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Favorite FPS


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Whats your fav FPS( first person shooter) out of these 6? Tell why and if you play it online.

Heres the choices,

1. Soldier of Fortune 2; Double Helix

2. Return to Castle Wolfenstein

3. Serious Sam's The Second Encounter

4. Unreal Tournament 2003

5. Command And Conquer Renegade

6. Ghost Recon

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I would have to say Ghost Recon.


The game overall brings a new meaning to FPS. It shows the player better then any other game out on the market today what a real special ops team is like. Also, it doesn't neglect the fact, that despite heavy armor, you can still be shot dead in four shots of a acurate weapon.

Further more, it gives you command of a squad (Mostly on Single Player, your dealing with arrogent humans in some cases online) and shows you how the real boys do it.

And last of all, the graphics are utterly amazing, without any lag online the games overall the best FPS I've ever played, and trust me, I've played a lot.

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hmm not in my opinion. The graphix are truly magnificent, and the music is pretty good as well. But i just had no fun playing it... i stopped after about 30 min. and only played once after that... but that's just my opinion, i think most here would disagree

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I LOVE ut2k3 i thought it was one of the greatest FPS games i have ever played... at my Uncle's house i got to play it because my comp can't run it, but if you play it against the comp it's kind of boring... but against other poeple, it is extremely hard, although im sure u could get used to it rather quickly if you play often.

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