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prince of persia - now that was a game i looked forward to playing during my lunch hour at work

Woot! That game owned (like 8 years ago ;D) I played it when I was about 7 or 8. Of course at that age, I couldn't really do much...I had trouble getting past the really fat guard (on level 6 i think it was) with one sock. ;D

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Thats not true, warcraft3 is a game that is way more advanced then emperor; more game types (like 20) more players allowed in a game, more units etc........ so i doubt emp would be better if they both had the same amount of players..



wrong! if emp had people to mod, that knew their stuff, they could almost make WC3 out of emp!

emp is better, cheaper, not as steep requirements, what more do you want?

after all, WC3 is $40 and emp is $10.

$10 (emp)

x $4

$40 (ONE WC3 title)

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Actually, depending on which general you select, you will have an army with strengths in different areas. For example, a certain general will mean you will have very powerful special forces, while another general will mean you have great air power, and yet another will mean you have more emphasis on tanks and artillery. It's not like in Warcraft. Your general won't be running around the map with the forces, but rather in a bunker conducted his command and control responsibilities.

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Emp certainly is the best RTS on the market right now, unfortunately it's plagued by hundreds of game-ruining and strategy-ruining pathfinding bugs and the like.

you mean those 100% of those cheaters that you belong in? *note-over 100% isnt possible*

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I have played Warcraft 3 a lot and it sucks compared to Emperor. I mean with limited amount of units, unrealistic graphic and repeating gameplay, I wonder how the game even got such a high rating.

Emperor has much better graphics and gameplay than any of the strategy games I ever played.

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prince of persia - now that was a game i looked forward to playing during my lunch hour at work

Woot! That game owned (like 8 years ago ;D) I played it when I was about 7 or 8. Of course at that age, I couldn't really do much...I had trouble getting past the really fat guard (on level 6 i think it was) with one sock. ;D

yeah I know where you mean (hour glass spinning in my head). I was also trying to figure out what pc I was using at the time.. Dell 286 25mhz, 20mb hard drive, and 4mb's of memory? Something like that. I seem to remember it took 9 floppy discs to install it. Havent things changed lol

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