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When do you know when your a Dune fantic?


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I had a dream one time about a worm but it was dissolving and a Fremen warrior had blood on his hands and was talking to me. I could not make out all he was saying but it had to do with the reason the worm had dissolved I believe. It was more to the dream but I had it a long time ago so I forgotten some of it.

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Guest Ordos_Yogurt

COOL! I can say something too

Ordos_Yogurt, chto ty zdelal z doskoy? Vobshem ahlodiss, vse chto Alex skozall bylo toje samoe chto Ex, tolko po ispanczke.

Thats a bit of RUSSIAN 4 U

he he he

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, as a Dune fan ( ore mayby a Dune fanatic ) I've never dreamd about anything related to the Dune universe. No, I think life itself is an ongoing dream, a dream of reality. And for you fans who have had enough of al that Russian and Spannish, here are a couple of words in Dutch. Angst is de moordenaar van het verstand. Angst is een halfgod die volledige vernietiging meebrengt. Ik zal mijn angst over en door me heen laten vloeien. En als hij voorbij is, zal ik mijn innerlijke oog op zijn pad richten. Waar de angst is gegaan is niets achtergebleven. Alleen ikzelf blijf.

It's the Dutch translation of "the littany angainst fear".


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Mentoring?... First you must prove yourself on these boards before we the "Brotherhood of the Sands" will even consider you for mentoring. Only then will you be allowed to enter our circles Worm Worshipper the "Brotherhood" will be watching.

How's that for a greeting, sir?  It's a person like this that makes me leery of getting on these boards. What is with your username? I thought this was a Dune site and not a Star Wars based-site.
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WormWorshipper leeriness is good. You just had your first lesson "newbie". I would say you are on your way to gaining the mentoring that you asked for in your first post. What is it with my username you ask? My name comes from the Dune book itself I did not want any of the character names because well, I could never be those characters so I chose to make my own with what was provided. Very humorous in pointing to the slight fact that my username sounds kinda like a character from the Star Wars universe. This was not intended it just happened that way and I do not pay it any attention cause people will know the difference when they become familiar with Dune. And as far as greeting go Hallmark are the experts. Do not fear join us in the sands of Dune.

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Let's see.  We've established that the new people learn quickly anymore huh Fed?  Anyhow *goes into lecture about the spice*  and that's it *five hours later lecture ends*  Anyhow WormWorshipper there is no real mentor type thing on the message boards except to heed the advice of those on it, and not to mess with Gob, mahdi, etc.  It may be fun to make fun of them but they will be watching you if you do, its more fun to ask them stuff you don't know.

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