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Medical Cloning


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No, we'll end up like Rhombur in House Corrino (the book).

Wasn't there a part in the bible that said humans should not interfere in any way with the human body? Here in the Netherlands we have zealots that refuse to let their children to have injections against deseases because of religious reasons. And those kids end up with horrorible deseases that could have been prevented easily if their parents didn't oppose it.

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I think taking painkillers and such is completely fine, I just hate it when people give their kids those drugs to 'settle them down'. They are kids, they are meant to be hyper and crazy. If you are going to have children, be prepared for them to be loud and obnoxious, don't just get some fancy drug to make them settle down.

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I think taking painkillers and such is completely fine, I just hate it when people give their kids those drugs to 'settle them down'. They are kids, they are meant to be hyper and crazy. If you are going to have children, be prepared for them to be loud and obnoxious, don't just get some fancy drug to make them settle down.

not really if it is interfearing with there school work,job, or needed to alow them sochil interaction its fine....

but the parents who pump them full of them just becouse they are to busy to care about there kids are the promblems...

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I don't know if there was such a thing in the bible- I never read it. I just heard about such a thing. But we do have people here that refuse their children basic medical treatment for religious reasons.

Do you know, how much variants of Bible translations were totally banned because much sects disused them for their own purposes? Anyway, in Psalm 14 is written: "There is no God". But read whole psalm and you'll find out, how can somebody disuse some word of Bible by taking some words out of concept.

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Much times they use these verses harder to translate overthrown to negate right messages of Bible. Bible has nothing against cloning (they just think it's an attack against human respect), but against embryo research there is one very important verse: "Thou shalt not kill" - Ex 20,13.

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hey what does that mean? the different language stuff? IM me if its bad (dont wanna lock the thread ;D)

and i agree the only reason ppl are thinking that a human embryo is not a human is because they were spoon feed that idea....

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well just because its your decision doesnt mean its right... (but then again same goes for mine too :P :D) and as far as I know (but i may be mistaken) i'm sure media or teachers from school maybe in a science class or some sort had a hand in the spoon part... :- its the same line they tried to feed me... ;D

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