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FED2K warlords


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OOC:Sorry for the inactivity, goddamned exams... :-X

To Dust Scout:

Since when did "The List" be able to establish links outside Fan Fiction? Even worst, in "OOOH". That is not part of our contract, and therefore it would be considered non-functionable and ignored. The attack on Rookie will still proceed. However I would decide which thread of his to be attacked first unless you give further instructions.

There is one thing that I wish to ask for though. My warmasters wishes to study on "The List" to verify their research done at before. They will do no harm, and you may send your men to supervise them during the study.


ExSPlug and all the Devil Summoners is now standing infront of a pair of huge iron doors in the underground levels of "OOOH". The doors were sealed by a long piece of paper with runes scripted in blood.

"Be prepared" ExSPlug rips of the seal.

The doors opened outward slowly automatically. It was of utter darkness inside. When the doors opened to it's full, strong gale blew out suddendly, along with blood-chilling screams.

"Let's go. And forget about summoning, it wouldn't do good inside."

Inside was a large flight of stairs leading down. The group descended down, and infront of their eyes is a large piece of barren plain. A huge courtyard for training troops.

"This is amazing..." said one of the devil summoners in awe.

"The "OOOH" you see is actually part of the ruins of what was known as Glast Heim. You'll find it more surprising later. Now, lets go." ordered ExSPlug.

The group moved across the courtyard and entered another small stone structure, and descended down deeper. But they didn't notice the shadows gathering behind them.

The next floor was a labyrinth used as an underground prison. The bones of prisoners could be seen lying everywhere, along with some that had zombiedified. There is even one pair where the jaws of one had jammed deep into the neckbone of another set, while a sharpened spoon went through the set that gave the bite.

"Follow me close." said ExSPlug as he bashes the head of a zombie prosiner wandering around, "you don't want to become one of them, right?"

They moved on and arrived at an alter in the middle of the labyrinth.

"Who is it that had intruded our relams..." a voice bellowed out from thin air.

The shadows that had followed them exposed themselves. Sets of armor and weapons taking shape in thin air, each with smiliy maskes covering their faces. They were riding upon gastly flames in the shapes of horses. ExSPlug and his men were surrounded, and the devil summoners were taking fighting stances.

"Lower your weapons!" ordered ExSPlug.

"What!? Sir...?"

"Do as I say!" ExSPlug then walked up to the leader of the phantoms and removed his Ghost helm.

"Ahhhahahaha! So it's you, it had been quite some time we had met!"

"Yes. And I'm here to rally your service. I'm going back to the business."

"Good for you." the leader gave a sound of something like a chuckle, "But what makes you thinks that we would be rallied?" he pressed his  glowing "palm" on ExSPlug's forehead. "Remember where you're when the guild is taking their final stand against the botters here?"

"The evil god of Lag had halted me when I was coming back with reimforcements." explained ExSPlug, "But I've reclaimed this place, enslaved or killed every single botter when I took it. Is this a reason good enough?"


When the troops returned to the ground, they returned with sets of floating armors behind them. They are now preparing to do their first task, and at the same time, the news of FarCry under seige reaches ExSPlug.

"There is nothing I can do, but provide resident for the messenger if he wishes. Continue to prepare for the assault against Rookie."

New units-Soul Trampler:

They come from the unrest souls which had fallen bitterly in battle. These souls would be fused with a Nightmare and the equipments they used before. Soul Tramplers have exceptional resistance against physical attacks, in which to "kill" them by physical attacks is only to destory their armor pieces until they become bits of small pieces. Energy or magic based attacks would still have normal effeiency though. Another trait to notice about Soul Tramplers is that any units slain by them cannot be revived, as their souls were shattered and taken by the Soul Tramplers. Those who didn't know about this trait and revive their units, the units would become zombies and attack friend or foe alike.


40 Soul Tramplers(ST)

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(botting, tech): 40 ST/58 As/2865 DP/160 R/320 FR/530 APU/73 DS/673 W/D.S. Akira/Twinkie the Redhair/Warmaster Vin/Siren/ExSPlug

From General Board to "OOOH"(1 post):80 DP/120 W/20 FR/20 APU/3 DS

From Techinical Issues to "OOOH"(1 post):67 W/60 R/175 DP

Next botting takes effect in 1 post.

Troop producion resumes.

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A few things to clear up.

1) Since when was FarCry connected to the list?

2) Since when were you magically able to bring back a zombie?

3) Why did you assume that I hadn't cleared up the bones.  Do you think that I don't take care of my HQ?

4) Ever hear the story "Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups?"

5) If you bitch and moan about me destroying my HQ, then you can go to hell.  Every single troop that was attacking is now dead!

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1) Since I visited it. You should know better than to invite me into your home...

2) Since I took over Neverwinter Nights.

3) I cleared them up, I hid them. Hence assumption that you hadn't found them and therefore hadn't cleared them up since you didn't state it.

4) Story? Sounds more like a phrase.

5) If you want to destroy your HQ, you have to prepare it beforehand. In Hell's Armada I destroyed mine only after several days of preperation. Since you have up until now posted nothing about a machine, a new tech, or a new HQ, everything you have posted constitutes as god-modding and is therefore null. The troops are still very much alive, and since you haven't made any effort to fight back over several days, I think I've been more than patient... But I'll give you one more chance. Start fighting properly or next post I win.

Also ExSPlug, The List can establish a link to any thread, in or out of fanfiction. It's just that for these links to be established there they must be either connected already, or visited by troops that can create a link. The reason a link was to be created in your base was to allow you to attack using it.

Rookie has two threads, attack the one that isn't his HQ.

I don't believe you can have more than two types of unit from a single thread...

Permission to study The List refused, you want to know about it you ask and maybe I'll answer.

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The troops continue thier march toward Dungeon Siege RPG.  The first night they stay in the small village of Shadowsong Lullaby.

  Over the course of the visit, Gobist missionaries are able to recruit 250 Highlanders to Gob's Holy Cause.  Later that night, the werewolves break loose, killing most of what little remained of the village, howling with pleasure at the sheer bloodshed.

  The next day, the much-improved army moves out of the dead village.  Trailing the troops are a few dozen limping, half-dead men and women, they are destined to become werewolves later that night.

  Meanwhile Lord J scans the intellegence reports from TGED.

  He nods, then says, "I think we could use the combat mastery of ExSPlug's mercenary forces."

  "...umm," replies an aide, "Exactly why?  We're not in war."

  "Not yet, anyway," replies Lord J, enigmatically.

Recruited forces:

100 Highlanders (H) (+250/Shadowsong Lullaby)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

25 Werewolves (Shadowsong Lullaby)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Heroes 1/post) - 300H, 80K, 70O, 30G, 40T, 19He.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 100H, 10O, 5T, 11S.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 100H, 40O.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 100H, 60K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 21O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 178H, 79K, 11O, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 4T, 2S, 1He

Hell's Armada - 205H, 50K, 99O, 3He

Vampires: the Masquerade (Werewolves) - 104H, 49K, 24O, 20G, 16T, 2S, 2He.

En Route to Dungeon Siege RPG: 1250H, 500K, 200O, 100G, 50T, 20S, 20He, 75W.

Total Deployed Forces:

3026 Highlanders

999 Klingons

533 Orcs

220 Gobists

135 Hovertanks

40 Sabotours

47 Heroes

75 Werewolves

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If it is paused then I may prevent my evidence.

I take you back to the post where Dust Scout announced the list.

"I want it opened here." Dust Scout said firmly.

"Logic dictates that we at least make one test run before using the power of 'The List' ourselves." J'invy said again, calmly.

"Yes, it does. I agree." Dust Scout said, "But I am not going to allow the glory of being the first being to use the power of 'The List' to fall to anyone other than myself. It's egotistical but there you have it."

"Are you ready, General?" Dust Scout asked through the portal that connected him to General Mephit, keeping a steady altitude in the subterranian temple of 'The List.'

"Ready when you are, sir." The General saluted. Hw was in a large, but dimly-lit circular chamber, with a spiral staircase leading up to the defensive cone in the centre of the room. Doorways that led to nothing but stone were set around the wall, above each of them were strange pictograms and runes. The General had been told to concentrate on one of the doorways, and wait there.

"Are you in front of the correct doorway?" Dust Scout asked.

"Yessir." The General saluted again. He found it helped to clear his head.

"Speak the name of my Headquarter thread."


"The God Emperor's Dune. Say, 'The God Emperor's Dune,' into the doorway." Dust Scout told his General. General Mephit paused, and then he shrugged.

"The God Emperor's Dune." He said. Nothing happened for a moment, before all at once, the stone melted away. The doorway now led into a darker chamber, which was much larger. Four people stood inside of it. One of them grinned.

"It worked!" Dust Scout crowed, "It worked!" He walked forward to the doorway, and stepped through into the temple.

"I am in, 'The List.'" He breathed, looking around, before turning back and stepping back through the doorway. "And I am back in TGED! This is wonderful! Wonderful!"

"It certainly opens up whole new advantages..." Lillian spoke, her mind racing. "The other doors, I assume they lead to other threads?"

"Every one in 'The List.'" J'invy acknowledged. "Though we're not quite sure of the schematics of it yet. The doorways may only open under certain circumstances, and of course there is the trouble of getting the right one."

"Screw that." Dust Scout smiled, "I want to put this to the test. Gather forces around 'The List!' We're going to '~Matrix Rising~!'"

The above is a direct quote, and this is the only place he really explains what "The List" can do.  I now shall point you to the following

"It certainly opens up whole new advantages..." Lillian spoke, her mind racing. "The other doors, I assume they lead to other threads?"

"Every one in 'The List.'" J'invy acknowledged. "Though we're not quite sure of the schematics of it yet. The doorways may only open under certain circumstances, and of course there is the trouble of getting the right one."

Everyone in the list.  Now DS also places a link in this thread to "The List" (http://www.dune2k.com/forum/index.php/topic,14023.0.html} and nowhere do I see the terms "Far Cry" or am I just blind?

I then asked DS a question about how he can have a door to Far Cry?  He said;

1) Since I visited it. You should know better than to invite me into your home...

Where in the explanation does it say that he can create doors?  Or am I again, being blind?

Next, nowhere did he say that he hid the body of the serveant that Sard killed.

To round it off, I have this to say.

I know what I did was wrong, but it was in direct retaliation to what I believed DS was doing was wrong.  I was not the only one to pick up that what he may have done with "The List" was wrong, as ExSPlug noted something about it as well.  I know exactly where this argument is going to go, and I am forseeing that it is going to side with DS.  And my subsequent resignation from the thread.  Further, I have this.  I did not just destroy DS and Sards troops.  I destroyed my own.  The only troops that are left are those that were not in FarCry at the time......

-  No mentioned of the self-destruct or any other machinery present in existing posts

Dust Scout never mentioned alot of things, is that going to go unnoticed?

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After much discussion the following circumstances have prevailed:

- Dust Scout force reduction of 1/2

- EWS force reduction of 1/3

- The portal attack never occured

- EWS is forbidden to use self-destruct from now on

- EWS is not allowed a second mystery HQ along with any other posters

  Any questions can be adressed to either myself or 045.

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Message to Dust Scout:

Command acknowledged. I assume that would be "Top 1000 ways to tell your too into Dune" then, since you had ordered my men to use "The List". However I must remind you that Rookie still holds "Earth" and "The Fate of Poor ALia" in Duniverse. Since it's a thread inside Fan Fiction, I would not personally participate in the battle.

About "The List" research issue, the research is just to check that are the linkages from it to other threads equal to what the warmasters had guessed. If you insist on not allowing them to study the thread, I wish to be offered a copy of the database of "The List". It would do no harm, as the hardware is the heart that make "The List" function, and we all know it's an ancient tech that no one is capable of reproducing.

And Soul Tramplers are the only unit that I'm capable of producing now.

"So I just need to press this button and the portal will open...intresting." ExSPlug was looking at the manual for opening the portal in "OOOH" that had arrived with the message.

"Sir, may I ask a question?" Twinkie stepped up, he would be leading the assault this time.


"Are we sure that we could trust this...The List? Even it does teleport us inside "1000 Ways", we don't know where would we be spawning out at. The troops are quite worried by the issue." stated Twinkie.

"I had thought about that, and that's why I'm asking you to get in with the first wave." said ExSPlug with a grin.


The view around Twinkie and tha assaulting troops gets disorted, then...it's still "OOOH"



40 Soul Tramplers(ST)

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(Botting, tech/ Soul Tramplers, unit): 160 ST/116 As/5440 DP/440 R/680 FR/1100 APU/152 DS/1720 W/Twinkie the Redhair/D.S. Akira/Twinkie the Redhair/Warmaster Vin/Siren/ExSPlug

Botting takes effect.

Next botting takes effect in 7 posts.

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Half?! Oh, very well... You're the moderator... But since the List attack didn't take place (which I shall deal with below), that means the Setara Shock Troops were never used. They're fine.

Regarding the bones:

"Idiot..." Dust Scout muttered as he scraped up what was left of the servent Sard had slashed to bits. It wasn't clear who he was talking about, but it's not like anyone was listening anyway. Sighing, he dropped the pieces into a bag, making sure to wipe the floor. Glancing around to make sure he was not being watched, he licked his fingers clean and headed up to Sard's chambers.

Finding the door open, Dust Scout pushed and entered. The room was a mess. Sard seemed to have left in a hurry. Reading the table, Dust Scout rolled his eyes. There was a quill and parchment nearby... Meh. Maybe he couldn't write...

Either way, Sard was long gone. Dust Scout shrugged to himself and left the room, taking the bag back to his quarters. There were uses for this kind of thing...

Regarding the creation of List links:

"Place it there." The Dust Imp ordered. Two of the Highlanders heaved the object into place. It stood tall, about a metre and a half high. Two pillars side by side, connected by a hollowed out stone doorway.

"What is it, exactly?" Mideel asked.

"It is a portal." The Dust Imp smiled, running a clawed hand down the stonework. "You no doubt know that 'The List' is capable of opening portals, yes?"

"Yes, it's how you get around in Fanfiction." Mideel answered.

"Yes, in Fanfiction." The Dust Imp replied, indicating to the two Highlanders that they could leave. "'The List' contains several inherant links to threads in Fanfiction. Not all of them, but many of them. Fact is, it doesn't contain any links to threads outside of Fanfiction."

"So you have to make them." Mideel finished, nodding at the empty doorway.

"Exactly." The Dust Imp grinned. He flapped over to the doorway. "The God Emperor's Dune!" He intoned. The doorway shifted slightly, as if adjusting itself, before the stone was at once replaced by air. A dark room was on the other side, with four figures inside of it. One of them was far taller than the other three, and had eight legs.

"Mission in Age of Wonders complete sir!" The Dust Imp announced. "Stand guard?"

"Stand guard." One of the figures said, "You have done well, General. We am pleased that the portal is working."

The General beamed.

"Wonderful." Dust Scout mutters, "Casualties?"

"Heavier than we hoped, lighter than we feared." J'invy says, "The door is installed so we can get reinforcements there now if desired."

The List can establish a link to any thread, in or out of fanfiction. It's just that for these links to be established there they must be either connected already, or visited by troops that can create a link.

Any thread I or my troops visit automatically has a link to The List installed unless I say otherwise. It's only common sense. And during my extended stay in EWS' HQ, as well as the stay of several of my troops, I had one installed there. Like I said, he should know better than to invite me into his home thread.

Also, since my forces have been so drastically reduced, despite their overwhelming advantage, I think it's only fair to say I win, no? And since Sir Sard's forces aren't mine but are still helping out (he gave me permission, I can do that), they remain powerful.

And to ExSPlug: If you want a connection to 'The List' opened you'll have to inform me first as to the location. It's a security measure, nothing personal.

Recruited forces - Dust Scout:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

10 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Current forces - Dust Scout...

Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

3450 Fanfiction Highlanders - Cloning Tech

130 BG Crossbreeds

90 Giant spiders

80 Dark Elf Archers

260 Magii

410 Dragon Disciples

105 Sentinals

247 Sharders

3 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Espionage:

125 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sharders

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Fanfiction Highlanders

5 Giant Spiders

40 Sharders

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Fanfiction Highlanders

142 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sentinals

60 Sharders

3 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

30 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

1200 Setara Shock Troops

20 BG Crossbreeds

40 Magii

30 Sentinals

40 Sharders

8 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples

Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Fanfiction Highlanders

150 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Attacking Far Cry:

15 BG Crossbreeds - 15 lost

10 Sharders - 10 lost

100 Dark Elf Archers - 100 lost

100 Magii - 100 lost

456 Sentinals - 456 lost

5 Dust Imps - 5 lost

In Fed2k Warlords:

25 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

150 Dark Elf Archers

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

35 Giant spiders

30 BG Crossbreeds

5 Dust Imps

Units - Sir Sard

Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


620 Celtic warriors

140 New Scandinavians

120 Mexican bandito pirates

115 Skjalds

2 Jomsviking

Renegade band

500 Celtic warriors

100 New Scandinavians

60 Mexican bandito pirates

100 Skjalds

10 Jomsvikings

General Folke

Attacking Far Cry:

1st. Hird

1986 Celtic warriors

437 New Scandinavian warriors

22 Jomsviking

291 Mexican Bandito Pirates

200 Skjalds

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

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  The troops finally arrive as Dungeon Siege RPG.  They mass against the gate and stand ready.

  The mayor, a plump, babyfaced peaceloving peasent walks down the long path to the front gate.

  "...Uh, ummm..."

  "Servant of our ally, Dust Scout: We are a peace envoy sent from Lord Johnsonius of Kanly to aide in your policing duties," yells Sharonicus, a huge Hero, "So open your gate and let us get to work!"



  The Mayor looks up at the gatekeeper and nods his head.  The troops wash through the gate like a huge river flowing through a newly opened valve.

  Sharonicus takes the man aside, "Now we're going to need around three hundred oxen, one thousand loaves of bread, eight hundred chickens, two hundred turkeys," he looks around, "All the pigs you can wrangle, and a couple-hundred barrells of ale."

  The mayor's eyes grow large and sweat trickles down the side of his face, "Ehh...Uhhh..."

  "Oh yeah, and all the cheese, hardtack and pipe tobacco you can find."


  "Well get on with it!"

Recruited forces:

100 Highlanders (H) (+250/Shadowsong Lullaby)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

25 Werewolves (Shadowsong Lullaby)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Heroes 1/post) - 400H, 100K, 90O, 40G, 50T, 20He.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 100H, 10K, 10O, 5T, 1He, 11S.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 100H, 40O.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 100H, 60K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 21O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 178H, 79K, 11O, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 4T, 2S, 1He

Hell's Armada - 205H, 50K, 99O, 3He

Vampires: the Masquerade (Werewolves) - 104H, 49K, 24O, 20G, 16T, 2S, 2He.

En Route to Dungeon Siege RPG: 1250H, 500K, 200O, 100G, 50T, 20S, 20He, 75W.

Total Deployed Forces:

3126 Highlanders

1039 Klingons

553 Orcs

240 Gobists

145 Hovertanks

42 Sabotours

49 Heroes

75 Werewolves

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"I'm not entirely sure what Lord J is up to... but we've reinforced the garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG just in case." Lillian reports. "Apparantly his forces are draining the town of resources, but we're doing our best to supply them from the others. Mountain War!!! is doing a good job, supported by this thread."

"What is the situation with our attacks?" Dust Scout asks irritatedly. Withdrawal symptoms were playing on his mind.

"Reports from Far Cry are scarce." J'invey mutters, "I expect they are still fighting, or that something is happening."

"And the other one?"

"Troops are just about to leave." Darius says, having made sure of it personally.

"Good." I've been waiting a long time for this. Even longer than I did for the attack on Hell's Armada..."

"Are you sure it's an entirely good idea?" J'invey asks, "I mean, with so many forces commited to the attack in Gaming, couldn't we wait just a little bit more?"

"No, not now." Dust Scout sighs. "I know your advice is probably the best, but I'm afraid I'm in no mood to be sensible at the moment."

"Maybe.... under the circumstances... you should take a break?" Lillian suggests.

"Thank you, Lillian, but if I didn't have this I'd probably go mad." Dust Scout hisses, knowing that his advisor had the best interests of everyone in mind. "Darius, you've organised Sir Sard's forces as well?"

"Yes, we'll rendezvous in Fanfiction before heading for the target together." Darius reported. Dust Scout sighed happily, the man really was a military mastermind.

The great gates of TGED opened ponderously, along with many various traps and metal bars and such. The army begins to march across Fanfiction...

Recruited forces - Dust Scout:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

10 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Current forces - Dust Scout...

Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

450 Fanfiction Highlanders

140 BG Crossbreeds

130 Giant spiders

100 Dark Elf Archers

20 Dragon Disciples

125 Sentinals

67 Sharders

3 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Espionage:

125 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sharders

2 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Fanfiction Highlanders

40 Sharders

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Fanfiction Highlanders

142 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sentinals

60 Sharders

3 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

30 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

1200 Setara Shock Troops

20 BG Crossbreeds

40 Magii

30 Sentinals

40 Sharders

4 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples

Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Fanfiction Highlanders

150 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Attacking Far Cry:

30 BG Crossbreeds - 15 lost - 15 resurrected

10 Sharders - 10 lost

150 Dark Elf Archers - 100 lost - 50 resurrected

150 Magii - 100 lost - 50 resurrected

456 Sentinals - 456 lost

5 Dust Imps - 5 lost

In Fed2k Warlords:

25 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

150 Dark Elf Archers

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

30 BG Crossbreeds

5 Dust Imps

Marching through Fanfiction:

3000 Fanfiction Highlanders

420 Magii - Cloning Tech

410 Dragon Disciples

200 Sharders

4 Dust Imps

Units - Sir Sard

Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


680 Celtic warriors

150 New Scandinavians

140 Mexican bandito pirates

135 Skjalds

3 Jomsvikings

Marching through Fanfiction:

500 Celtic warriors

100 New Scandinavians

60 Mexican bandito pirates

100 Skjalds

10 Jomsvikings

General Folke

Attacking Far Cry:

1st. Hird

1986 Celtic warriors

437 New Scandinavian warriors

22 Jomsviking

291 Mexican Bandito Pirates

200 Skjalds

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

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Eh heh heh heh heh....

New thread: Frank Herbert's Dune:Ornithopter Assault

Found far to the North in 'Other Dune Games,' this thread will have a link to The List installed by next post.

New Unit: Ornithopter Pilot (And Ornithopter, duh).

The Ornithopter is an aircraft powered by a flapping motion. It is fast, and manoeuvrable but is not as powerful as a Sentinal. Similarly, it requires a pilot.

Also calculating by the number of posts made... 3 Giant Salamanders are mine too.

Deal with Sir Sard! I look after his army, I get to upgrade my Highlanders! In two posts, they shall all be Celtic Warriors!

Dust Scout's army reaches and meets with Sir Sard's. Both now marching through Fanfiction...

Recruited forces - Dust Scout:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

20 Ornithopters

10 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

3 Giant Salamanders

Current forces - Dust Scout...

Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

500 Fanfiction Highlanders

270 BG Crossbreeds - Cloning Tech

135 Giant spiders

240 Dark Elf Archers

40 Dragon Disciples

145 Sentinals

87 Sharders

4 Dust Imps

5 Giant Salamanders

Garrisoned in Espionage:

125 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sharders

2 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Fanfiction Highlanders

40 Sharders

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Fanfiction Highlanders

142 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sentinals

60 Sharders

3 Dust Imps

1 Giant Salamander

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

30 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

1200 Setara Shock Troops

20 BG Crossbreeds

40 Magii

30 Sentinals

40 Sharders

4 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples

Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Magii

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Fanfiction Highlanders

150 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Attacking Far Cry:

30 BG Crossbreeds - 15 lost - 15 resurrected

10 Sharders - 10 lost

150 Dark Elf Archers - 100 lost - 50 resurrected

150 Magii - 100 lost - 50 resurrected

456 Sentinals - 456 lost

5 Dust Imps - 5 lost

In Fed2k Warlords:

25 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

2 Dust Imps

Frank Herbert's Dune:Ornithopter Assault

20 Ornithopters

Marching through Fanfiction:

3000 Fanfiction Highlanders

420 Magii

410 Dragon Disciples

200 Sharders

4 Dust Imps

Units - Sir Sard

Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


740 Celtic warriors

180 New Scandinavians

160 Mexican bandito pirates

155 Skjalds

4 Jomsvikings

Marching through Fanfiction:

500 Celtic warriors

100 New Scandinavians

60 Mexican bandito pirates

100 Skjalds

10 Jomsvikings

General Folke

Attacking Far Cry:

1st. Hird

1986 Celtic warriors

437 New Scandinavian warriors

22 Jomsviking

291 Mexican Bandito Pirates

200 Skjalds

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

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  The troops have settled in, and are having high times.

  While the various fighter classes are content with feasting and sparring (along with a little gambling), the Gobists start to set up a small missions work within Dustie's borders.  Several Highlanders are immediatly converted to the cause.

  Plans are set in place for a nationwide (Dustie's nation, BTW) Gobist revival.  Once the temple is finished in Dungeon Siege the Gobists will flow out into the other lands held by Dustie's valient forces.  As one priest says, "We must bring the holy light of Gobism to every corner of Fanfiction.  No matter how long it takes, how many wars shake the land or how many of our people die.  Gobism will prevail!"

  That night, the werewolves bash against the walls of the grouped hovertanks.

  "Now those are some big dogs," comments a Dust Imp.

  "Indeed," replies the Klingon in charge of keeping them in the makeshift prison, "Would you like to pet one?"

Recruited forces:

100 Highlanders (H) (+25/Dungeon Siege RPG)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Heroes 1/post) - 500H, 100K, 100O, 60G, 60T, 22He.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 100H, 50K, 20O, 5T, 1He, 13S.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 100H, 40O.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 100H, 60K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 21O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 178H, 79K, 11O, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 4T, 2S, 1He

Hell's Armada - 205H, 50K, 99O, 3He

Vampires: the Masquerade (Werewolves) - 104H, 49K, 24O, 20G, 16T, 2S, 2He.

Settled in at Dungeon Siege RPG: 1275H, 500K, 200O, 100G, 50T, 20S, 20He, 75W.

Total Deployed Forces:

3226 Highlanders

1079 Klingons

573 Orcs

260 Gobists

155 Hovertanks

44 Sabotours

51 Heroes

75 Werewolves

(OOC: Please note the loss of 25 of your Highlanders, Dustie.  Thanks :) )

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"Oh no, Oohhhhh no, that is quite enough." Dust Scout growls upon reading the latest reports from Dungeon Siege RPG. "Religion? Religion?! Here?!" He screws up the parchment, "No! No, I will not have a religion corrupting my army! I will not have them spreading 'the good word,' dammit... If they weren't my allies I swear there would be some nasty recoil from this..."

"Supressing religion is never a good idea. It will only go underground and become a cult." Darius warns, "A supressed religion is perhaps the most dangerous, it will make us look like we have something to fear."

"We do!" Dust Scout shouts back, "'Religion is the opium of the masses!' It will permeate, corrupt, and destroy everything we have built here!"

"But banning it will only make it stronger, and religion likes nothing more than a martyr or two." J'invey says quietly. Dust Scout stands speechless.

"...You're right." He says at last. "No matter what I do, religion is going to make itself felt all over my army..." He slumps into a chair. "We're lost..."

"We have to make the best of the situation." Lillian steps forward. "Lord J may or may not be doing this on purpose. It's possible that he's trying to spread a base for weakening a competitor, and more than likely wants to play on your hatred of religion."

Dust Scout nods. "Could be worse I suppose..." he mutters, "It could have been christianity..."

"Exactly." Lillian continues. "Now I happen to know of a thread connected to The List that might prove very useful to help us with this-"

"I don't suppose it's some kind of religion-destroying tech, is it?" Dust Scout asks without much enthusiasm. There is a pause. "No, wait... you're Bene Gesserit. Destroying religion isn't your fort

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Bea's warthog continued to speed along the dirt road back to PRP, when something hit the armor on the passenger side door.  With a growl, a squeal, and a spray of dirt it halted.  The Marine in back fell, clutching his calf as an arrow pierced it.

"Bandits," he cried, trying to get back up to man the chaingun.  The driver was reaching for his sidearm, but Cardinal Bea had already leapt from the veichle. 

The old Cardinal beckoned the five bandits forward with one hand, and they came at him.  As they closed he threw himself to the side, as the wounded marine opened up on them with a chaingun.  Four of the five bandits were instantly shredded, but the fifth was lucky enough to only lose his legs.  He lifted his trembling arms to string a bow on his arrow when Bea's boot connected with his arm, causing a resounding crunch.

"I detest scum such as you," said Cardinal Bea.  With that said, he kicked the legless bandit's head once and heard the satisfying crunch of bone breaking.  He climbed back in the warthog and checked on the wounded marine in back, then told the driver," Continue back to PRP.  I'm glad we don't have such hooligans there."


"General Irani," motioned Ordos45," I've noticed that religion is becoming a popular weapon."

Irani nodded crisply," Yes M'Lord."

Ordos45 smiled," Then perhaps we should go to the source..."

Irani's military training could not even stop his eyes from widening," M'Lord...you don't mean..."

"We will storm the Gates of Religion itself.  The ruins of the city thread and it's secrets will be mine," shouted Ordos45.

Irani nodded," Yes M'lord, when do we leave?"

"When Bea returns," said Ordos45 quietly," Next post.  I will lead the army alongside you General."

Total Units:

3548 Marines

785 Swiss Guards

1520 Mossad Agents

354 Reporters

420 Setara Shock Troops

445 Tanks

360 Warthogs

49 Seraphim

Total Garrison Countries Pros/Cons:

1080 Marines

360 Swiss Guards

200 Mossad Agents

120 Tanks

120 Warthogs

14 Seraphim

Total Garrison HI2:

203 Marines

60 Swiss Guards

500 Mossad Agents

20 Tanks

5 Seraphim

Total Garrison News Bulletin:

70 Marines

90 Mossad Agents

120 Reporters

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison KYA/Setara War: Rebirth:

100 Marines

15 Swiss Guards

420 Setara Shock Troops

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison Fallujah:

350 Marines

105 Swiss Guards 

220 Mossad Agents

5 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Pound North Korea Into Oblivion:

70 Marines

20 Swiss Guards

20 Reporters

80 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

Garrison At SU Vs US

50 Marines

30 Swiss Guards

60 Mossad Agents

40 Tanks

3 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Angelic Creation:

1 Seraphim

100 marines

20 Swiss Guards

40 Mossad Agents

Garrisoned At HALO2!!!:

700 Marines

5 Tanks

10 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

Immediate Deployment Force from Center, Deployed to Border of Unknown PRP:

850 Marines

170 Swiss Guards

290 Mossad Agents

220 Reporters

260 Tanks

240 Warthogs

15 Seraphim

General Irani

(Next post-Ordos45 and last batch of reinforcements.)

Tech Tree:

Mass Transit/Super Highways

Marine Upgrade


Seraphim Upgrade

(Unit skipped this turn in production-Reporters again)

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"Not only a Warlord but a God on earth..." Dust Scout murmurs, watching as the cathedral in The God Emperor's Dune takes shape. It is huge, dwarfing all but the fortress-keep in the centre of the city. "...I'm not sure this was such a good idea..."

"We're in too far now." J'invy reminds him, the wind causing him to hold his hand in front of his eyes. "Your godhead is achieved, now we are the ones converting the masses."

"Yes, but religion is a double-edged sword." Dust Scout sighs, "With this Neo Gobism and old Gobism both in Fanfiction, any wars will stop being political and become religious jihads. The troops are fanatical, which is useful but still dreadfully upsetting."

"I for one wonder if becoming a God was such a good idea." The Ghostly form of Dust Scout from Fed2k RPG says. "You got the idea from Dune, but we all know what happened there."

"It's too late now." Lillian says firmly. "We have created a prophet god and he cannot be unmade." She looks over to the others, the wind at this height causing her hair to billow around her face. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

"She knows the Missionaria Protectiva by heart..." Darius mutters.

Finally, the combined army of Dust Scout and King Sard reaches the gates of its target. Battle Of The Line~HighLands~ is not a large thread, but it is the HQ of a Warlord, a Fanfiction Warlord formerly known as Burseg 47, now going under the name of Tamerlane...

General Folke stands around a large map of the city, with the four Dust Imps from Dust Scout's army. They make their plans, they shout and argue. A decision is reached, the tent is abandoned.

All three thousand of the Fanfiction Highlanders surround the thread, blocking off any escape routes. Each of the units take up their positions, with the General at the front to lead the charge, and the Dust Imps hanging back. The first to step forward are the Dragon Disciples...

The first fireball is launched. Flaming, it powers into the air, before crashing down onto the outer walls. Ten more follow it. And then another ten. The battle for Battle Of The Line~HighLands~ has begun...

(OOC: My opponent hasn't been posting for some time now. I think - can't quite remember - I sent him an IM about this thread. Anyway, I'll wait three days before I'll win by default.

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Cardinal Bea arrived with his usual lack of pomp, but was surprised to see Ordos45 marshalling the recruited forces to leave the HQ thread. 

The old Cardinal rushed over," M'lord, what is happening?"

"You're in charge while I'm gone Bea," said Ordos45," I'm taking the response brigade and going to storm the ruins of Religion itself."

The old Cardinal's eyes widened," But M'lord..."

"Do as I say old friend," said Ordos45, then he turned and got in a warthog.

Total Units:

3648 Marines

805 Swiss Guards

1560 Mossad Agents

354 Reporters

460 Setara Shock Troops

465 Tanks

400 Warthogs

51 Seraphim

Total Garrison Countries Pros/Cons:

1080 Marines

360 Swiss Guards

200 Mossad Agents

120 Tanks

120 Warthogs

14 Seraphim

Total Garrison HI2:

203 Marines

60 Swiss Guards

500 Mossad Agents

20 Tanks

5 Seraphim

Total Garrison News Bulletin:

70 Marines

90 Mossad Agents

120 Reporters

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison KYA/Setara War: Rebirth:

100 Marines

15 Swiss Guards

460 Setara Shock Troops

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison Fallujah:

350 Marines

105 Swiss Guards 

220 Mossad Agents

5 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Pound North Korea Into Oblivion:

70 Marines

20 Swiss Guards

20 Reporters

80 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

Garrison At SU Vs US

50 Marines

30 Swiss Guards

60 Mossad Agents

40 Tanks

3 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Angelic Creation:

1 Seraphim

100 marines

20 Swiss Guards

40 Mossad Agents

Garrisoned At HALO2!!!:

700 Marines

5 Tanks

10 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

Advancing on Religion:

950 Marines

190 Swiss Guards

330 Mossad Agents

220 Reporters

280 Tanks

280 Warthogs

17 Seraphim

General Irani


Tech Tree:

Mass Transit/Super Highways

Marine Upgrade


Seraphim Upgrade

(Unit skipped this turn in production-Reporters again)

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Message from EWS to FarCry

"Withdraw to Freelancer city."

Message from EWS to "Hair Dyeing Thingy"

Change all the troops to Dust Scout colours, that way they cannot be attacked.

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"The battle of Farcry is won." Dust Scout says, watching as EWS' forces flee their HQ on a map.

"You notice the direction they are heading." Dragoon Knight states, rather than asks.

"They are coming here." Dust Scout acknowledges. "And don't think I've forgotten our deal. I'll let him get here."

"You won't be giving chase."

"No, no I won't. EWS will reach Freelancer without any hassle from me."

"We have a deal, Dust Scout."

"I am aware of that. Don't worry, you just look after him like you're supposed to and we won't have any more problems."

"I'll keep my half of the deal. And you won't give chase."

"No, no I won't." Dust Scout waves a hand, opening a portal to one of his Generals on the scene. "General, do not give chase to the defenders, let them run. I know where they are going."

"Right you are, sir." The Dust Imp salutes.

"There, happy?" Dust Scout closes the portal with a snap of his fingers.


"If your face gets any straighter I'll be able to use you as a ruler."

"You're hilarious, I'm sure."

"Was there something else?"

"No, feel free to get back to whatever carnage you're midway through."

"Thankyou." Dust Scout turns around and heads back through the door to The List.

Dragoon Knight sighs, and watches as the door becomes solid stone again.

The fight for Battle Of The Line~HighLands~ continues, 2 days left!

The battle for Farcry, on the other hand, is over. Finally. As EWS' forces flee into the distance, Dust Scout's turn their attention to their newest conquest. First things to do is repair the damaged entrance to The List, followed by activating the tech...

Thread Gained:Farcry

Tech gained: Genetic Monstrosity.

This tech mutates one group of recruits per turn. For example if I were recruiting 1 Dust Imp and already had 4, it would only affect the 1 being recruited, turning it into a Mutant Dust Imp. Similarly, it would be 20 Dragon Disciples, or 10 BG Crossbreeds. Mechanical units (Sharders, Sentinals) cannot be mutated.

Mutant units are stronger, faster, and generally more powerful than their ordinary kin.

After this, the army of King Sard's heads through the new list link to a new location...

"I've taken care of all the hard work for you." The Ghost of Dust Scout tells the new residents of Fed2k RPG 3. "They're happy enough to have you, since my counterpart holds Fed2k RPG..."

Thread gained for Sard: Fed2k RPG 3

Tech/Unit gained: ??

Recruited forces - Dust Scout:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

20 Ornithopters

10 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp - Mutated

Current forces - Dust Scout...


Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

650 Fanfiction Highlanders

580 BG Crossbreeds

160 Giant spiders

300 Dark Elf Archers

60 Magii

100 Dragon Disciples

995 Sentinals - Cloning Tech

147 Sharders

40 Ornithopters

4 Dust Imps

2 Giant Salamanders

1 Mutated Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Espionage:

125 Fanfiction Highlanders

60 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sharders

2 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Fanfiction Highlanders

40 Sharders

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Fanfiction Highlanders

110 Sentinals

60 Sharders

6 Dust Imps

1 Giant Salamander

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

30 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

45 Fanfiction Highlanders - 25 lost

20 BG Crossbreeds

20 Magii

30 Sentinals

40 Sharders

5 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG:

1100 Setara Shock Troops

40 BG Crossbreeds

15 Magii

1 Dust Imp

Attacking Battle Of The Line~HighLands~:

3000 Fanfiction Highlanders

420 Magii

410 Dragon Disciples

200 Sharders

4 Dust Imps


Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Magii

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Fanfiction Highlanders

150 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Farcry:

30 BG Crossbreeds

10 Sharders

150 Dark Elf Archers

150 Magii

56 Sentinals

5 Dust Imps

Politics, Religion and Philosophy

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples


Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

1 Dust Imp

Other Dune Games

Garrisoned in Frank Herbert's Dune:Ornithopter Assault:

40 Ornithopters

Tech List:

Espionage Stealth



Genetic Monstrosity

Units - Sir Sard

Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


920 Celtic warriors

220 New Scandinavians

220 Mexican bandito pirates

215 Skjalds

7 Jomsvikings

Attacking Battle Of The Line~HighLands~:

500 Celtic warriors

100 New Scandinavians

60 Mexican bandito pirates

100 Skjalds

10 Jomsvikings

General Folke

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG 3:

1st. Hird

1900 Celtic warriors - 86 lost in Far Cry

430 New Scandinavian warriors - 7 lost

21 Jomsviking - 1 lost

250 Mexican Bandito Pirates - 41 lost

200 Skjalds - 0 lost

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

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The army halted...ahead of them lay the scattered ruins and green flames of Religion. No one had ventured here and survived since the Great War.

Ordos45 grunted," I've been here."

"When M'lord," asked General Irani.

"Shortly after the Great War," said Ordos45," I swore that once I rose to power I would never come here again. I barely survived last time."

"M'lord," asked Irani," What can we expect?"

"Expect nightmares," said Ordos45 quietly," Minor Demons and Skeleton Warriors. And...Necrus. He's guarding something in the depths."

"Necrus, M'Lord," probed Irani.

"A demonic entity created by the hatred of the Warlords of the Great War," said Ordos45," There's another bit of legend, but I doubt it's true."

"What is the legend M'lord," asked Irani.

"That Gobalopper himself is Necrus's prisoner," said Ordos45," Launch the attack General Irani.'


The Skeleton Warriors poured from Religion as far and wide as the eye could see. They were the raised skeletons of the armies from the Great War, marching to stop the invaders. Luckily they only had numbers, not durability on their side.

Tanks lined up and shelled the incoming skeletal armies, destroying thousands, but they kept on coming. From on the flanks of the tanks the chain guns on the Warthogs began to fire, tearing through dozens in seconds, but still they kept coming. The Mossad Agents fired sniper shots picking them off one at a time, but still they came. The Swiss Guards and Marines fired their machine guns into the ranks of Skeleton Warriors, felling many, but still...they kept coming. The Reporters simply stated the bravery of the troops.

"Seraphim," barked Ordos45, drawing his own sword. The six winged angels with their flaming swords gestured down at the Skeleton Warriors, reducing half the remaining number to ashes. The rear lines and remaining front lines of skeleton warriors thinned under tank, warthog, and Mossad Agent fire.

With a final bloodcurdling cry, the last hundred Skeleton warriors ran into the lines of Ordos45's army, swinging swords. Before they were destroyed, forty-eight marines had died.

"Into the ruins," ordered Ordos45," and have the Seraphim burn the dead to ashes, just in case they would rise as Skeleton Warriors.  Now the true battle begins."

Total Units:

3700 Marines

825 Swiss Guards

1600 Mossad Agents

354 Reporters

500 Setara Shock Troops

485 Tanks

440 Warthogs

53 Seraphim

Total Garrison Countries Pros/Cons:

1080 Marines

360 Swiss Guards

200 Mossad Agents

120 Tanks

120 Warthogs

14 Seraphim

Total Garrison HI2:

203 Marines

60 Swiss Guards

500 Mossad Agents

20 Tanks

5 Seraphim

Total Garrison News Bulletin:

70 Marines

90 Mossad Agents

120 Reporters

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison KYA/Setara War: Rebirth:

100 Marines

15 Swiss Guards

500 Setara Shock Troops

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison Fallujah:

350 Marines

105 Swiss Guards 

220 Mossad Agents

5 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Pound North Korea Into Oblivion:

170 Marines

40 Swiss Guards

20 Reporters

120 Mossad Agents

3 Seraphim

20 Tanks

40 Warthogs

Garrison At SU Vs US

50 Marines

30 Swiss Guards

60 Mossad Agents

40 Tanks

3 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Angelic Creation:

1 Seraphim

100 marines

20 Swiss Guards

40 Mossad Agents

Garrisoned At HALO2!!!:

700 Marines

5 Tanks

10 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

Attacking Religion:

900 Marines

190 Swiss Guards

330 Mossad Agents

220 Reporters

280 Tanks

280 Warthogs

17 Seraphim

General Irani


Tech Tree:

Mass Transit/Super Highways

Marine Upgrade


Seraphim Upgrade

(Unit skipped this turn in production-Reporters again)

Losses: 48 Marines

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