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Everything posted by JB

  1. Hm... the contaminator is indeed expensive compared to the other subhouse inf units. Just wondering if the contaminator could be tweaked to be a counter against the all favorite fremen and sards ::) lets say the speed of a leech, the contaminator attack and cost 150. I know that this would be very impopular, as people tend to be very emotional against not having their all reliable, all purpose sards and feds ;) But wouldn't it make tleilaxu a nice "annoy-the-hell-out-of-your-enemy" subhouse? good for diversions!
  2. I didn't say that the contaminator was to become invincible or even up to par with the stronger units in the game. Speeding it up (both movement and attack) is just a suggestion for making it more effective, like you requested :) The leech is often able to reach its targets and this makes it necessary to defend against it without it being a game winner (but still it is useful/fun sometimes), why couldn't this be the case for contaminators as well?
  3. I still believe that the contaminator would be much more interesting and useful if it were a fast instead of a slow unit, like the leeches. (Tleilaxu would then have an anti inf and an anti vehicle unit.)
  4. But that gets already quite complicated as a mod. I was wondering if just increasing the move and attack speed of the contaminator would already be enough to make it more useful/annoying for you/your enemy. It might give Tleilaxu an anti-infantry as well as an anti-vehicle unit, and both in style 8)
  5. Tleilaxu is underpowered because their 'anti' infantry unit does not work well at all... If the contaminator could be as effective against infantry as the leech is against vehicles, the Tleilaxu could play a real role as a subhouse. I think that even just increasing the speed of the contaminator would already work well, as you can see with the leech, which can attack most vehicles effectively due to its speed. By the way, most of the time I choose either fremen or sard, together with a random subhouse. Strategically this is not the best choice (most of the time that would be fremen+sards as people mentioned) but it does spice things up a bit as your opponent does not know beforehand against which house he/she has to defend.
  6. Wait a minute, Lowzeewee,... you do know The Restaurant at the End of the Universe but you don't know the other books? :O :O Go and read "The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy" now! :) It is the first book of the series, and, together with "The Restaurant...", follows the original radio play from which it was adapted. Later there were three more books: "Life, the Universe, and Everything", "So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish" and finally "Mostly Harmless". If you can get it, listen the radio plays are on CD, these are really the purest form of the series, imho even better than the books; altough i think the books are more detailed and some people prefer them over the audio version. (and there are more books).
  7. JB


    SC1 was the first multiplayer game I played extensively (together on one keyboard, yay!) The dreadnought probably was the strongest ship overall; with practice it could be destroyed by some of the other ships, but those were then easy prey for one of the others. I got very skilled with that transformer ship with two shapes (the Mmrnmhrm Transformer I think). It didn't have any storyline back then, the story was added by SC2, which was very cool to play through; with lots of little stories about the different races (Especially the menagerie of captain "Zex" of the "Vux", ;D ;D ) We are Pkunk, Pkunk we are!
  8. Emperor is dead! Long live Emperor!
  9. But I got there first! :D
  10. And when I rushed forwards with a sandbike to get the crate that sprang up between a line of assault tanks and a group of minos poised to throw themselves into battle; I get a sonic tank! what the F... The present was evaporated by 12 assault tanks firing simultaneuosly ;D Just what I needed.
  11. If new players go online, it surely is difficult to learn how to play; the step up from the campaigns and AI to "real" human vs. human games is quite hard. Would it be a good idea to organize some online lessons? If an experienced player takes one or two beginners into a game and "talks" them through the steps of building a good (or at least reasonable) base, setting up example fights between groups of units, eg. master vs student, 2nd student observes and learns how the master does "da moves" :). This way one player can observe and learn, without bothering about his/her own units. At the end of the lesson the master can compete against both students in a "real" 2vs1 match (and probably wipe their asses). The requirement of the new player would be that he/she knows all unit names and their basic characteristics (ie the newbie guide from this forum), else the lessons will become too difficult to pull off (and not much fun). I think that this would even work with three beginners commenting on each other, and it will improve the average level of play, which eventually makes it more fun for the experienced players as well 8). Tell me what you think!
  12. JB


    That's a good joke, ha ha, :- wait a sec, its not a joke, it really works that way, doesn't it, dad? :O the world is a strange place...
  13. bulgaar
  14. Maybe not the funniest, but a nice moment when I was having a 1vs1 against cbrick yesterday I was building up my base about (the proverbial) three minutes into the game and just thinking "hm, rushing in the first few minutes from the start would actually a nice strat, cause its hard to put up a solid defense by that time..." When I looked to the enemies base and there were about twelve minos marching towards my base (when I just built my first mino :) ) I now begin to understand why poor losers get upset when they see any enemy unit before they themselves have like thirty minos and niab tanks. "They wiped us out" - H.G. Wells Well, back to practice! Good, abeit quick game, cbrick ! EDIT: hm, looking back at the ladder results of that game, it took 12 minutes! It certainly felt more like 5 :O
  15. Me, I started visiting after I got EBFD as a birthday present (jan 2003)
  16. JB

    FED2K song

    this line is already almost a song by itself ;D
  17. Belgium television showed The Three Kings, and a few other anti-war movies. I liked that attitude :) Unfortunately, Dutch television did not dare to make such a critical statement. And Edric, I agree on the patriotism thing; Also, one has to separate being proud of your (country|state|continent|hometown) from feeling superior to others. Different sentiments all together, and the latter actually causes problems while the former is generally a positive thing (IMO).
  18. I don't think crates are a cheat, its just a way of bringing some random advantages into the game. Which can be fun (scout levelup anyone?) but it can also deteriorate the strategic nature of the game, which is why it is an option in the game.
  19. If there is much abuse of the current ladder system, one could also make a list (by signup on this site for example) where people can "register" their nick. Then only games for which both the players are on this list would count for the ladder. Only one of them needs to have the proxy, and both will be aware of the ladder system. -JB (who hopes to one day find time to start playing the ladder, sigh.)
  20. JB


    This cartoon is appropriate for this forum in a lot of ways... http://www.plif.com/archive/wc201.gif Be sure to check out the other cartoons; some are really good (if a little sick sometimes)
  21. That's great! We sure can use a programmer with full access to the Emperor source code ;D
  22. Thats no "Anti-Anti-Air", thats bait! :) (and, at least for the EITS, pretty expensive bait)
  23. I guess that points_winner and points_loser are the current ladderscores for the two players, right? The function "round" usually returns the integer closest to the argument, so round(2.4)=2 and round(2.67)=3, I don't speak PHP but I guess (and hope) that this behavior is normal for a programming language. Gobalopper, can you comment on the code? I think that I understand how it works, but it seems that the same general behavior can be achieved somewhat simpler; unless you are trying to reproduce some old scoring system. If so, how did that work? -JB PS I notice that I'm no longer a sandflea, does that mean that I'm vulnarable to wormattacks now ?? ;)
  24. Great, picking up stealth or chevron crates with a scout ::)
  25. [quote author=(
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