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Sardukar or Fremen???


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I like to see Arbites playing with his Sardaukar and loses... There is no meaning in what you say. On every counter strategy all you say is: When you have enough Sardaukar rules... It only express the weakness of the Sardaukar (while they aren't weak at all) And you didn't read the books, you mean you can't? In dutch we call that a 'analfabeet'...

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Although there is a tactic of swarming them with Sardaukar (WHich everyone seems to hate for some reason), I still think that the best is dropping them behind an enemy base wiv carryalls (Sards will b in APCs) and then ordering them to attack from behind.  However, it is almost ESSENTIAL that you have Sardaukar elites mixed in!

I don't care wot u say:  SARDAUKAR RULE!!!!!!!

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That depends on the job at hand.  As stealth units, Fremen are ideal for setting up ambushes along the lines of approach to your base... four to six fedaykin will be quite enough to strip that Minotarus, Devastator, Deviator, or other high-annoyance-factor unit from the march; don't forget to withdraw immediately afterwards so they can return to hiding.  Besides, those few seconds the enemy spends in looking for the fedaykin are a few seconds more you have to supplement and/or organize your D.

At the base proper, though, where stealth is much less of a concern, the Sardaukar are right at home filling out the unwelcome mat.  Similar wisdom applies in the field: Sardaukar make excellent general-use backups for, oh, that nest of Kindjal or missile troopers...

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First off both fremen and sadukar are good. Now what rellay matters is the skill of the players. Also what house are you playing with and what other sub house do you have.  My personal preferance though is fremen. With a group of 5 to 10 Fedykin I was able to destroy most of the harks defense in attaking there stronghold on Dune. I do relize that that was the Ai but still.  Also try Sadukar and Fremen that is a very interesting combo.

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The only real use I find for Sarduakar is the elite units. They are good air defence units when placed in small groups around your base. They can also guard against Guild NAIB tanks as well. However, in a straight fight, the Fremen Warriors mow down Sarduakar regulars, but get slaughtered by Sardaukar elite when they can get close to them with the knife. Fedaykin won't stand much of a change against Sarduakar regulars or elites unless they outnumber the Sarduakar. The cloaking ability of the Fremen is a real advantage, but I would have to say that the Fremen and the Sarduakar are fairly even. It depends on whether you like to micromanage your troops or not. Sarduakar are better at slugging it out, Fremen are good for guerilla style warfare.

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