i found out new tactic about the death hand! u need to build just buzzaw and troops!then build hanger and starport! ?(refinery first).! then build the palace , if the enemy wont rush at the start u will see that it works! 8) 8)
someone know why when somebody send me file at the email it write me: OE removed access to the following unsafe attachments in your mail:name of the file! why it doesnt work.. i cant save it WHY? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
sure they are! i didnt say that it doesnt make alot of damge but not like infary beasue when the bazzuw come in big groups they kick the sonic tank the ass!.. ::) ::) 8) 8)
i know .... check the link! http://home.wanadoo.nl/vdsp/files/tibed154.exe but my freind have something more good then that i will send u it fast as i can! i hope that i helped u! 8) 8)
???u took that from the site of gm dont u? i know it , i can send something more good then that i mean like emperor that u can move your units, i working on emperor but i steel can do the money and the building it will take 1 year but when i will finish that i will send u first...lol if we will be commentcion until then! 8) 8) ???
sure it what they like i didnt tell him not buy dune2000 . i told him that i suggest him to check emperor.! u can download dune 200 from many sites or buy it by easy on 20 or 30$. lol maybe more or less dunno. 8) 8) 8)
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