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The Forum has gone to hell??? That's news to me

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I'll do you a favor Inoculator, I will post this one last time, but i will also remove all my others, I do not care anymore, this forum is begining to go to hell. i've sat by and not replied, you say i have no data, well that is because it is impossible to have any when you only get one half of the argument (that would be Ex's side)

I had to quote this from another thread (http://www.dune2k.com/forum/?board=2;action=display;threadid=11748;start=30) because it had been locked by the time I read the post of Slaphappy quoted above.

I guess Slaphappy did not bother to read this thread all the way through because I do believe this issue was covered quite extensively by both sides. I guess you only saw this thread.

How is voting ExAtreides out of Landsraad the beginning of the forum going to hell exactly? We are talking about one member aren


Actually, it seems that we are coming out of a bit of a slump.



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And it is only 1/3 of september and we are doing good..

It has increases since june july which were the big slumps....or maybe it is so high cause of all the fights we are having.(posting flames and such) as those threads get like 5 pages a day.

And if you look back further it show that the summer time are the slow months and winter time(Sept-March) are the good months.

sorry my quote is so crapy...just look at linked page.

I have also noticed that some other Dune forums may be in a bit of a slump.(but not scientifically proven, my own opinion)

This is like dictatorship now ::)

The thread didn't disappear, only was locked, so that isn't dictatorship. Dictatorship the thread would have "disappeared".


one reason why we are in a slump is because Gob nerfed me and those who come to interact with their Uncle Nav have less inspiration to do so due to my nerfing

to number6: ExAtreides was *NOT* guilty of doing anything wrong when you kicked him out of the Landsraad. he only did something bad the first time and HE WAS PUNISHED FOR IT. he paid his debt to society! therefore you guys have no moral right to punish him AGAIN for the exact same crime, which he only committed ONCE, not twice. this Atrocity by the Landsraad will *NEVER* be accepted by the normal members of Fed2k and if you are waiting for that to happen, perhaps it is *you* and the Landsraad who should move on


I think you have it wrong Nav. ExAtreides was punished once for a racial statement he once made. He was never punished for sharing information the first time he was caught red handed. So, no his debt was not paid until recently. I am sure the majority of "normal" members, as you put it, don't care what goes on in The Landsraad. Regardless, this is not the concern of anyone on these boards other than the Landsraad members. Navaros, you are obviously a freind of ExAtreides and it is obvious to me what your motives are in your direct response to me. I want to hear from people other than the normal crowd of "we hate the establishment" members on this matter. I think it is really silly to keep whining about this. It's over.


I still do not understand why this case is discussed here in the General forums... Since the Landsraad is a board normal members cannot access, the problems occuring in it should be kept within itself, and not be subject to angry debates and flame wars here in the general forums.

That's my opinion though


It is silly to keep bringing this subject up over an over the decision has been made and like it or not your opinion (Uncle Navaros) does not count in the matter. Nav you should use your post limit for more constructive activies than rehashing cold beans. I for one am tired of this so called Landsraad injustice towards Ex. Ex betrayed our (Landsraad's) trust so we revoked his membership.


Thanks for the response cyborg. I do value your opinion. I think the only reason it keeps getting discussed is because certain members will not let go of this fight. The only reason I started this thread was to respond to a recently locked thread that I did not get a chance to respond to. As I stated in my first post I generally will not jump in on such discussions unless I think it is getting out of hand. I think this Landsraad issue is used mainly by a group, who I will label as the disgruntled members, who sieze every oppurtunity to cause problems. I will only jump in when I believe other members are being mislead by lies or incomplete information. I have tried to stay out of this, but certain members insist on bringing it up.


I had no doubts about the website doing well Gobalopper. I hope it continues to flourish well into the future. If I was bored or upset with the way the forum was being run I would be gone in a heartbeat. That really is the point of this thread and it is aimed mainly at the grumblers in our ranks. I don't mind people complaining. I can complain with the best of them. I just tire of people who seem to have a problem with just about everything all the time. There are better ways to spend your time.


The established system, for all you grumblers is as follows:

For technical issues or most suggestions for added function, the Site Updates thread is the best place to make your point.

For... pastoral issues, i.e. any complainst or suggestions regardingthe behaviour of members moderators or their actions, and other positions within Fed2k, the first thing to do is IM the people in question. That does not mean make a thread or two denouncing with impunity the bias and corruption supposedly inherent in a member, that means politely asking why someone keeps calling you a fool, or why a moderator locked a thread which you happened to start. Then, if the explanation you receive (if any) is not sufficient, IM Gobalopper.

If Gob says that your claims are unfounded, or gives a clearer explanation to your problem, then that is where it ends. If you do not like his decision, then remeber that it is mostly his time and effort making this site possible, and that his judgement is final.

If Gob agrees with you, he will perhaps ask someone to correct their behaviour, he may give them a more formal warning, he may even assign someone else to any position they have, and he may set post limits. Or he may do something else. Once this is done, unless you have any *further* complaint, he has dealt with the case, and should not be pestered any more.


Number6, why bother to start this at all? If you hadn't started this thread then the other would be locked, justifiably and this discussion would have been put once more to rest. :-


I would not have made this thread if not for the misinformation I found in the other that was locked. Like I said a couple times here I don't normally say anything. I think it is OK for me to express myself from time to time considering the complainers do everyday. I am merely interested in the truth being told. That post that I quoted at the top of this thread made a statement that could have confused others on this forum. This thread hopefully assisted the confused. Perhaps if the post in question was moved to the dungeon then I would agree there would be no need for me to continue the discussion in this thread. Does that make sense to you?


ok, i know i'm probably not even liked much 'round here anymore... especially by gob, actually i have no dislikes about this actual forum, this is the best forum i have ever been to, it has lasted longer than i think i have ever even heard of... i even think i need to give gob a pat on the back for doing a great job... that is i would if i could. it's the people in this forum, there is no need to do all of this fighting about who did what to who, and who has been kicked out of the landsraad. Does it really truly matter that much people? it is gob's site he has the right to truly do what he wants, he could have banned me for anything i've done if he wanted.

I realize now that seeing that post alone is, well, rather strange, i deleted all my other posts in that thread, considering none of them had anything to do with it, in fact the only reason i got onto that subject in the first place is after Inoc posted about something i said in a post which is no longer there, i think mahdi was the only other to read it, but i may be wrong....

It was about me noticing certain people on the forums seemingly having a personality change, and i still hold what i said, because i did notice it, and nothing is going to change that, from there it just got bad, and from bad to worse.... i decided to delete my posts and leave the "post in question" ...


Have you guys read the book called 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell?I like a part that was referring to the government of post-trotsky under stalin.

The part was that all matters concerning the farm[FED2K] would be settled by a special committee of pigs[Landsraad] presided over by Napoleon[Gob] himself,thus showing that the pigs had absolute power.Just like...nvm. ;D :D ;)


The pigs don't have any power, mainly because they know they could be eaten and turned into hats.

It has to be hats 'cus everyone knows that "you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear" ::)

I thought we were all worms

100% agreed.

To Gob: since you seem to be a big fan of hats, i have a couple of slightly-used Fedoras that i no longer have a need for since i'm gonna buy a new one this winter. (i always wear Fedoras in the winter since i'm an aspiring gangster, for those wondering). they are extremely sleek and stylish. worn with the right coat, you'll look exactly like an old-school "Family"-man. if you un-nerf me and Mod me, i could cut you a good deal on those ;D

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