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20k Banned


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Gob the title is slightly misleading because the article states they are banned for only 2 weeks.

I knew they'd never ban CDKEYS for using the Maphack - that would cause a logistical nightmare and several multi-million dollar lawsuits against Blizzard.

I do doubt you'll even see another CDKEY ban from Blizzard of this scope again. They are gonna have tons of irate customers harrassing their offices now, many of whom probably didn't even use the map hack (their kids might have done it without the CDKEY owner knowing it etc...). Blizzard will find that even banning CDKEYS for 2 weeks was a huge mistake that is simply not worth the consquences.

Props to them for at least *supporting* their games though.

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Have they fixed the flying drone thing in SC yet???

flying drones? hmm i've never seen that, but then again i haven't played sc online for like 2 months. I do remember an enemy building a sunken colony IN my hatchery. It was creepy :). I couldn't kill it and that sunken just destroyed my base, sux badly. The map hack is just lame. I've never used it but i can imagine that people get a huge advantage when using a map hack

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i dont know if it was a map hack or just a rigged map.

but i was playing this guy a game of melee

the map was just ore from what he told me. which is ok. since i like rines. well i looked and looked for his base.

then i found it up in the top left hand corner of the map! he was harvesting gas! i had no vespane so i couldnt do a thing against him...i left.....

that basterd....

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Have they fixed the flying drone thing in SC yet???

No, and they never will. They don't care about StarCraft anymore: they stopped patching it eternally when WarIII came out. That would get in the way of the Blizzard Entertainment WarCraft Dream. ::)

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