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Evolution and Creation


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Archaeoraptor- the so-called missing link between birds and dinosaurs. When this was discovered, Evolutionists hailed it as one of the greatest discoveries regarding dinosaurs of all time. Now, this really blows me away because scientific fraud is relentless. It just doesn't stop. People will do anything to 'prove' evolution, including lie.

On October 15, 1999, at a press conference in Washington D.C., the National Geographic Society announced the discovery and interpretation of the newest fossil called Archaeoraptor liaoningensis (meaning "ancient bird of prey from Liaoning" The press conference coincided with the November 1999 issue of National Geographic magazine and its article "Feathers for T. rex? New birdlike fossils are missing links in dinosaur evolution..is a true missing link in the complex chain that connects dinosaurs to birds."

"We can now say that birds are theropods (meat eating dinosaurs) just as confidently as we say that humans are mammals." National Geographic, November 1999, page 108.


3D digital reconstruction of the Archaeoraptor slab using high-resolution X-ray CT slices


how this "awesome" discovery supposedly looked

Wow, Science is proving evolution of dinosaurs! 3 cheers for science. Oh, but wait. Hold yer horses. All those 'idiot' creation scientists out there decided to take a closer look at this so-called 'missing link'. (thank God)

After a lot of embarrassment and untanglement, it was revealed months later that the archaeoraptor fossil was a fake manufactured in China for gullible fossil collectors and gullible evolutionists.

It was a major embarassment.

"The idea of feathered dinosaurs and the theropod origin of birds is being actively promoted by a cadre of zealous scientists acting in concert with certain editors at Nature and National Geographic who themselves have become outspoken and highly biased proselytizers of the faith. Truth and careful scientific weighing of evidence have been among the first casualties in their program, which is now fast becoming one of the grander scientific hoaxes of our age

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Cmon empr, now we are going below the belt here. Science did none of that, human beings manipulated evidence to their own liking, and the evidence was created by man, which tells you right away it was their fault not science. Paleontology can be wrong and can be right sometimes, it's science! People make hoaxes, science does not.

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yes. noone should ever start any more threads like this again. im allready involved with one, and i dont have the time. so just stop taking everyone. ive heard this 20,000 times, and its getting very boring. i think everyone whose been here for a while agreed to stay away from these topics. do us a favor and let this thread die.

---"so saying, gila then went on to forums that werent a waste of his time."

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Guys no matter how precise or how substantial or how much evidence you present to creationists they will stick firmly to their beliefs.

The problem is that when presented with contradictory evidence they will not admit that they are wrong. I call it old person syndrome.

You have to be able to be dynamic in this world if you want to be able to keep up with it. As new evidence is discovered theories that were once widely accepted will be proven false. If someone can present one piece of solid evidence that evolution has not occured then i will change my point of view. The problem is that religion is desperately hanging on to a dwindling market share. With each new scientific discovery that contradicts religion, people involved with it will do and say anything to try to get this evidence discredited.

There are so many examples of it.

Genetic(This alone absolutely completely and utter destroys the creationist therory)

Techtonic(you even in this thread sat on the fence with this one rather that blatently sticking your head in the sand)

Atmospherical(covers many areas from space to air content)

These examples each have overwhelming evidence alone to discredit the creationist therory by themselves. Put all these scientific facts together and for you to disagree with it is just being plain naive. Faith is another word for manipulation. I hope for all those people that do believe in religion see it for what it really is, a fabrication. I only worry that once people relise that there whole existance is purely to spead their genetic legacy people will do stupid things as they relise that the only thing that can stop them are the laws of the world.

Before you say where is your evidence, i just have to point to the millions of scientists and i stress that word millions. The majority of the developed world is on my side. As freedom of information increases religious following starts to fall away as people are exposed to evidence that contradicts it. That is why evolution is taught in schools. Teachers have had to change their point of view. Many people are changing their point of view. Dont get left behind. Admitting that you are wrong is one of the hardest things to do. I am the first to admit i am wrong when proved otherwise although being a smart asse i usually say that it doesn't happen very often just when i say things like i am the best at emperor

Emp i will give you credit for your debating skills considering you are debating something that has been conclusively proved to be incorrect. Apart from the fact that you have quoted nothing but historical evidence and nothing scientific you debate well. Although i even admit with that sentence that i contradict myself considering it is impossible to believe in creationsist therory and also believe in hard core scientific evidence.

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How many times must I tell you this, Repoman?

Evolution and Religion are perfectly compatible!

You talk as if the entire fate of Christianity rested on Creationism - NOT true! You can easily be both a Christian and an evolutionist. Take me for example...

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do you mean adaptation or evolution?

evolution, as i understand it, is that humans came from monkeys came from such and such....yaddayaddayadda, eventually linking humans to single celled bacteria and such.

adaptation being that certain cratures developed or changed over time to compensate for an ever changing environment.

am i right?

also, i hate these threads because i too am a christian / evolutionist (i believe in the latter thoery), but everyone allways flames me anyway.

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So you believe that the bible was written by people who were inspired by god. By believing in the bible you believe in creationism unless you are willing to pick and choose parts of the bible that you wish to believe in.

The reality of the situation is that creationists disagree despite all the evidence that life evolved from a single celled organism. The one part of the equation that will finally discredit religion once and for all will be new scientific evidence explaining how life evolved from nothing.

Stephen Hawkins i belive along with other scientists are currently working on experiments on recreating this particular scenerio. Once achieved the fallacy of religion will be exposed once and for all.

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