "who command the past, conquer the future. Who conquer the future, control the past." or something like that.

And remember that the chronosphere is not in TD or TS. It has been destroyed? Kane has it?

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Makes sense, Edric. So, now I have a question.

What if Kane/CABAL isn't an agent of the Scrin, but a Scrin leader himself? Or, more frighteningly, what if he is the Scrin? This explains Kane's fanatical devotion to genocide (your version) or tiberium-adaptation (my version) [i use the two versions because I don't think an argument on "the true will of Kane" will be conclusive]. It also explains the "not God, but close" and the "I didn't steal it, I made it" lines. It also explains his symbiosis with CABAL.

I just played the early Nod missions in Tiberian Sun. I just noticed that in one of the mission descriptions on the battle map, CABAL says, "swaying these units will be most beneficial to my... your cause" or something to that effect. This is before Kane appears, and you are supposed to be enforcing the will of Kane. So, there's some more evidence for you. (nods)

Then, the question is how the Tacitus fits into all of this. Why would Kane need it if he is that powerful? I suppose that supports the theory that he's only a Scrin agent.

Also, look at the carvings on the wall behind Abel's tomb. It shows a man with a knife stabbing another man. Look at the man with the knife, he is bald, and sports a moustache-beard combo. Hmmm.

This brings up another point. If Kane is, in fact, Cain, then the Scrin, supposing that they are up to everything that's been going on, have been around for pretty much the width and breadth of human civilization. Let's assume, for a moment, since there was an Abel (if there's a Cain...), it's likely there was an Adam. And if said Adam was the first human... well, the story of human creation just got a lot more interesting.

Think about it like this. Assuming the Scrin want to tiberiform the Earth and kill mankind, why start in the mid-1990's when they planted their agent on Earth at the beginning of human civilization. Wouldn't it have been easier to kill off mankind when there were only four of them? (Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel).

Oh, wait. That's right, it would have been easier -- and that's what Cain did. At least, he tried, but God, apparently, banished him to the land of Nod... so, it seems, humanity survives and Kane/CABAL/the Scrin's plot is thwarted... by God? That's weird. And, still, why send tiberium now instead of then?

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It has been mentioned that the banshee was scrin technology. One thing to add is that its ingame art definition is "scrin"....

Note also that logically there also exists a connection between the Banshee and cyborgs; the commando wields an apparently identical plasma weapon to the banshee (game stats are slightly different).

Mind, I still have no clue as to why on earth (or elsewhere) the Tacitus was named after the ancient historian. (Unless it's a weird insider joke in that Tacitus was the prot

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I'd like to remind you all of what the almighty Delphi said on the Official Renegade Forums back in  it's early days. He said, and I quote, "Kane is not a Scrin nor is he CABAL". I myself think CABAL is some kind of digital copy of Kane's mind, which fits in with the final Firestormcutscene while not breaking with Delphi's quote. It also explains why Kane is the only one who can hold CABAL on a leash.

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But, what about the final Nod-Tiberian Sun cutscene in which Kane does the same Christ-pose he did in the original game... then disappears in a flash of green-white light? What was that?

So, I take it you support the idea that Kane is Cain?

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