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Everything posted by Fremen5

  1. mmm... Sandworms just to spite you all :D :P (j/k) mh.. I like the Atredes, and ordos... I kinda like harkonen because of all of the fire stuff they have...
  2. corruption is inivetable; it almost always happens...
  3. I'm to lazy to play online; modding Tiberian Sun a lot...
  4. Same here, as long as they were RTS ;D
  5. I saw it for 10$ Thats EA for you... Or maybe it was the shop... Meh...
  6. yes, it shouldv'e been that way, like in C&C and Red alert 1 :'(
  7. I ment the rights to Dune games :-
  8. you can probably buy almost anything at amazon :O
  9. I mean like orcas in Tiberian Sun
  10. or blast 'em with an inkvine catapult ;D
  11. I think it should be funded by the parents who send theyr'e kids to those schools, and not by the government
  12. I would like to burn them, that would be fun
  13. Something just hit me. Every game that EA/Westwood has made that is either more than a few years old or wasn't that sucsesful have just been "erased" form time, it seems. If you check out the website now, most of the games they ever did are gone. Like, all of theyr'e Dune games, NOX, E&B, and Sole Survivor. Kinda makes me mad >:(
  14. EA has a few problems with cusotmer support >:( Always have
  15. personally, i don't like TibEd that much. Don't know why, just don't.
  16. Never heard of that. someone should make an unofficial expansion pack, one with controlable ornithopters. They aren't contrillable, right? ???
  17. I would kinda like to see it like Renegade, but like you're some important guy in either the Ordos, Atreades, or harkonen, and you could hijack vehicles
  18. you can always et it at used game stores ;)
  19. I think it's a tad more historicle
  20. Tell them that it was lagging, and it got so slow that it just got boring. ;)
  21. They sold it to Cyro, I think :'(
  22. Great! I'm Tony Blair, and Sadam Huessein!
  23. Unless whoever makes the new Dune games sells it back to EA...
  24. waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy to much
  25. Huh? ???The AI that was passing was destroyed
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