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dragon harkonnen

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Everything posted by dragon harkonnen

  1. episode 2 was the best one so far
  2. whats ur red 2 sighn in name
  3. sorry
  4. send some thing
  5. war craft is one of the best games ive played
  6. i like barbs my self because of the whirlwind attack and the two weapon feature
  7. Listen u better shut you dam mouth about how u dont like war craf.
  8. for a while i was the solviet genral and led them to victory every time
  9. got a point
  10. i cant wait to play it.
  11. what u think about the game.would u like the third one. got any tips for everybody
  12. what u guys know about diablo. if u need help post some thing.What character u think is best.
  13. i thought the books were great
  14. its the best game there is so far
  15. i think priest are in controll because of ......... sertant reasons.
  16. i think the us will win all the way put i dont care soccer sucks
  17. i think you just a little pathadict weasle who was looking for fame .
  18. moderaters are cool i wish i could be one
  19. how do u get that face
  20. what are the landsraad members ???
  21. I prefer the old set because there darker and cooler
  22. whats your fav commad and conquor game and whats your strategy
  23. i like dragons and i like harkonnen ;D
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