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A Sniper is Terrorizing the US


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the hardest thign i shot was a REmmington 45 rifle.. knocked me on my ass.. 2 bad its illegal to shoot.. did i say i shot it?!?!?! oh well.. anyway my dad is in the army so i get lots of cool things.

The sniper is probably just one pissed off ex-marine..

what they need to do is in the towns with the shootings, find out ht enames of guys/gals that are ex-miitary , cause u dont get trained as a sniper on teh streets.. there is a connection.. we are just looking in the wrong places.. think of high-school...

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wow no i didnt... i guess cause it would have to be a really cold hearted woman to be able to kill a child like that...

It would have to be a really cold hearted man to kill a random child(or anyone else) like that.

Women aren't the only ones who find it hard to reconcile killing others.

yeah but I think a man would most likly be the killer before a woman though

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Stereotyping. I don't doubt statistics say there are more male killers then female ones, but I don't believe a man would kill faster then a women when put in the same situation.

That too, but what i meant was that a woman would not have to be any more evil than a man in order to kill a child, or anyone else. The statistics do support that men are more likely to kill, though. Everyone kindof underestimates the ability of a woman to do something this bad.

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The capturing of those two as the snipers is a load of poppycock! They were arrested because they were wanted by the FBI for a local robbery and stolen credit cards! They found the tree where they practiced firing and suddenly they are the snipers! Poppycock!

Load of Poppycock!

All news, CNN, Fox, local networks, ABC, NBC, all of them are owned by Ted Turner, who was bought out by AOL - AOL corrupted the news and only shares the information that AOL wants! AOL needs to fricking die because they screw everybody up when they feed half-truths and half-lies to the public. You know that saying in many news "Bringing you the best real news"? Load of crap and it is all run by AOL! AOL is ten years old and owns all these news shows! All the news shows AOL owns stated the same report that they were the snipers. Poppycock!

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They have found it

It is a Bushmaster XM15 semi-automatic rifle. This particualar model had a 16-inch barrel.

The capturing of those two as the snipers is a load of poppycock! They were arrested because they were wanted by the FBI for a local

robbery and stolen credit cards! They found the tree where they practiced firing and suddenly they are the snipers! Poppycock!

Load of Poppycock!

All news, CNN, Fox, local networks, ABC, NBC, all of them are owned by Ted Turner, who was bought out by AOL - AOL corrupted

the news and only shares the information that AOL wants! AOL needs to fricking die because they screw everybody up when they feed

half-truths and half-lies to the public. You know that saying in many news "Bringing you the best real news"? Load of crap and it is all

run by AOL! AOL is ten years old and owns all these news shows! All the news shows AOL owns stated the same report that they were

the snipers. Poppycock!

Uh, yeah since most people have a Bushmaster XM15 semi-automatic rifle with a scope and suppressor(reduces muzzle flash) attached to it, in the back of their trunk which can be accessed from the car by a trapdoor in the back seat and has a 4-inch wide hole in the back. BTW the owners are expert marksmen and one is a former sniper from the army. That and that the other clues randomly point toward them.

If you are mad at the media for not releasing all the information, it was because they didn't get it all, because the police knew that if they did, they would tell everyone.

All the evidence seems to point to them and they haven't even denied it....

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All news, CNN, Fox, local networks, ABC, NBC, all of them are owned by Ted Turner

lol, talk about someone being mis-informed. LOL. Hey, does this guy live on planet earth?

Ted Turner does not own all that! Esp not fox news, which despises Turner (along with myself- ted turner is a moron)

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I'm only the messenger of the truth Empr, don't shoot me *no pun intended so to speak*

Empr, never mind that Fox comment, that's Rup. But my position still stands - AOL corrupts the news!

Dezert do you understand business at all? Saying that these guys were probably not the snipers due to lack of facts that the police had would get NO ratings, but if you manipulate the words and say that due to this blah blah they are the sniper, and BOOM ratings! It's all business, not the people.

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I know something better, throw them in a chamber and play records of "Bush famous speeches"

Torturing is immoral.

Put them in a cell and play nothing but Yoko Ono records :O "My ears they wont stop bleeding!!!"

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