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Best movie you've seen so far ?

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Monty Pythons search for the holy grail

Monty pythons the life of Brian



Rob Roy

Boondock Saints

Pulp Fiction

Resivoir dogs

The spy who shagged me

The Prophicy

and about 100 more i can't think of.


wow too many to list ;D i'll try ;Ddid u meant 'The Prophecy' (the one with Christopher Walken) I've seen all 3 like them very muchBoondock Saints (i actually watched this moving not know I had already seen it... untill the cat sceen, then it all came back to me ;D)oh yeah DUNE ;D (liked both D. Lynch and mini series)Beyond the MatStorm Riders (live action animi)A Man Called Hero (live action animi)Once Upon a Time in China I - IIISay It Isn't SoLeft Behind (the movie)Resident Evil (just saw)LOTR: Fellowship of the Rings (just saw)The Rocky Horror Picture ShowThe WallFriday (cant forget that one ;D)The Shawshank RedemptionSaving SilvermanShallow Haland a lot others I cant think of right now ;D




Monty Pythons search for the holy grail

Monty pythons the life of Brian



Rob Roy

Boondock Saints

Pulp Fiction

Resivoir dogs

The spy who shagged me

The Prophicy

and about 100 more i can't think of.

Good choices man. Really good choices. As for movies like "The Matrix". They are overrated. Even though it does seem original it copies many other movies. Now I know a lot of movies do that. Its just that very good movies should be real originals. Starwars in my opinion isnt a great movie. It was nowhere near original. Thats an example.


brrrr.... dune david lynch.... I like david lynch a lot, but dune..... dunno, pretty "normal" from my point of view. Still, it's all just opinions :)


The Lost Highway was very good ;D I've watched it many times many ways ;D And it seems so different each time ;D

Twin Peaks is my favorite Lynch I'd have to say, I know its a series but there was a moive too. Fire Walk With Me? I think that is the movie.

"Where is BoB?!" ;D


oh yeah that one was good too... i was watchig it not know it was a lynch film thinking man this is like some weird D.L. sh*t and it was ;D


No, the movie is based on the works of Rene Descartes. Every single thing in this movie relates back to his works, from the question of what you can and cannot know, how you can and cannot know it, and even the ability to stop bullets. All of that is in his wrks, and apparently, in Reloaded, they are going even more in-depth into them.


Not bad for some one not studing philosophy ;)

You are partially right. It was Hilary Putnam who made the idea behind The Matrix. But then again Putnam just took the entire "Evil genius" from Descartes with the theory supprting it and just replaced the Evil genius with "brains in a vat". Which as it predicts the only thing existing, our brain which input and output is monitored, controled and altered by a computer. That computer at his turn could be getting an input from a "mad scientist" controling our IO.

[ I didn't think of the names, they are the ones Hilary Putnam mentioned. ]

Unless Descartes, who doesn't by definition support the existence of a brain, just the entity that doubts, phisical or non-phisical.

So again, think you are partially right. ;)


1. Star Wars Episodes IV, V and VI (Episode I is good, but not compared to the other SW movies; Episode II is far better, but still worse than SW 4, 5 and 6)

2. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (go J.R.R.!)

3. Spider-Man



Lucky Day: Look a plane!

Dusty Bottoms: What is it doing here?

Ned Nederlander: I think it's a male plane.

Dusty Bottoms: How can you tell?

Ned Nederlander: Didn't you notice its little balls?

:P ;D


I like Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Best movie ever! ;D

Arthur: You bloody fool, you've got no arms!

Black Knight: I've had worse.


(Black Knight has now lost all limbs)

Black Knight: OK, we'll call it a draw.

*Artur walks over bridge*

Black Knight: Come back here! I'll bite your legs off! Oh, so we're a chicken, eh?


Braveheart was a masterpiece.

It should not be compared to schlock like LOTR. I have not seen LOTR because I am not down with sexual deviants touching kids in movies (Elijah Wood; I saw him get touched when they had it playing on Walmart when I was shopping the other day) and playing rolemodels for kids to look up to. From the clip I saw, aside from utterly being disgusted by the "touching incident" (like, ewwwww!), I noticed that every one of the actors were over-acting, and doing a horrible job at that. The script was trite and over-wraught, and completely laughable. The entire thing had a huge "hokeyness" factor.

It's nowhere close to being in the same class as a brilliant movie like Braveheart.

Nav I think I know what you mean by the "touching incident" and can I say that there are no children in it at all only Hobbits that look like them. Not that it was anything disgusting or anything (if you want to argue I've got it here at home and can check).


hey i like Oceans Eleven ;D

I like the newer on better than the older one ;D not much of a George CLoony fan :P ;D my wife is tho ;D

and i ahte to admit it but Oh Brother Where Art Thou is a very good movie ;D

"by chance are any of you guys smithies?!"

"them sirens done loved him up and turned him into a horney toad!!!"

*wakes up from dream* "my hair!!"

it was just a funny movie ;D and that song just eats at you till you like it ;D

"I am the man..... of constant sorrow... I seen trouble all my days" ;D


The Matrix (Best storyline ever conceived)

Lord Of The Rings (You can kiss my ass nav)

Training Day (Holy shit, talk about good acting)

Terminator 2: Judgement Day (A classic ;D)

X-Men would be on there if it had more action sequences ;D


I thought The Matrix was based off of Neuromancer?

Just looked it up. I was wrong about the persone. It should be Hilary Putnam instead of Quine. [ what was I thinking ::), all those hours off college just a waste ;D ]

[ I'll edit the posts above ]

Wasn't the novell of William Gibson just the idea, instead of your body really being a computer it is only compared to one ?

The URL below has a small explenation of the Brains in a vat idea of Putnam.


But I'm not that familiar with the novell of William Gibson. Just know we had the explenation of Hilary Putnam and some references to the film The Matrix because that was obvious. But the movie wasn't the main subject . .although that would have been a lot easier :)

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