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Oh my God


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Why should France and Germany fight with eachother? WW2 is over.

The Economy is veryyyyyy positive indeed;

"For" the politics, since the Euro camed that nobody voted for, the economy for everybody in every country of europe is messed up. You're literally paying the double price for every product in most shops.

They should atleast change the value of a Euro to the normal value of the old currency.

And another thing. "Yes" It's going very well with Europe, so well, people are starting to revolt against the changes today.

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you can't have the same value as you had before because we all had different values, if we did so there wouldn't be any reason for the euro, it's not the euro's fault but the retailers who higher the prices so they can get the same as they do in the neighbourgh country, greed.

Offcourse there will be trouble in the beginning.

why do you think we have lived in peace for 50 years in Europe?

"revolting"? I haven't seen any revolting, others than the people being against EU from the beginning.

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If the politics keep leading their own way, instead of not listening of what the people has to say.

If it were a Democracy the politics would have listen to the people are they doing it? No.

Does the people want the euro? No. And still they applied the new currency?

Does the people want to help America? Most of the people votes no. And still they are willing to support their attack.

So tell me, what does a democracy suppose to do? Look it up a dictionary.

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Nampigai, maybe you are one of the few that appreciates the euro.

But the majority, mainly 85% of the people in europe is against the euro.

So what happens if almost everybody is against the euro, what will happen if they continue to bombard the wishes of the people?

Besides, nobody wants to pay the double price for a product for the next decade.

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If you mean the masses, then you're a political toe licker.

It has nothing to do with greed, the euro is basicly ripping your pants off. Only the merchants are the one who has profit with the coin.

Either 'you' are ignorant or the so called political toe licker, or you don't live in Europe at all and have critic on our society, while you don't even experience it.

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