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80 files

  1. Subhouse Expansion.
    225 0
  2. Vehicle Mod.
    180 0
  3. Elite Warriors Mod.
    252 0
  4. Worm Mod.
    289 0
  5. Chocolate.
    149 0
  6. JackBlade Mod.
    91 0
  7. Infantry Mod.
    110 0
  8. This small 'patch' will change the icons that Emperor Battle for Dune displays during gameplay. IT WILL NOT CHANGE THE GAMEPLAY IN ANY WAY, so it will not cause games to go out of sync when playing online or what not.
    ALL icons, including both structures and units will be affected. The original icon files will not be altered, they will just be ignored by the game, and no longer used.
    187 0
  9. In the Destroyer's Grip.
    477 0
  10. The Fed2k Heroes Mod was designed to allow all the members of Fed2k Discussion to battle it out on Arrakis. We have about a dozen Fed2k Heroes lined up, but since this is the beta version only about 5 units have been included. Each of these units has fantastic new textures, new weapons, and icons. I have also written some little little stories for each of the hero units included in this beta. So from myself (Inoculator9) and GoldEagle, enjoy the beta and hope that a full version will be released. =)
    150 0
  11. Realistic Dune by Jez.
    137 0
  12. Emperor Modification File by Tirinal.
    132 0
  13. Hark Challenge by deathcommando.
    85 0
  14. Money Mod.
    105 0
  15. Airstrike MOD.
    239 0
  16. House Heroes Mod by Inoculator9 & Rubrao.
    122 0
  17. Ix Mod.
    116 0
  18. Novel Mod.
    102 0
  19. Kwisatz Haderach by Edric O, Nema Fakei, Ghosty Square, Jacob Douds.
    329 0
  20. Widens the difference between hard, easy and normal.
    111 0
  21. Smuggler Mod.
    157 0
  22. This mod replaces Harkonnen with Moritani, Atreides with Ecaz and Ordos with Hagal.
    Also the Sardaukar have been changed to the Smugglers.
    -Dunenewt, Mike Of Moritani
    199 0
  23. Super Dune III.
    211 0
  24. Corrino's Revenge by DukeLeto and Frodo.
    Patch files are only needed if you have an older version.
    459 0
  25. Imperial Cival War by JulesG & Inoculator9.
    205 0

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