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Everything posted by Madluxan

  1. And America fought a civil war. Your point?
  2. Yeah, they stopped supporting Renegade a while ago... But I'm probably gonna play Generals anyway. I can't pass up the opportunity to watch emprworm make as much of an idiot out of himself on the Generals forums as he did on these :)
  3. Actually, I had a reason... I just wanted to know who really cared. It seemed to me like he was just feeding his ego even more. "WOOT! I DID IT! I DID IT! I SET A NEW WORLD RECORD FOR MOST STUFF BUILT IN A KNIFE FIGHT BASE! " "There is no way, just no freaking way anyone is gonna beat this. Let me tell you how amazingly built this base was:" "Using Atreides? Harkonnen? Ordos? Can you outdo me?" Like I said, I said I missed the part where anyone cares, then he took it a bit too personally and decided he should start throwing around random insults about me. That's not a hijack. A hijack is where you say something like "OMFG j00 iz t3h sux0r I r0x0r at 3mper0r muhahahahahahah!!!1111" right in the middle of a thread ;) Besides, you need to start reading. I'm not the one making a scene about this. ::) The person saying that I'm on a personal mission to flame him at all costs is the one making a scene. I'm just sitting here laughing at him :)
  4. I think it's kinda funny, actually. It's interesting to see just how sorry he can sound when he's in a situation he can't lie his way out of :) It's not like this is some sort of a political debate. You can't win by lying, throwing around insults, and trying to sound smart while doing it ::) But anyway, this thread is probably gonna be gone by the time I wake up. Too bad there's not one time emprworm can name where I "constantly attacked him through bilbo" in the past 5 months. Like I said, this isn't something he can lie his way out of, so he's bound to sound like an idiot ;) Unfortunately for him, he doesn't realize I wouldn't have even bothered responding to him if he hadn't spewed as much lies, insults, and everything else he did after I asked him who cared. Like I said, he pretty much went off his rocker at that time, and now he's trying to make it sound like it never happened. Not like I expect anything better from some kid with nothing better to do than try to turn something like this into a legal battle ::)
  5. LOL, this is hilarious... You edit out all of the nonesense, swearing, lies, and everything else you said to me, and then you go to complain about me. I remember cable did the same thing a few months ago where he constantly deleted his threads whenever he started to lose an argument. But anyway, if you're gonna sound like a 9 year old while flaming me, and sound somewhat mature here, then I have to thank you. You managed to show how two faced you are without me even trying ;) You completely went off your rocker when I asked who cared, then you go and do something like this.... LOL. Like I said, you're only proving you have the maturity of an egotistical child :) You have to get it through your head. I'm not like you. I'm not going to post lies, swearing, and immature nonesense, then delete it like you do. I show people like you for who they are using factual information. Have a good stay at the Fed2k forums :)
  6. [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. Hehehe, it's so funny how you're constatnly trying to attack me through cable... I can just imagine how you look right now, sitting there in your chair boiling in frustration about how you can't manage to say a single truthful thing to discredit me :)
  8. Actually, I think it's kinda funny that you're attacking me through cable... Anyway, since you're obviously obsessed about discrediting me, I'll give you a little information that should keep you from making an idiot out of yourself in the near future ;) It's not up to me who gets into FEW. I barely play Emperor anymore. You were the one that defended cable when he made fake screenshots of me swearing at bilbo. You were the one that kept it a secret that he intended to do it. Now, try to NOT sound like a moron when you flame me next time, ok? ;D
  9. Ummm... I think I missed the part where anyone cares ???
  10. HEY! I thought Raiden and I had that site name O_o
  11. [me=MadLuxan]brown noses and leaves the thread[/me] :P
  12. Going back on topic... Here's something that some of you might have some input to add to. http://messagebrd.westwood.ea.com/cgi-bin/boards/gen/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=2;t=000604
  13. Madluxan


    :O :O :O I know where Tupile is!! :O :O :O
  14. Madluxan

    A reminder.

    I sent pro an email about moving the forum to http://boards.gamers.com/messages/overview.asp?name=DMSWG here, but I haven't seen him on Emp recently. I can put in a required password everytime someone wants to log into the forums, or set up a separate forum for public and private. It's a whole hell of a lot better than that yahoo popup/email spamming crap O_o
  15. w3wt, thanks :)
  16. Alright, since you're so good at Warcraft, that must mean you're even more godly on Emperor. Go beat cerb on Emperor, then I'll let you spout your stupidity all you want ;) You need to understand that your arguments have absolutely no structure to them, and it's mainly just venting on how badly you've been beaten on this game... You were never any good at this, so apparently you feel the need to bash Emperor in some sort of revenge attempt because of how bad you are at it. But I don't mind if you have to troll an Emperor forum just because of your insecurity. It's always fun prodding trolls :) At least I can admit I'm not too good at this game anymore, and I'm better at Warcraft. But I'm not going to Warcraft just because I'm better at it. It's not exactly a very good game...
  17. http://www.suntimes.co.za/2002/08/25/backpage/back01.asp ... w00t?.. ???
  18. Madluxan

    A reminder.

    Hehehe, just send me the cash in the mail and... I'll TRY to get it to ya. No guarantees, though ;)
  19. It sucks ;) Razor just likes to troll these forums saying how much better WC3 is than Emperor because he's probably angry at how badly he's been beaten by everyone else here. I don't usually see any constructive posts from him. It's mostly- emperor is dead and for n00bs and wc3 takes mad skIllz cuz I r0x0r n00bs in it!!! Or something to that extent ;D
  20. Madluxan

    20k Banned

    With that little "Landsraad" above his name, I'm not sure that's happening anytime soon ;)
  21. The game community sucks now... I actually used to be one of the two best predaliens online, and I've been playing since last year. [b-A-X]AceTech and I were always neck and neck for best online. Anyway, here's a couple of screenshots... One with me and the other bigger clans in AvP, and the other of me playing against a server full of newbies. http://divinewind.20megsfree.com/bigclan.jpg http://divinewind.20megsfree.com/newbiebash.jpg But eventually I got bored of the people who insisted on abusing all kinds of bugs they possibly could, and still be accepted in the general community with the defense "I can do anything I want in order to win". The game is almost as dead as Emperor, and the general community now condones abusing bugs. One of the bugs I'm talking about is quick-clicking to fire marine weapons. Guns that require no "charge up" time between shots, like the minigun when it's pre-spun, and the pulse rifle can be fired in rapid clicks and the rate of fire is actually boosted. The smartgun, flamethrower, and other automatic weapons can't be done because they require about half a second in order to fire after you actually push the fire button. If you were to remove this "charge up" time from the weapons, then the rate of fire would also be boosted. Another one is the rapid fire sniper rifle bug, which allows you to shoot multiple sniper rounds in succession, without waiting for the bolt to reload. Simply fire, zoom, fire, unzoom, fire, repeat. You can go on as long as you don't miss a step in the pattern. Emperor is better use of my time than a game with all sorts of bugs, especially when people use them indiscriminately...
  22. Madluxan

    A reminder.

    Pfffft. I'm getting an X-Box for free soon enough. My aunt works at Microsoft, so I get all sorts of free crap. All of the AoE games included :)
  23. I already sent an IM to Gob, if that's what you're talking about O_o
  24. O....k.... Sards with self healing at level 1? It's kinda like, "why bother trying?"
  25. Kinda makes you wonder if Generals is gonna compare to Emperor...
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