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Goodbye, Navaros!

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First there was DukeLeeto. Then there was Bilbo. Then came Navaros. Who will take up the mantle? Who will be the next pariah? In the words of the theme song for one of my favorite video games, "No one lives forever, but evil never dies."

Don't forget Crazy

Anyway he could change his IP address if he really wanted to


does the IP address not change evertime u connect to the internet? unless ur logging on from a LAN, then it would stay constant. All he has to do is reinstall windows or whatever and then create a new user name


Hahaha, good one, rogue. Now for my reply. The ONLY reason I don't totally own ALL of you is that you are ALL cheaters and you are all just luckier than I am. The ONLY way any of you could beat me is if you do any of the following things or any of the following things happens:

You play me on a map that doesn't favor Atreides. That's not fair.

You play me on YOUR settings rather than mine. That's not fair.

You rush me. That's totally not fair.

You use Guild. We all know Guild isn't fair.

Your snipers/Chems/infantry kill my scouts. That's not fair.

My Minos can't find their way around a rock. That's not fair.

I'm tired. Any game where I'm not totally up for it shouldn't count.

A worm eats one of my Minos. Even if a worm eats five of your minos and one of mine, that's not fair for me because I had big plans for that one mino.

You engineer my base. That's not fair unless I do it to you.

You use the inkvine catapult. Since it outranges everything else, that's not fair.

You use a "ghetto" strategy. Any "ghetto" strategy is NOT fair, and that includes backing up your lasertanks with Fremen warriors or backing up your buzzsaws with inkvines.

My attention wanders. If my attention wanders, I'm not at my best, so it wouldn't be fair for you to beat me under such unfair conditions.

You get the jump on me with air drones. See the "ghetto" strategy paragraph.

You use a superweapon. That's not fair unless I use one on you first.

You just get lucky. Luck is unfair.

God likes you more than He likes me. Getting a deity on your side is simply not fair.

Having a faster computer/internet connection than I have--we ALL know that people with faster computers/internet connections play faster than the rest of us, right? Well, that's not fair.

Any other circumstance/occurrence/event/strategy that makes it possible for you to beat wonderful me in all my uberness is totally not fair since those are the only reasons I ever lose this game.


oh c'mon. let us enjoy this. we've been waiting...well...the others have been waiting a long time for nav to get banned. i haven't had to put up with him that much. just let us enjoy this...


To all you naysayers who keep posting in my thread telling us all to quit being happy about Nav's banishment.

bah! GOOD GRIEF. >:( This is just one little itty bitty thread dedicated to the rejoicing celebratory jubilant exhortation of Nav's recent departure.

I have remained quiet for the last 6 months, enduring all his insults, refusing to give in and flame back. And finally my patience and tolerance has paid off, and Justice was served.




Mob Mentality at it's best...or worst as the case may be. Well I can't deny you your right to be happy... But don't be so damn smug about it will you? It's not nice to laugh at people when they can't fight back; It's like speaking ill of the dead or something (Which is done all the time anyway...).

Besides, bad though he was I never thought Nav was THAT bad... But then, I only have other people's opinions to go on. I never played Emperor online so I wouldn't know, I don't think we ever accused each other of anything either. So I had no reason to dislike Navaros, and so I feel no joy at his absence.


*Sends everyone a invatation to the "NAV IS GONE! YIPPIE DING DONG!*

dance all are welcome except nav...

Free pancakes(blueberry one of many choices)

And free Alchohalic bevreges...


All partisipants must be a active member of the Cult of ex or of G.U.A.C

if you show up and are not one of theise too parties. You will be systematicly bled to death and your body fed to wild dogs who somehow possess a zombie virus which will reaniamate your body causing you to become a mindless flesh eating zombie

Drink limit is 15 each

Pancake limit is 72 each

Danish limit 5 each



I wonder if he is coming and viewing the forum as a guest?

Hes copying down what all of you are saying, and writing a letter of complaint. ^-^


Well Guns is too but he can still come and view...

So isnt that the same for Nav?

or am I wrong and Guns ban is different type?


Rogue, I said he can't even do that. He does not have access to the forums at all, as far as I know. But I may be wrong, and he may just be a guest only.

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