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  1. I found this topic weird as well it seem to me some1 doesnt like gunwounds. I never liked gunwounds when he was in bilbo clan.But now I enjoy playing with & against him in games. Oh btw you are replying to a girl....... Something smells fishy :O Rofl You sure its not shygirl...or shyboy... ;)
  2. Welcome aboard Im not as old as you but not to far away behind you ;) Look me up we can play some games against these young & cocky punks 8) Hope you & your son enjoy playing EBFD online (wwis server) since westwood server is down. Sarbaukar
  3. xwis is down as well
  4. Can you help me in how 2 ride a worm ??? And what happen to your buddies list 8)
  5. How does the score work EG. My sniper kills one trooper does that get 1 point towards my score?
  6. I thought it would be cyrenius(Nav) ;)
  7. Thanks for the new link. We all went back to WOL, cause noboby knew who was online ;)
  8. He used gayzelord,And yes he is right it is a bad bug the player that hosts game will get the win while your allie will get the lose as I found out for myself against tuan2k. Looks like it evened out with those points gayzelord as I beat you 2 games in arrow & they didnt record ;)
  9. No for me cause I cant get xwis to work
  10. I thought nav got the red card ;)
  11. ROFL learn somethin new everyday ;)
  12. Just Move to Australia problem solved as the legal age limit here is 18 8)
  13. So are we on our way to Australia Mahdi ;) Atomic I think you mean New Zealand, as we Aussies always have jokes about New Zealanders & Sheep.
  14. Yep
  15. sarb


    Me & my dad own a Allision 195 which is 6 meters long with 135 merc ( V6 )to push it along. We do alot of deep sea fishing in it when the weather is good.I also have a 10 foot tinny which I use to go up the creek in to catch some tasty mud crabs. I got a good picture here of me & the old man holding a sail fish he caught,while a freind took it from anthor boat.But I dont know how to upload it so you guys can see.
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