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Everything posted by Ice_Cube

  1. https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/scuk_secure/jsp/getinvolved/directdebits.jsp
  2. This game consumes j00r soul ;D
  3. Happy new year people :)
  4. Ice_Cube

    Battlefield 2

    Strange...I have a lower system than that and mine runs fine on medium settings (a few on high) ... 64AMD 3000+ 1024RAM and only one 6600GT (PCI exp.) You need to sort your system out :P
  5. Actually Ken, thats not quite true.. You all had us fooled when you posted the photo of you as a hamster ;)
  6. Ice_Cube


    Confirmation of the number of people killed on the bus may take some time due to the fact that not much will be left to identify considering the circumstances (although I think an official figue has been released now) Dante, please don't joke in this thread, if you want to do that take it elsewhere. I'm surprised gob has not deleted KaL's post. This is a family forum for the whole world and it is completely out of order.
  7. No point in starting another thread: Can the game BattleField 2 ever be played with a playable framerate on a laptop? If so...how much is this going to cost?
  8. If you like trance you'll like it even better.... :P
  9. Well photoshop uses a hell of a lot of CPU power too so its not necessarily your graphics card ... and > 70 degrees C is a problem. Ok, the heatsink is the big metal thing with a fan that sits above your CPU too keep it cool. Thermal paste is available at nearly every PC store, and instructions on the packaging are pretty clear. If you ask a tech guy who works at the store they should be able to give pretty good advice (not so useful if you order over the net). http://sysopt.earthweb.com/paste.html That gives a fairly technical description of what thermal paste is. http://www.neoseeker.com/Hardware/faqs/kb/5,61.html Gives a fairly straight forward guide Obviously if you are really unsure then try another option as there is a possibillity of complications when re-applying the thermal paste.... A tempoury solution is to run the PC with an external fan...but thats not a very good long term idea.
  10. Try putting a fresh coat of thermal paste between the CPU and the heat sink, this tends to degrade over time and may fix your CPU overheating problems.
  11. I can't even find this gcf file.... you sure you don't mean cfg?
  12. hehe, no problem... glad I helped you figure it out.
  13. <embed src="Opening animation-flash.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="600" height="600" name="Opening animation-flash" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /> Are you sure you uploaded the "Opening animation-flash.swf" file to the right place? Or named the link right? http://home.earthlink.net/~slaphapy5/Opening animation-flash.swf This file doesn't seem to exist..... Also, does earthlink allow .swf files? Can't imagine it doesn't but you don't always know with free/ISP hosting. [edit]Made post more read friendly[/edit]
  14. Tried the advice, and got this error: "The instruction a "0x01285030" referenced memory at "0x01285030". The memory could not be "read" ". well at least computer have evolved enough to give friendly error messages at last ;). I'm gunna have a look around the steam forums with this new error information, see what turns up. Any further advice more than appreciated. edit: forgot to say, that I will try deleting the gcf file next
  15. Thanks for the advice, I will give this a try tomorrow
  16. Alas, the Linux debian installation did not go to plan :( Unfortunatley, there were problems starting the X server, as I think I messed up the driver installation for the video. My box was very old, salvaged from business throw-outs ..... so I will be formatting and installing windows XP :'( Nevermind, at least I know that this route works
  17. hehe, did you even read any of this thread drahgoon?
  18. Hey, kids use MSN too, they will get at least 5 minutes of fun out the nudge and wink system. Don't like the MSN search or space buttons? Or even the advertising? Then take a look at http://mess.be and get the MSN mess patch.....
  19. Not sure if its possible then to add a loading bar :- I never knew photoshop was so powerful! Well at least I gained from your period of bordem ,lol
  20. What software did you use to make the animation? Not sure you can do loading bars with .gif files.... but I think its easy to do in Macromedia Flash and create a .swf file instead... although this may annoy people who don't have the flash plugin, but who doesn't have that these days anyway ;D BTW, the tutorials you have are awesome!
  21. I have a ADSL router that provides a permentant conenction to the 'net so thats ok. Will the boot disks give me the ability to configure my network card? (3COM)
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