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A girl that was about to be my girlfriend,


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OK IxianMace. :)

Remember the phrase in Dune some where ?

"Impared longings define you desires. And those desires incapture you."

Or something like that.

Means every thing comes in waves, no "stand still perfect situation", but in a way it stay's in balance. And the balance itself is the "good" thing. You just have to find the right balance.

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Well if I had a girlfriend and she wanted to keep things a little more "free" then I guess I probably wasn't satisfying her needs as far as the relationship goes. But I'm not sure she'll be happy to find out that Emperor is more important... (that's if I had a girlfriend by the way) :D ;D

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Well considering the fact that I'm a computer nerd, I keep to myself, and I don't have a job, I don't see how I could ever get a girlfriend and actually 'keep her happy'. Depends on how demanding she is as well. I mean, I don't really consider myself that attractive, if you know what I mean... :- :(

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Of course I'll have changed. I'll be owning people in Emperor instead of them owning me. I'll be finishing my uni course (hopefully), but I probably still won't have a girlfriend. Unless that 'special' someone happens to walk up to me when I least expect it and tap me on the shoulder, and then ask me out, which I SERIOUSLY doubt. As for the 1st September 2005. I won't forget. I'm an Ixian. How could an Ixian forget? :O ;D

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Balance in a relationship isn't that difficult guys. One can play games and have a girlfriend/wife. You all seem to forget that when boy meets girl, both are who they are. I mean, when you meet a girlfriend and you are going steady, she knows you like computer games (unless you deliberatly (spelling?) didn't tell her).

I know my girlfriend now for more then 15 years, 13 of them we are together as couple (with a break of a year). We were married, but due to circumstances we got divorced for a year (but back together now :))

I can play all the time I want, the only thing she asks is that sometimes I spend some time with her. As long as I'm not behind the comp 24/7, she's got no problem with it.

Remember, in a relationship it's giving and taking ;)

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The resemblance, he is a computer nerd with a girlfriend.

Did som ebig things a way back, then only small if you should believe it. And one of the groups he was with hacked a Arabian bank last year.

He wanted to kill himself live on the internet under the phrase "enought is enough" a few months ago but got arrested in a Japaneese hotelroom a few days prior.

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Hmmm, well I don't want to follow that kind of path in my life. I just want to get the skills to own people 1 by 1 in Emperor Battle for Dune. The well respected, good players will also be mine eventually, I mean there is no victory in defeating someone that couldn't possibly beat you. No hackers or stuff like that. :O

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Well I've never had a girlfriend in my entire life, and since I'm going to spend the rest of my days hardcore gaming against people at WOL in Emperor Battle for Dune, I guess I'm not EVER going to have one. Doesn't matter though, I'm already past the stage where I thought that having a girlfriend might be an option. :P


You got a point...

We are too important for that.. and We (me and maybe you) are too young to hunt girls for a serious relationship... So be a Freak when you can. get girl tomorrow

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Yeah and if you think "oh i'll get a girlfriend later" You wont know the right things to say and you'll lose her. You need to start now and work your way up to the perfect girl. Also if you don't go out and meet girls you might just miss the perfect girl and some one else will get her

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It's not worth it. Girls are evil. I can prove it mathematically:

First, we all know thar girls require time and money, so:

girls = time x money

But time is money, therefore:

girls = money^2

And money is the root of all evil:


girls = (V evil)^2


girls = evil

(Assuming evil is positive, girls are real. If evil is negative, girls are complex.)

:) :) :)

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