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yeah Picard has to go!

"Im Jean-Luc Picard. yes im an british looking Captian with a frecnh sounding name but yet i talk with a scotish accent... and no this far in the future there is still no cure for baldness" ;D

you are the weakest link goodbye ;D

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Don't worry Mahdi, that Trekkie was just for scaring away the Star Trek haters ;)

Thanks for all your answers. I see now that mostly Deanna Troy is hated, but 1 question for them, is that because of the series? Cause I found her very irritating there too. But in the movies (Generations, First Contact, Insurrection, (Nemesis ?)) she act alot better.

But other people, please don't hesitate to reply

Just 2 more questions, for all people:

5. Which movie did you like most

6. Are you going to see the new Star Trek Nemesis? (13 December)

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5. hmm i liked a few of them... but the whales one, im still confused if i liked it or not ;D

6. not being a big trekki im not to familar with this new on u speak of... is it the new crew Enterprise? did they get a movie? I know the season premire (september 19th (I think thats the date) is gonna be a two hour one ;D I like the new enterprise *ducks flames* i know there not very popular with a lot of trekkies but I like it.... maybe its cause i watched too mcuh Quantium Leap growing up ;D "Al is taht you? What did ziggy say?" and the always same cliff hanger no matter who or where he leapped to and what they were doing "Oh boy" ;D

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5. I haven't seen enough of the movies to say. Of the ones I've seen, First Contact (I haven't seen (or don't remember seeing) the second and third ST movies (The Search for Spock and The Revenge of Kahn)).

6. Yes, definitely! (There aren't enough good sci-fi programs/films out there :'(.)

The Next Generation did get terrible after the first three seasons. The first three were good. I've never seen the original series but Kirk's definitely a better captain than Picard (from what I've seen from the movies).

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Well, if you have seen 2 movies you can already say which one you liked most. And I forgot to include my answers

5. I liked First Contact (Borg on the Enterprise)most. But The Voyage Home was also very good (The one with the whales)

Here is a list of the movies:

I Motion Picture (With V'ger, searching for his creator (men))

II The Wrath of Kan (Old enemy Kan tries to defeat Enterprse and capture Genesis Project)

III The Search for Spock (Where they want to revive Spock)

IV The Voyage Home (Where they travel back through time to search for some whales)

V The Final Frontier (Where they travel to search for god)

VI The Undiscovered Country (About the coming alliance between human and Klingon)

VII Generations (Where Soran (a.k.a. Q72 :P) tries to get into the Nexus)

VIII First Contact (The Borg tries to hinder First Contact between men and Vulcan)

IX Insurrection (About a planet with regenarating powers)

X (Coming) Nemesis (About the Romulans who wants to destroy Earth)

6. Sure I go see Nemesis :)

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5) the Wraith of Kahn. Incredibly sharp writing (the only show/movie whose writing is even comparable is Buffy the Vampire Slayer n it's heyday), incredible bad guy, lots of suspense and action, great direction, jsut a general all around great movie.

6) Maybe on video.

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my favorites are startrek 2 and 3. I thought 1 was good but it was kinda a copy in direction to 2001. I love 5. its considered the worst of them all but I just really love it.

the worst was generations for me. though I looooved first contact.

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Generations or insurrection were the worst for me. Generations, because of the needless, crappy way they killed of Kirk, insurrection because it was nothing more than a two hour episode of The Next Generation, and seeing as I won't watch that show for free on T.V. I sure as hellw asn't happy when I paid four bucks to rent it. It just flat out sucked.

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Insurrection, the movie where Picard tries to save people living on a planet with regeneration abilitiies. Becuase another people wants to take that planet. Later it shows that they both are from the same specie

It's the recentest movie (after Nemesis)

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actully in one of the startreak novels

spock went to visit kirks grave. he looked up and saw strange weapons fire he didnt reconize. he looks down at kirks grave only to see that the rocks sournding kirk collapsed. kirk was gone....he was taken. :)

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Every movie after The Undiscovered Country was utter schlock. *I* could have wrote better scripts than those.Talk about ASININE (every ST movie after The Undiscovered Country was UNBELIEVABLY ASININE)The Undiscovered Country and movies before it were excellent, for the most part.

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The old movies were great because of good plots, but I didn't like the old series. It was a poor and cheesy prediction of the future. With all the doing sounds and a whistle for a com call, not to mention the big, bulky mechanical "computers" with switches, enterprise looked more like apollo 11 than a futuristic starship.

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About Kirk being alive .. .

You've all seen Generations ?

Well, one part of you is in the Nexus, when you leave that part stays there. Look at Guinan, Pickard meets her in the nexus.

So in that way, Kirk should [ could ] still be there. . .in the Nexus. . . .

I agree with how Kirk died. But the original ending was better, a shame they made a new one for the final to realesed film. Generations would be a lot better with that ending.

Anyway, the best film. The Undiscoverd Country. And with the Next Generation crew Insurrection.

And ofcoure I'll go to Star Trek X.


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I just hope Nemesis isn't like Insurrection (I didn't like it; was like a long episode (like someone else said on this thread)).

Nobody's said much about that new series with Jonathan Archer (I haven't seen many of the episodes (I only see what I can get from this guy I know who's got satellite TV (the new series hasn't started on SA TV yet (not even on M-NET!)))). (Man, that's too many brackets!) I like the new captain; he's a lot less PC than Janeway.

Anyway, I've got to see Star Trek II and III - from what I've heard, they're pretty good.

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Nemesis was said to have more action in it. And it is 'save earth' movie. And that did quite well with other movies (Voyage Home, First Contact, don't count Motion Picture for every person)

And Data is good in movies, but in series bad. But that are most things and persons

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To the original questions:

1. The Next Generation (I grew up with that show! And Picard was the very best captain ever - he actually THINKS before making a decision)

2. The original crew (in every episode, Kirk goes to a planet that has some striking similarty to Earth, gets some from a female native while breaking the First Directive, then leaves)

3. Q - he knows how to have fun :)

4. The Doctor - a hologram with feelings? C'mon!

How many Earth twins did Kirk discover? Let's see: there was a 20th century Roman planet, a native american planet, a gangster planet, even a post-apocalyptic planet with Yangs (yankees) holding the american flag! Bleah.

Picard all the way!

IMO, Voyager comes a close second... just because I love the Borg. :) And species 8472 kicks @$$! As for Enterprise... bad, bad idea. It feels like they're in the stone age.

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