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  2. Should be working fine, what's the issue?
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  5. Hi all! What's the problem with gruntmods official site? Can't connect to gruntmods.com. Thx.
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  7. Territory triggers are tricky. IIRC, you check a per-territory box and (for just one) fill in the ID number of the destination. Then you find the function for hauling cargo to territory from territory and feed it the amount, cargo ID, and source territory ID. It has been so long that I forget the exact format, but I know that US History has one for hauling passengers from Washington DC to Galt's Gulch. EDIT: Galt's Gulch (event 662 in my spread sheet) is too complex, but Seattle (716) looks like one worth emulating. It uses a function called CompanyTerritoryLoadsHauledFromLifetimeToTerritory(#) where you pass in the "from" terr-ID and it returns the number of loads. Combined with other conditions (player company, destination territory ID), you should get what you want.
  8. Hey there A bit late ik, to do that basically choose an enemy unit and click a, your opponent must do the same for red color. you can find that in the forum, search about it
  9. get next square is usually related to pathing issues. those can be made much less frequent by making sure there's adequate room to move around comparative to the amount of units you expect on the field. adding infantry-only paths to help free up other paths for vehicles also helps quite a bit
  10. Nevermind, I think I got it. So many years after playing this as a kid, I suddendly start obsessing over the editor.
  11. I'm sorry if this isn't the proper topic, but I'm scratching my head over this: I want to trigger an endgame event for hauling, for example, 5 loads of autos from a certain territory to another. Is it possible with the functions we have available? The editor tutorials and files either aren't much help or I'm just not finding the correct function (they're not all that self-explanatory in some cases) Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi everybody, first of all, thanks for this great game Since today I get the error message when I try to connect to online multiplayer game in Dune2000: error :closing link: 'name' by prothid.ny.us.gamesurge.net (G-Lined) It would be so great if there is an easy fix for that. Best regards Sebastian
  13. The development and testing team did their best, and a relatively good job overall, with the pretty limited time they had before release... but yes, this game is not airtight, as you've experienced. In 1996, Thufir saying that I need to bring Chani in one of the three fortresses closest to the Harkonnen Palace was my first introduction to her as well. That's what led me to have to fix my game, which was missing a copy of VILG.HSQ (for which trial and error showed that ATTACK.HSQ is a "valid" substitute, in the sense that the game does no longer crash - of course, the nice village graphics don't display), as a visit to any village with Harah as a companion is essential to the game progressing forward the intended way. I don't remember seeing the "Chani appearing and the kiss scene triggering out of the blue" bug you describe, though. With Chani discovered and Jessica's message triggered, Leto being stuck in the palace because the punitive expedition was never triggered, as a consequence of never letting Gurney Halleck train troops, does in no way prevent the game from being beaten. As I wrote above, that's how I played Dune most of the time between 1996 and the late 2010s. And it was a mistake, don't do it. BTW: without having discovered Chani, a 72-day playthrough before destroying all Harkonnen fortresses, thereby stopping the spice shipment requirement, is lengthy. The one time I did a longer playthrough, the Emperor killed Paul Atreides at day 86 - even if from my save at day 84, I immediately attempted to discover a village, eventually meet Chani, and start processing and mining some of the spice-rich areas unlocked by meeting Chani, it was too late. Destroying all fortresses before day 30 is a good first target - when you can do that, I'd say that you've become at least Efficient at Dune 1
  14. I allowed post. Translation: https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&text=Здравствуйте! Спасибо большое за возможность поиграть в Дюну на современном компьютере! Скажите%2C пожалуйста%2C а можно ли как-то установить кат-сцены с русским дубляжом%3F &op=translate
  15. Здравствуйте! Спасибо большое за возможность поиграть в Дюну на современном компьютере! Скажите, пожалуйста, а можно ли как-то установить кат-сцены с русским дубляжом?
  16. Works great! Thank you! 1920x1080
  17. I was making a mod that had similar goals to his mod. Like Doubling the health of all buildings, reducing infantry speed by 50%, removing free carryalls and harvesters forcing you to buy them, and making most vehicles have more realistic turning speeds. The mod is on a fried hard drive though so I might have to re make it.
  18. only get next square errors piss me off. well some missions are buggy,crashy if map is 128x128. and i wanted make big bases plus more houses to fight agaist. its hard to make it work great. the reworked campaign is almost finished. and finally made rapid devastator to work. gonna make yet some extra polishing and will drop next release. ohh i did look around missions and found some maps underrated so original campaigns got alot of extra bases. .. planning to make some maps less empty aka even more bases. moe challenge,more stuff to destroy hahahaha imo stealth engineers i added are damn so good, fragile like glass but base with no turrets is easy targets. or atleast some infantry xD . im thinking about making trike/raider engineer variants too. .. reminds me a red alert 2 squid eating nighthawk thing xD
  19. X3M

    Death Hand reload

    Select the palace. In there you can select the Death Hand. Then click anywhere on the map.
  20. I've been playing this map for a while now, basically 'went for it' on a first try and got a textile mill in Perth, a port in Bunbury with a cotton farm sitting right on top of it, but not a whole lot else. I have to say, I appreciate the challenge of this map, but otherwise, feel like it's a bit too extreme. These one horse towns simply DO NOT grow in a lot of cases. Perth started at 4 houses, went to 5, then to 6, then back to 5 (!?) despite me absolutely slaughtering it with every possible resource I could access. I've managed to get Katanning to town status, but outside of Perth and Bunbury, these three are all I have. It's now 1904, and things are slowly coming unglued as my first trains age themselves to replacement. There's nowhere to even move these goods to when I finally manage to make them. This map is not so much challenging as it is just a long frustrating slog. It's grossly unrealistic IMO....pumping a city full of all available resources should do something, and here it just doesn't do anything. Expanding to adjacent territories is impossibly expensive, and the industries that do pop up randomly are a dairy processor (with only available dairy in queensland), a timber mill with all the logging camps located in Adelaide thousands of kilometers away, and the ubiquitous and useless paper mills. None of the AI companies have managed to expand beyond 2 cities, and 3 of 5 have shuttered ages ago. I think this map can really be improved a lot.
  21. with the graphics files, the mod should be intact there are always new features under development by Klofkac. feel free to drop by the Landsraad Discord server, a thread by Feda pinned on this forum, if you have any questions about a concept you'd like to implement or bugs you're having trouble figuring out
  22. ohh thats how it works.. im uploading updated version this time with r8 and r16 files. new stuff - rapid fire sonic tank variant little tweak - rapid fire devastator variant little tweak but stopped being rapidfire hmmmm - more damage from death hand and airstrike - harkonnen can fire three death hand missiles properly issues - harkonnen palace missile launch animation is looped and never stops playing -just cosmetic glitch, not impacting on gameplay - atreides is unable to fire three airstrike raids - getting error about unit exits from unknown thingy. so disabled it for now - rapid fire sonic tank should never be stored in your base. if you do and base get attacked. your sonic tank will take out half of your base LOL. - devastator rapidfire does not work. will be fixed soon. - rapidfire trike and rapidfire raider damage too low - will be better on next update. . whats going to be next? - will rework atreides airstrike to let atreides use three airstrikes but not all-at-once. fire one before next is ready. - will make rapidfire devastator and rapidfire sonic tank new weapons for one hit kills - ordos rapidfire deviator will have alot more hitpoints. - MCV units will have huge hitpoints to make them almost invulnerable also this will be used on harkonnen mission 4 map 2. (will be like h4v1 same objectives but different scenery) - reworked atreides/ordos/harkonnen original missions will be released with few warnings (few maps will be crashy - will fix them later) - new concrete variants - armed harvester variant - armed carryal variant - these three raider and three trike variants will be reworked to make them alot different so one for infantry one for tanks one for structures etc. data.rar
  23. don't forget to include the data.r16 you'll find it under the "data" folder, not in "bin" it's important when adding new units or structures because anything new gets a new icon in the icons slot. not having an icon means anything new is an instant crash
  24. CrownVic95, did you ever find a solution to your WA logging camp issue? I'm a new player of this game (last 6 months) and would be embarrassed to divulge how much I've played since I found it. I'm currently playing this map, and it is very frustrating how slow things develop, or in fact, how some things never seem to. I'm considering making some map tweaks (importing different things through the ports is an amazing idea) but am hesitant to cross that particular Rubicon.
  25. Hello All 😀 Soon to be released a new Mod for Dune 2000, named Dune 2000 Extra aka D2Kx Preview https://imgur.com/a/t0AD7GN Or https://postimg.cc/ct4V7rBh Notes: This Mod wouldn't have been possible without these tools: Dune Editor v2.2.7 UIB Table Editor v0.3 Resource Editor v0.2 Artwork contributions from the community
  26. I think the FMV in question is the one where you are shown a dead sandworm and then a Tleilaxu craft taking off from it, foreshadowing the creation of the Emperor Worm. This one plays -- with appropriate variations -- for all three Houses, if I'm not mistaken (but I haven't played the game for over a decade or even longer). I'm fairly certain that it should happen sometime mid-campaign without any specific conditions having to be met -- but perhaps you should not be allied with the Tleilaxu? I'm not sure.
  27. im uploading the mod - b\in files. just unpack this to your dune2k/data/bin some features may be missing. some features may crash game. heavily unbalanced on purpose lolol.. have fun and enjoy. let me know if anything is broken etc.. missions will released later when i try fix few unstable ones bin.rar
  28. I can recreate the situation: I play a specific map (Das imperiale Becken), have the lower, middle field, and at the bottom right I place a "Raumhafen". As soon as I get a delivery from the Raumhafen, it crashes. No matter what happened before, it's exactly this combination. I have a gamesave right before this happens, so for analysis it could do the job. Today I played again, not the gamesave, but new game. It happened exactly the same (The raumhafen is on exactly the same place where I always pace it). So, all ideas with windows / incompatibility, graphic card issues etc... : NO!! It IS the game, NOT the settings!
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